Monday, February 21, 2011

Pontiac Vibe Recall


Used Honda Civic Honda Civic Car

New Moon, February 24, 2009: The Sacred Search for Self

The Pisces New Moon is a time to surrender form. It is a time to dive deep one last time into the dreamtime of Winter. It is a time to gather inspiration from the unseen worlds. Pisces is the end of the astrological cycle that begins with Aries. When the Sun enters Aries this month on March 20, the Self crystallizes again into form. The goal is to emerge and begin the task of discovering who we are. Pisces asks: What do I make sacred as I surrender this form? Aries asks: Who am I? Who do I want to be? These two enquiries are important this month.

Although the Sun, Moon and Uranus are in Pisces in the New Moon chart, there is still a significant collection of energy in Aquarius at the beginning of the lunation cycle. The North Node (growing edge), Jupiter (expansive belief), Mercury (acquiring and processing information), Mars, (action and will), Chiron (the shaman), and Neptune (transcendence) are strung across the sign of the Water Carrier. Last month I wrote about the Aquarian energy of the Inauguration. Throughout this year Aquarian ideals?freedom, possibility, and revolution; hope in technology; an increase in social networking via the Internet; refining what it means to be human; attending to community needs and the need for community?will remain strong as Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune come closer together this Spring.

The other ongoing subtext to this year, Uranus in Pisces opposite Saturn in Virgo, is emphasized in the New and Full Moon charts this month. [I?ve written about this opposition during these past few months.] Any opposition between outer planets invites us to investigate the middle path. Swinging from one extreme to another, the real work seems to be in the space between. Are you finding yourself in the place of paradox, waiting for resolution, anxious about the tension between issues or choices in your life? How do you work with these forces? The Full Moon on March 10 aligns with the Uranus/Saturn opposition. We will have the opportunity to have these lessons illuminated.

Venus retrograde. A retrograde cycle is a special journey that a planet takes. For Venus, this journey is much like the one the goddess Inanna took to visit her sister Ereshkigal. [You can read a previous article I wrote on the Venus/Inanna associations.] On March 6 Venus stations retrograde at 15� Aries. Every 19 months Venus turns retrograde. Venus? retrograde cycle forms a distinct pattern in the sky. In 8 years Venus stations 5 times evenly spaced around the zodiac forming a pentacle. The points of the pentacle move very slowly through time.

Currently the points are in Aries, Scorpio, Gemini, Aquarius, and Virgo.

Each Venus journey carries a theme. Each journey forms a point on a pentacle. These are:

Aries: Self
Scorpio: Power
Gemini: Knowledge
Aquarius: Freedom
Virgo: Service

Venus entices us to discover how these important points on the pentacle can flourish through the expression of beauty, balance, and pleasure. Through this pentacle we may explore: How am I my authentic Self when I embrace Venus? How do I claim my Power when I embrace Venus? What do I learn as I embrace Venus? How am I freed by embracing Venus? What wholeness do I serve when I embrace Venus?

One important feature of the Venus retrograde cycle is the length of time Venus will spend in just one sign. When Venus is moving direct, it speeds through an entire sign in less than a month. Due to the retrograde motion, Venus will be in Aries for 4 months (February 2 to June 6). [Venus will dip back into Pisces from April 11 to April 24.] In traditional astrology Venus is in her detriment in the sign of Aries. This means, that Venus is traveling through a sign opposite to one she rules, in this case Libra. Venus in Libra shows us her accommodating face, she desires harmony, relationship, and justice. In Aries, Venus struggles to align the need for partnering with the need for individuation. This Venus in Aries invites us to investigate how to bring balance into our relationships as we acknowledge that we are unique, that we sometimes must act in our own best interests, and that sometimes the journey is solitary. Aries is a fire sign. Venus reveals the beauty held within the flame and the consuming fires of passion.

This journey to reclaim Self is a journey of courage. Inanna was Queen of Heaven, she was mistress of the green fields, keeper of the storehouse, custodian of the divine laws. She did not need to surrender everything for her underworld journey. But she did. What is the courageous journey you take on behalf of your Self? A way to honor Venus is to envelop ourselves in beauty. During this retrograde cycle, how will you honor Venus?

Important dates for the Venus story:
February 1 Venus enters the shadow zone of this retrograde cycle (29� Pisces)
February 2 Venus enters Aries
March 6 Venus stations retrograde (15� Aries)
March 11 Venus (14� Aries) sextile Jupiter (14� Aquarius) Energizing opportunity for beauty.
Next lunar cycle:
March 27 Sun (7� Aries) conjunct Venus (7� Aries) This is the culmination of the retrograde cycle.
March 28 Mercury (6� Aries) conjunct Venus (6� Aries) Thought and beauty combine.
April 3 Venus (3�Aries) square Pluto (3� Capricorn) A confrontation with power.
April 11 through April 24 Venus at 29� Pisces. A time apart to reflect and be inspired.
April 17 Venus stations direct. Begin the return from the underworld.
May 2 Venus (3� Aries) square Pluto (3� Capricorn) Another confrontation with power.
May 20 Venus leaves the shadow zone of the retrograde cycle (15� Aries)
June 6 Venus enters Taurus

Neptune and Chiron. The story of these two planets coming together in Aquarius is beginning to develop. In May Jupiter will join them in a near triple conjunction. This month, Mercury and Mars pay a visit to both. Anyone with natal planets or points from 21 to 25 degrees of any fixed sign (Aquarius, Taurus, Leo or Scorpio) will experience this transit more deeply. Both of these planets [Chiron is actually not a planet. Read an excellent article about Chiron by Richard Dagan here.] are initiators. Both challenge us to be more vulnerable, more open, more in touch with pain and grief. The shamanic initiation of Chiron can be experienced as a dismemberment or dismantling of identity where we are put back together with a part missing, a space left open to the other world. This opening gives us access to wisdom and healing. And it also feels like a wound. The Neptune initiation is much like Odin?s as he hung on the World Tree. Through surrender we attain wisdom and compassion. The transits from Mercury and Mars this month will begin to bring this story into focus. It is time to open and listen to Mystery. Remembering may help us put back the pieces of our lives. Developing compassion toward self and others may help us build a valuable foundation.

Dates important to this story:
March 1 Mercury (19� Aquarius) conjunct Mars (19� Aquarius)
March 3 Mercury (22�Aquarius) conjunct Chiron (22�Aquarius)
March 5 Mercury (24� Aquarius) conjunct Neptune (24� Aquarius)
March 5 Mars (22� Aquarius) conjunct Chiron (22� Aquarius)
March 8 Mars (24� Aquarius) conjunct Neptune (24� Aquarius)

Spring Equinox. In the midst of these transits and energies, the Sun moves into Aries on March 20. Day and night temporarily balance. The chart for the Equinox shows the Moon in Capricorn, Saturn opposing Mercury and Uranus, and Pluto square the Sun. We enter this new season aware of the seriousness of the times. We must manage resources, hold ourselves accountable, and take on added work to create the world we envision. What feeds your resolve? How do you enter into the work invigorated and with joy?

May we find the joy that sustains and may we share what gives us joy.


Horoscope Astrology

Style Way : Whitney Port

Hollywood'da ?�hretler kald?r?m? olur da bende �nl�lerin stillerine giden ipu�lar? k�?esi olmaz m?? :) Art?k ilham al?nas? stilleri bulabilece?iniz bir k�?e olacak Style Way. O zaman Whitney Port ile a�?l???m?z? yapal?m. Leopar ete?i ile omuzlar? f?rf?rl??? trikosunu siyah military botlarla kullanan Whitney'e bu tarz �ok yak??m??. Genelde bohem se�imlerle kar??m?za �?kan Whitney, sokak stilini yans?tan sadelikte...

Marka Modası Marka Giyim

Our Art Collection

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Toyota recalls 1.7 million vehicles

Honda Civic Car Honda Cars

New Moon September 8, 2010: Summer's End

It?s closet cleaning time. The end of Summer, always has me looking longingly at closet organizing catalogs. Can a perfectly organized closet really bring happiness? Oh probably not, but perhaps it can help to ease the tension that this time of year brings. This is the Virgo tension? a nagging sense that I must put all in order. Something really important depends on it. Like the maniacal squirrels running around my neighborhood, I am impelled to rush about hoping that I can get ready for the change in season.

I know an organized closet is not a substitute for what this season is really about, but it is tempting to think that if I could just have a place for everything and everything in its place, then I?d be ready to accept the Fall and coming Winter with grace and ease. I?d be really ready. If a clean closet doesn?t actually create that readiness for what?s ahead, then what does? Seeking the answer to that question is a good intention for this New Moon in Virgo.

Each season has three parts, three months, three signs that mirror for us internal and external realities. These three parts are called the modalities in astrology. They are Cardinal?season?s beginning, Fixed?season?s middle, and Mutable?season?s end. The Sun and Moon join together on September 8 in the Mutable sign of Virgo at Summer?s end. Understanding and integration are the key purposes of each Mutable sign. (The word integration comes from a Latin word that means renewal.) At season?s end, we do whatever is necessary to put away the past and prepare for the future. And we can?t simply forget about what has happened, we must find the wisdom, value, and purpose of those things. Each Mutable sign (there are four, one for each element) has its own methods of doing that. Virgo uses the Earth element. Earth specializes in the physical realm; hence Virgo understanding comes bound with physical practices and manifestations. The more maniacal I feel about cleaning my closet, the more aware I am that I probably need to focus on other Virgo values like balance in mind and body, as well as spiritual and physical practices that keep me centered and grounded. Even though Virgo is an earth sign, there is a definite mental component to Virgo?s energy. All the Mutable signs are learners and synthesizers. So, even though I will benefit from using my body to integrate the lessons of summer, I still have a sense that I must spend some time in contemplation as well.

The Hermit is the Tarot card that stands for the sign of Virgo. This image from the Thoth deck captures a vital Virgo idea. Take the wisdom of this season, the light in his hand, and go deeper into understanding. The planets have conspired this last season to give us lots to think about. Many profound shifts are happening. Although some of the transits are over, the impact is still coming, I think.

Lessons of Summer to integrate

Saturn in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn?These planets challenge us to take on hard issues. Ecological disaster, economic injustice, and religious intolerance are just some of important issues  we must confront. On a personal level, people with planets or important points at the beginning of any Cardinal sign are having profound experiences. Now is a time for life-defining choices. It is particularly important for you to find ways to integrate the changes happening in your life.
Uranus conjunct Jupiter in Aries?The ingress into Fire sign, Aries, signals a deep impatience with the status quo. Both of these planets retrograde back into Mutable Water for the fall and winter. I find myself trying to integrate my spiritual values into my desire for change. Water gives us wisdom on an emotional level. This will be an important skill to have on hand when Jupiter and Uranus go back into Aries (Jupiter in January 2011 and Uranus in March 2011).

Mercury retrograde?Mercury is stationing direct at this New Moon. It?s been traveling through Virgo, a sign it has special affinity for. Mercury will have passed through the same degrees of Virgo three times when this retrograde journey is finally complete on September 27. This particular retrograde cycle is challenging us to take our time in truly integrating the experiences of Summer. It won?t come right away, we?ll have to dig a little deeper and perhaps rely a little more on faith that understanding and completion will come.

Fall?s beginning. The Mercury retrograde lesson of patience comes in handy as we begin a new season. A new season begins. This is an excellent time to set new intentions. However, it is important to give the integration time of Virgo complete attention before we move into the Fall. Skipping over integration often means we will have to go over those lessons again in the future. 

The Full Moon comes just hours after the Sun goes into Libra ? also known as Fall Equinox. Astrologers use the seasonal charts, known as the ingress charts, set for a country?s capital as a way to forecast the fortunes of that country during the season. In this Ingress Chart set for Washington D.C. I am noticing that the angles (Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven and Nadir) are in Mutable signs. In the last two ingress charts of Spring and Summer, the angles have been in Cardinal signs. This signals that change is coming. Perhaps it will be the Republican Party gaining control of the Congress, or perhaps a new revitalization of President Obama?s influence. The 10th house of this chart represents the President. There we find Uranus, Jupiter and the Moon in Pisces. If Obama is going to revitalize his message, he will have to tap into a spiritual force, a collective consciousness, much like he did during his inauguration.

The tension in the Equinox chart also shows up in the Full Moon chart. We again have the Cardinal t-square configuration that was prevalent this Summer. This is the last time that Pluto/Saturn/Uranus and Jupiter will align with the Sun and Moon. (The December 21 Lunar Eclipse will include all these planets in a t-square but without Saturn.) The Fall continues to be an important time for dealing with big shifts and difficult problems.

Neptune is again conjunct Chiron in this chart. These two have been traveling together for some time. Underneath the drama of the Cardinal t-square, we are gathering medicine to respond to our world with spiritual insight and empathy.

From September 19 through the 30th, the Sun comes into aspect with every outer planet ? Jupiter through Pluto. This period of time will give us important insight into the changes that are before us. The first part of October, Mercury will also come into aspect with the same outer planets. A good inquiry is: What do we think? What is our understanding? How do we express ourselves?

Venus and Mars in Scorpio. Another important ingredient to the season is the ingress of Venus and Mars into Scorpio. With this transit we have the opportunity to travel deeply into the psyche. At the next New Moon on October 7 Venus will be stationing retrograde for a journey through Scorpio and Libra. We may feel a closer connection to the world of our beloved dead. We may need to uncover hidden truths. We will benefit from being ruthlessly honest with ourselves. I?ll write more about the Venus retrograde journey next month.

Knowing that I have a lot to integrate this month and some indications that this integration requires patience and time, I am vowing to be gentle with myself. If a cleaner closet helps to alleviate stress, then what a gift! Perhaps cleaning my desk will bring enlightenment. You never know.

Dates important to our stories: *

September 8 Venus enters Scorpio
September 8 Jupiter re-enters Pisces
September 12 Mercury stations direct at 5� Virgo
September 13 Pluto stations direct 2� Capricorn
September 14 Mars enters Scorpio
September 18 Jupiter conjunct Uranus 28� Pisces
September 19 Sun 26� Virgo quincunx Neptune 26� Aquarius
September 19 Sun 26� Virgo quincunx Chiron 26� Aquarius
September 21 Sun 28� Virgo opposite Jupiter 28� Pisces
September 21 Sun 28� Virgo opposite Uranus 28� Pisces
September 22 Sun enters Libra ? Fall Equinox
September 23 Full Moon 0� Aries
September 25 Sun 2� Libra square Pluto 2� Capricorn
September 30 Sun conjunct Saturn 7� Libra
October 1 Mercury 26� Virgo quincunx Neptune 26� Aquarius
October 1 Mercury 26� Virgo quincunx Chiron 26 � Aquarius
October 1 Mercury 27� Virgo opposite Jupiter 27� Pisces
October 2 Mercury 28� Virgo opposite Uranus 28� Pisces
October 3 Venus conjunct Mars 12� Scorpio
October 5 Mercury 2� Libra square Pluto 2� Capricorn

*These dates are not a complete list of transits for the month, but rather are times when the themes of these stories are stronger. Each aspect between planets carries its own energy of harmony or conflict. These are:
Conjunction ? merging
Sextile ? encouraging
Square ? challenging
Trine ? harmonizing
Opposition ? confronting
Quincunx ? perplexing


Horoscope Astrology

?ubat Ay? Dergi Kapaklar?

Jessica Stam W dergisinde Catherine Servel'in objektifinden 'Cat's Eye' ba?l??? ile farkl? stiller yans?tarak dergide yer al?yor. Victoria Beckham Vogue ?ngiltere'nin kapa??nda al??k?n olmad???m?z bir bi�imde do?al g�r�n�yor. Gri renkli kaza?? ve sade makyaj? ile farkl? bir Victoria ile mi kar?? kar??yay?z? Marie Claire, Rusya edisyonunda Chanel Mademoiselle �antalar?n?n y�z� olan Blake Lively'e yer vermi?. Allure dergisinin kapa??n? kaplayan Jennifer Aniston'?n y�z� i�in biraz fazla photoshop uygulanmam?? m? ? Bu senenin �ok konu?ulan filmlerinden 'The Fighter' da rol alan Amy Adams InStyle'?n konu?u. Glee'nin ponpon k?zlar?ndan biri olan Dianna Agron koyu k?rm?z? ruju ile Elle in kapa??nda yer al?yor.

Marka Modası Marka Giyim

Noninvasive Plastic Surgery and Facial Rejuvenation

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Friday, February 18, 2011

A Modern Approach to Ethnic Rhinoplasty

Under Eye Surgery Eye Lift surgery

Lincoln Town Car Recall

Vehicle Make / Model: Model Year(s): LINCOLN / TOWN CAR 2008-2011 Manufacturer: EXECUTIVE COACH BUILDERS Mfr's Report Date: DEC 09, 2010 NHTSA CAMPAIGN ID Number: 10V638000 N/ANHTSA Action Number: N/A Component: ENGINE AND ENGINE COOLING:EXHAUST SYSTEM:MANIFOLD/HEADER/MUFFLER/TAIL PIPE Potential Number of Units Affected: 161 Summary: EXECUTIVE COACH IS RECALLING CERTAIN MODEL YEAR 2008-2011 LINCOLN TOWN CAR LIMOUSINES. THE FUEL RAIL SHIELD WAS LEFT OFF DURING MANUFACTURING. IN A FRONTAL IMPACT THE ENGINE COULD POTENTIALLY BEND OR RUPTURE FUEL LINES IF THE REPLACEMENT SHIELD IS NOT IN PLACE, CAUSING THOSE LINES TO LEAK FUEL. Consequence: FUEL LEAKAGE, IN THE PRESENCE OF AN IGNITION SOURCE, COULD RESULT IN A FIRE. Remedy: EXECUTIVE COACH WILL SUPPLY KITS AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION.Fuel lines that can leak can also catch fire. If you've got one of these potential lemon Lincoln cars, and your dealer won't take care of you, then call us. Getting rid of lemon cars is what we do. Everyday. Since 1978. And making them pay your attorney fees for you, well, that's just justice.Burdge Law Officewww.NewCarLemonLaw.comHelping consumers protect themselves everyday.

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Astrology Medical Astrology

IFW/ Gizia 2011/2012 Sonbahar-K??

IFW, Gizia 2011-2012 koleksiyonu ile a�?l?? yapt?.Gizia defilesi �ok kalabal?kt?.A�?l??? Tu?�e Kazaz ile yapt?lar.
Koleksiyonu anlatmam gerekirse; ?ifon, ipek dantel, romantik kuma?lar?n, k�rk, deri ve trikolarla bir arada kombinledi?i spor  bir koleksiyon olmu?.

Bu defilede bol masumiyet, safl?k ve romantizm havas? vard?.

Koleksiyon da gri, ekru, alt?n,g�m�? renkler �n plandayd?.Aksesuar olarak alt?n ve metaller dikkat �ekiyordu.

�rme trikolar, k�rk ve deri kombinasyonlar? koleksiyona zengin ve al?c? bir g�r�nt� kazand?rm??.

Asimetrik kesimler, derin drapeler, romantik ve hacimli volanlar kad?ns? oldu?u kadar elegan bir sil�et �izmi?.

Kendi ad?ma �ok fazla par�ay? be?endim ve hemen dolab?mda olmas?n? istedim.Bu sene Gizia beni kendine hayran b?rakt?.

Sevgilerle, Yasemin...

Etek Modası Marka Modası

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Jane Fonda On Her Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery Eye Under Eye Surgery

The Biggest Threat to the Chevy Volt are...Rats?!

Okay, readers: hands up if you like rats. No, not the cute white ones you see in science labs or can buy at pet shops. I?m talking about the sewer-dwelling, disease-carrying ones that invade your house to eat, poop and scare your misses.
What if I told you those same feral rats are not only a danger to your home but also to your...

Honda Civic Car Honda Cars

New Moon July 22, 2009: True Stories

New Moon of July 22 is also a total Solar Eclipse occurring on the cusp between Cancer and Leo. Each sign has 30 degrees, somewhere around the end of a sign and beginning of the next sign is the borderland where two signs mix. Not quite all Cancer, and definitely not all Leo, this eclipse (at 29� Cancer) takes place in the liminal place we could describe as between the worlds. Every eclipse has the potential to plunge us into unfamiliar territory. I?ve often described eclipses as a rebooting of a computer?new files, new format. The change can be sudden. Eclipses tend to affect people most when the degree of the eclipse is near an important degree in the natal chart. But for all of us, this eclipse is a chance to explore the land between Cancer and Leo.

I once had a reading from Pat Kaluza, a wonderful astrologer here in Minneapolis, who described the cusp between Cancer and Leo as Cinderella longing to go to the ball. The reason: Cancer holds the energy of hearth-tender in service to the family; Leo holds the energy of glamour, excitement, and drama. Who wouldn?t want to go to the ball when confronted with this choice? In this dilemma rests a cultural assumption: It is better to be in the midst of excitement than to be home tending the needs of others. Is this true? Do you feel this choice in your own life? What do you consciously choose to honor?

At the cusp there is a blending of the wisdom of the previous sign with the innocence of the next. The wise mother, becoming Crone, embodies one expression of Cancer?s ultimate gifts. At some point each of us will reach the stage of wise mothering, when what we have nourished and cherished dearly must be released into the world. Leo?s innocence is expressed by the archetype of the young king. I often think of King Arthur?s story here. When he went to the tournament as a page, Arthur had no idea of the destiny awaiting him. Early degrees of Leo remind us that each of us has a royal destiny, a gift we are meant to share with the world, a gift that may be only now emerging. Do these stories resonate for you at this New Moon?

Cusps invite alchemy. How do we blend the wisdom of the mother with the innocence and potential of the young king? Do you feel this paradox? Can you imagine choosing both rather than one or the other? What would this look like in your life?

Venus square Saturn. There are other story lines occurring this month. At the New Moon, Venus in Gemini is square (challenging) to Saturn in Virgo. Sooner or later every relationship runs into the topic of differing communication styles. This New Moon is a perfect setup for experiencing these differences in our relationships. Saturn insists on seriousness; Venus in Gemini wants highly diverse conversation, but not necessarily very deep. It is really all about connection even when we don?t understand how the other is trying to connect. The relationship between Gemini and Virgo is interesting. Mercury rules them both, but with quite different results. Gemini is yang energy ? expansive and eclectic. Virgo is yin energy, focused and pragmatic. This is a good month to explore relationship commitments and communication styles. What works for you? What works for your partners and friends?

Trancemission/transmission. I continue to ponder the meaning of the triple conjunction of Neptune, Jupiter and Chiron. I began writing about this transit in April. These three will be traveling close together until January 2010. Chiron will makes an exact conjunction with Neptune in February, 2010, so it may not be until after then that we have a big picture of this transit. Neptune works below the surface in the subconscious. Neptune entrances. Under the surface, in trance, in dream, we are moving to another paradigm. The clues to how we are changing come from the sign?Aquarius. What does the dawning of the age of Aquarius mean to you? We are in the flow of that becoming. This month transits to these three planets by Venus, Mercury, Mars, and the Sun (see below for dates) will illuminate the trance mission of the Neptune, Jupiter, and Chiron conjunction.

Full Moon August 5, 2009. Every sign has a shadow reflected back by the opposite sign. For Aquarius it is Leo. The Full Moon this month is a Lunar Eclipse in the signs of Aquarius/Leo. This Full Moon at 13� Leo/Aquarius the young king evoked by the New Moon is almost halfway through his story. Now is a good time to reflect on the relationship between Self and Community, between kings and subjects. Neptune pulls us into the communal dream of Aquarius. Leo reflects back another perspective on any illusions that we hold about community. Although every community is made from individuals, group mind can work to outlaw the expression of individuality. On the other hand, if individuals never compromise community vision suffers. Do you notice this dynamic in your communities? Do you feel yourself on the extremes of this polarity? How do you balance between them?

Mars square Saturn. Just as Venus squared Saturn at the New Moon, the Full Moon chart shows Mars squaring Saturn. Saturn in Virgo has been a little quiet in recent lunar charts. All the action has been with Pluto or the triple conjunction. This lunar month, we may feel more of Saturn?s burden. This planet reminds us that we have important work to do, and that to get to where we are going, we will need to take each step consciously and deliberately. The Mars connection emphasizes this quality. Mars, our energy, will and passions, wants to move fast. Saturn slows everything down. Especially in Virgo, Saturn insists that we dot all our ?I?s? and cross all our ?T?s.? This can feel frustrating but potentially rewarding.

Stories, like dreams, can guide us. There are nuggets in every story waiting to illuminate our paths. Finding the right story for the right moment is one of astrology?s gifts. May you find your true story this month.

Dates important to our stories:
July 22 Jupiter 24� Aquarius conjunct Chiron 24� Aquarius
July 26 Venus 24� Gemini trine Jupiter 24� Aquarius
July 27 Venus 24 � Gemini trine Chiron 24� Aquarius
July 27 Venus 25� Gemini trine Neptune 25� Aquarius
July 30 Mercury 24� Leo opposite Jupiter 24� Aquarius
July 30 Mercury 24� Leo opposite Chiron 24� Aquarius
July 31 Mercury 25� Leo opposite Neptune 25� Aquarius
August 1 Venus 1� Cancer opposite Pluto 1� Capricorn [relationship struggles for power and control]
August 5 Full Moon-Lunar Eclipse 13� Leo/Aquarius
August 10 Mars 20� Gemini square Saturn 20� Virgo
August 13 Mars 22� Gemini trine Jupiter 22� Aquarius
August 14 Sun 22� Leo opposite Jupiter 22� Aquarius
August 15 Mars 23� Gemini trine Chiron 23� Aquarius
August 16 Sun 23� Leo opposite Chiron 23� Aquarius
August 17 Mercury 21� Virgo conjunct Saturn 21� Virgo [communication about service, work, sustainability]
August 17 Sun 25� Leo opposite Neptune 25� Aquarius
August 17 Mars 25� Gemini trine Neptune 25� Aquarius
August 18 Mars 25� Gemini square Uranus 25 � Pisces [people with any planets between 24 to 26 of mutable signs will feel a strong urge to change, innovate or revolutionize their lives]


Free Horoscope Horoscope

Nicki Minaj Pamuk Helva Gibi Kad?ns?n! :)

Nicki Minaj pamuk helva k?vam?nda ki sa�lar?, retro stili ile az sonra ba?layacak 80'ler partisine Lady Gaga ile birlikte giri? yapar ve ortal??? y?k?p ge�erler. Ama bu hikaye burada asla sona ermez. Onlar ermi? �?lg?n stil krali�eli?i mertebesine, biz �?kal?m g�zel yar?nlara sevgili okurlar...

2011 Modası Etek Modası

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Kate Gosselin's Breasts: "These Breasts Are All Mine"

Eye Lift surgery Plastic Surgery Eyes

A thought for our new Tory overlords

Depression Symptoms Depressed People

Cadillac SRX Recall, Chevrolet Equinox Recall, GMC Terrain Recall

We had a client bring in this recall on their lemon GMC just today - just one more defect to add to their list. Vehicle Make / Model: Model Year(s): CADILLAC / SRX 2011 CHEVROLET / EQUINOX 2011 GMC / TERRAIN 2011 Manufacturer: GENERAL MOTORS CORP. Mfr's Report Date: DEC 15, 2010 NHTSA CAMPAIGN ID Number: 10V623000 N/ANHTSA Action Number: N/A Component: SEAT BELTS:FRONT:BUCKLE ASSEMBLY Potential Number of Units Affected: 97,843 Summary: GENERAL MOTORS IS RECALLING CERTAIN MODEL YEAR 2011 CADILLAC SRX, CHEVROLET EQUINOX AND GMC TERRAIN VEHICLES. THE DRIVER AND /OR FRONT PASSENGER SAFETY BELT BUCKLE ANCHOR MAY FRACTURE AND SEPARATE NEAR THE SEAT ATTACHMENT IN A VEHICLE CRASH. Consequence: THE SAFETY BELT SYSTEM MAY NOT RESTRAIN THE OCCUPANT(S) AS DESIGNED AND COULD INCREASE THE RISK OF INJURY. Remedy: DEALERS WILL MODIFY THE PASSENGER AND/OR THE DRIVER SAFETY BELT BUCKLES.Seat belts that won't hold? Now that can be a dangerous lemon car. If you've got a lemon Cadillac, a lemon Chevrolet or a GMC lemon, and your dealer isn't helping you, call us. Getting rid of lemons is what we do. Everyday. Since 1978. And making them pay your attorney fees too, well, that's only fair.Burdge Law Officewww.UsLemonLawyers.comBecause life's too short to drive a lemon.

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February 2011


Medical Astrology 2011 Astrology

GUISEPPE ZANOTTI'nin Beverly Hills Ma?aza A�?l???

Marka Modası Marka Giyim

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Is There Really a Lunchtime Facelift?

Eye Lift surgery Plastic Surgery Eyes

Vatican Bank Slush Fund Found?

Slush fund of top politicians found at Vatican Bank, Obama, Clinton, Roberts? Legatus split!Slush fund accounts of major US politicians identified and seized at Vatican Bank (Rome). Connection established with Daniel Dal Bosco RICO indictment, which cites Giancarlo Bruno, Silvio Berlusconi & Ban Ki Moon. On Wednesday 5th January 2011, it emerged that US establishment-related slush fund accounts had been located in, and seized from, the Vatican Bank in Rome. The source of funds for these accounts in almost every instance was found to be the US Treasury. Beneficiaries of the covert Vatican accounts include Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and each of the Obama children, Michelle Obama?s mother, all the Bushes and the Clintons, including Chelsea Clinton, Joe Biden, Timothy Geithner, Janet Napolitano, several US Senators, including Mitch McConnell, several US Congressmen including John Boehner, several US Military Chiefs of Staff, the US Provost Marshal, the US Judge Advocate General, the US Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Roberts, several US Judges, the Pope, and several cardinals. Big money was found in each of the accounts.More Here..E.L. Rothschild LLC Acquires a Majority Stake in Weather Central, LPIdiot or Evil Genius?Investors Bet $102 Billion on Gold, Silver Soaring HigherWebbot Predictions On SILVER And CurrenciesIncredible! Poisoned Gulf Seafood Fed To Military!

Depressed People Depression Test

Volvo C30 Recall, Volvo C70 Recall, Volvo S40 Recall, Volvo S60 Recall, Volvo S80 Recall, Volvo V50 Recall, Volvo V70 Recall, Volvo XC70 XC90 Recall

Garmin GPS Recall Alert. Do you own one of these potential lemon Volvo vehicles equipped with the Garmin GPS unit? Vehicle Make / Model: Model Year(s): VOLVO C30 2007-2010 VOLVO C70 2006-2010 VOLVO S40 2004-2010 VOLVO S60 2001-2009 VOLVO S80 2000-2010 VOLVO V50 2005-2010 VOLVO V70 2001-2010 VOLVO XC70 2001-2010 VOLVO XC90 2003-2010 Manufacturer: VOLVO CARS OF N.A. LLC. Mfr's Report Date: NOV 05, 2010 NHTSA CAMPAIGN ID Number: 10V566000 N/ANHTSA Action Number: N/A Component: EQUIPMENT:ELECTRICAL:NAVIGATIONAL SYSTEM(GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM) Potential Number of Units Affected: 416 Summary: VOLVO IS RECALLING CERTAIN VEHICLES EQUIPPED WITH GARMIN 760 PORTABLE GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) UNITS BECAUSE THE BATTERIES ON THOSE UNITS MAY OVERHEAT. Consequence: AN OVERHEATED BATTERY COULD LEAD TO A FIRE. Remedy: VOLVO ADVISES OWNERS TO PLEASE STOP USING THE GARMIN PORTABLE GPS DEVICE IMMEDIATELY, AND VISIT THE GARMIN WEBSITE TO DETERMINE IF THEIR UNIT IS AFFECTED. THE UNIT'S BATTERY WILL BE REPLACED WITH A NEW BATTERY AND A SPACER WILL BE INSERTED ON TOP OF THE BATTERY NEXT TO THE PCB.If you've got one of these "hot" Garmin GPS units, stop using it NOW. turns out it can overheat and lead to a fire.Instead of telling you where to go, it may take you somewhere you don't want to be.If you've got a lemon Volvo and the dealer isn't helping you, get a Burdge attorney. Getting rid of lemon Volvo cars and Volvo lemon vehicles is what we do. Everyday. Since 1978.Burdge Law Officewww.UsLemonLawyers.comBecause life's too short to drive a lemon Volvo

Honda Civic Car Honda Cars

The Astrology Reading: Notes From An Astrologer's Journal


2011 Astrology Free Horoscope

Between pink and gray

Marka Modası Marka Giyim

Friday, February 11, 2011

Politician Raffles Off a Breast Augmentation to Raise Money!

Under Eye Surgery Eye Lift surgery

Levelling the spirit - pt 1.5

Depressed Symptoms Depressed People

CLOSE UP: Peugeot 308 Turbo...

Honda Cars Used Honda Civic

Yearning to Reconcile: Christian fundamentalism, Celtic Spirituality and Jungian Astrology


Astrology Medical Astrology

Bayan Kayak K?yafetleri [women's ski clothes]

Bayanlar i�in kayak k?yafetleri olan ?apka Mont Pantolon Eldiven G�zl�k ve bot Kreasyonnundan olu?an bu kombineleri sunuyorum.Kayak Kiyafeti ve Fiyat? 2.750 tl ye mal edilebilir.Kayak K?yafetleri arayan bayanlara daha �nceki Buradaki konuda sitemde yer vermi?tim yo?un ilgiden dolay? Bayanlara Kayak K?yafetleri de g�stermek istiyorum, bayan kar k?yafetleri satan ma?zalara bakt???n?zda en ucuz bayan kayak k?yafetleri istanbul burda bolu ve ankarada sat?ld???n? m�?ahede etti?imizden b�y�k AVM lerdeki en �ok tercih edilen bayan kayak k?yafeti �rneklerini ve �e?itlerini siz de?erli ziyaretcilerime g�stermek istedim. en uygun kayak k?yafetleri satan ma?aza women's ski clothes ad? alt?nda ?stinye parkta bulundu?unu ve fiyatlar?n?n ise biraz abart?l? olmas?na ra?men �ok tercih edilerek en �ok sat???n burada yap?ld???n? ma?za yetkilileri s�ylediler. K???n giyilebilecek en g�zel bayan kayak k?yafeti katalo?unu umar?m be?eneceksiniz. sevgiyle kal?n der hepinize mutlu bir k?? ge�irmenizi temenni ederim.

Marka Giyim 2011 Modası

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How to Pay for Rhinoplasty

Eye Lift surgery Plastic Surgery Eyes

A Brief Guide to Being Shot in the Head

You know what this is about. I don't have anything especially useful to say about the recent tragedy, or the question of crazy vs. political: at this stage, it's all speculation. Let's wait for the trial.But anyway, the incredible thing is that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords survived a bullet to the head. How?One of the amazing things about the brain is that almost all of it is unnecessary. The bullet passed through Gifford's left cerebral cortex, various parts of which are responsible for moving the right side of the body, seeing and hearing things from the right, and, in most people, language. But the only part of the brain which you actually need in order to live is the brainstem, which forms the top of the spinal cord.The main reason you need your brainstem is that it controls breathing. It also controls your heart rate and blood pressure, but your heart pumps itself, without any input from the brain: the brain just does the fine tuning. Breathing, however, is controlled directly by several brainstem nuclei, and if you stop breathing, your blood will run out of oxygen and you'll die (without artificial ventilation.)Damage to any other part of the brain is survivable. Of course, you might just bleed to death from the head injury, or get an infection; there's also the risk of brain swelling which can be fatal by compressing the brainstem (amongst other problems). This is why doctors have removed a large part of Gifford's skull, to give the brain room.But the brainstem can do a surprising amount on its own. In the early days of neuroscience, there was a bit of a fad for decerebrating animals, essentially removing everything except the brainstem. These animals were still "alive", at least in the sense that they weren't corpses; decerebrate cats can walk and run.They don't walk to anywhere, but this shows that the spinal cord and brainstem can control movement and respond to sensory feedback. It's even on YouTube. The famous headless chicken that lived for over a year - that really happened, it's no myth - is another such case.

Depressed People Depression Help

Honda Fit Recall

Vehicle Make / Model: Model Year(s): HONDA / FIT 2007-2008 Manufacturer: HONDA (AMERICAN HONDA MOTOR CO.) Mfr's Report Date: DEC 15, 2010 NHTSA CAMPAIGN ID Number: 10V624000 PE10037NHTSA Action Number: PE10037 Component: EXTERIOR LIGHTING:HEADLIGHTS:HIGH/LOW BEAM DIMMER SWITCH Potential Number of Units Affected: 143,083 Summary: HONDA IS RECALLING MODEL YEAR 2007-2008 HONDA FIT VEHICLES. DUE TO AN ERROR DURING INSTALLATION OF THE WIRING HARNESS FOR THE COMBINATION SWITCH THAT CONTROLS LOW HEAD BEAM FUNCTION, THE WIRES FOR THE LOWER BEAM CIRCUIT WERE PULLED TIGHTER THAN INTENDED. AFTER REPEATED USE OF THE HEADLIGHT SWITCH, THE ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR TERMINAL FOR THE LOW BEAM HEADLIGHT CIRCUIT CAN BECOME WORN AS A RESULT OF THIS TENSION, WHICH CAN RESULT IN LOW CONDUCTIVITY AND CAUSE AN ACCUMULATION OF COPPER OXIDE IN THE AREA OF THE CONTACTS. Consequence: THE LOW BEAM HEADLIGHTS CAN BECOME INOPERATIVE DECREASING THE DRIVER'S VISIBILITY AS WELL AS THE VEHICLE'S VISIBILITY TO OTHER DRIVERS, INCREASING THE RISK OF A CRASH. Remedy: DEALERS WILL INSPECT THE LOW BEAM TERMINAL AND PERFORM NECESSARY REPAIRS.Sounds to me like they are trying to simply say that after a while your headlights won't work any more. Let's hope they don't go out on you while you're driving down the road some night.If you've got a lemon Honda Fit, don't take a chance. If your dealer won't help you, we can. Getting rid of lemon Honda cars is what we do. Everyday. Since 1978. And we make them pay your attorney fees under the Lemon Law too.Burdge Law Officewww.UsLemonLawyers.comBecause life's too short to drive a lemon.

Honda Cars Used Honda Civic

Pilgrimage to Whitby~Where We Find The Stones


Horoscope Astrology


Herkese Selamlar...IFW'e say?l? g�nler kald?. Heyecan dorukta:)3.?ubat Per?embe g�n� saat 15:00'da ger�ekle?ecek Zeynep Erdo?an defilesi i�in 2 adet defile davetiyemiz var. Bunu kazanman?z i�in yapman?z gereken ?ey �ok basit... 1. ?lk olarak Bu blogun izleyicisi olman?z2. Bu yaz?ya IFW'e neden gitmek istedi?inizi yorum olarak b?rakman?z.1 ?ubat sal? saat 15:00'a kadar davetiye kazanma ?ans?n?z olucak:)Ayr?ca bizi Twitter ve Facebook'tan izlemeyi almay? unutmay?n...Sevgilerle...

Marka Giyim 2011 Modası

Monday, February 7, 2011

Asian Rhinoplasty

Under Eye Surgery Eye Lift surgery

Levelling the spirit - pt 1.5

Depression Help Depression Symptoms

BMW 335i Recall , BMW 135i Recall, BMW 535i Recall, BMW x6 Recall, BMW z4 Recall

BMW is recalling approximately 130,000 vehicles for failure of the high-pressure fuel pump. Affected models include the 2007 to 2010 335i series, the 2008 to 2010 135i, 535i and X6 xDrive35i Sports Activity Coupes and the 2009 to 2010 Z4 Roadster sDrive35i. ABC News launched an investigation into BMW vehicles that are equipped with twin-turbo engines for problems concerning the fuel pumps of these vehicles. Some 130,000 BMW's may experience a failure of the high pressure fuel pump which may cause it to shake, vibrate and unexpectedly slow down while driving. This can put the driver into a dangerous situation.Affected models include the 2007 to 2010 335i series, the 2008 to 2010 135i, 535i and X6 xDrive35i Sports Activity Coupes and the 2009 to 2010 Z4 Roadster sDrive35i.A separate recall has also been announced that would involve 20,000 2008 X5's that use the low pressure fuel pumps. This will bring the recalls for the BMW Manufacturer up to four just for October. If you live outside of Ohio or Kentucky, check our "Locate a Local Lemon Lawyer" web site page ( and find one near you. The lemon law is different in every state, so check with your local lemon law lawyer for advice on how you can get rid of a lemon Toyota. Call us at 1-888-331-6422 or email us today for a Free Case Review! Not from Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, or California? To locate a local attorney near you, click here. To find out about more recalls, check our Recall Page by clicking here.Burdge Law Office,

Honda Cars Used Honda Civic

Linda Goodman's Sun Signs


2011 Astrology Free Horoscope

www-lcwaikiki-com LC Waikiki Web Sitesi Ileti?im Adresi LCW Waikiki Ma?zas?n?n resmi internet sitesidir. M�steri Temsilcisi ve ileti?im adresleri ayr?ca telefon numaralar? ile diger bilgiler a?a??da ziyaretcilerimize verilmi?tir. Ayr?ca blog y�netimi olarak lc vaikiki firmas?n? ba?ar?lar?ndan dolay? tebrik �ocuk Gen� Bay bayan ve Bebe giyim De lider waikiki Aral?k indirimi Y�zde 50 ?uan Ocak kampanyas? olarakLCW vaikiki Kampanyalar? ile sat?lan �r�n fiyatlar? n? size en yak?n ma?zay? adresinden bakarak bulun ve indirimleri sizlerde g�r�n.www-lcwaikiki-com Hakkandaki ara?t?rmalar?m? sizlerle payla?mak istiyorum arkada?lar. Bir �ok yerde sorulmu?tur sizlerde duymu?unuzdur LCWaikiki nin sahibi kim dir? diye benim ara?t?rmalar?m ?uan bir T�rk i?letmecisine aittir. 1997 y?l?nda Tema Grup ba ait 13 senedir T�rk markas? d?r. LC Waikiki 1985 y?l?nda frans?zlar taraf?ndan bir giyim markas? olarak kuruldu. LC Waikiki bug�n T�rkiye?de kad?n giyim, erkek giyim, gen� giyim, �ocuk giyim ve bebek giyim �r�nleri ve Zengin modelleri ile koleksiyonlar?n? siz de?erli m�?terilerine sunuyor. Giyim modas?n?n g�zel ve geni? �r�nleri ile haz?r giyim konusunda iddial? Moda giyim ve spor giyimde fiyatlar? ilede ucuz ve kalitesiyle LC Waikiki ma?zalar? nda m�sterilerine hizmet vermektetir.LC Waikiki ?leti?im Bilgileri:TEMA MAGAZACILIK HIZ. TIC. A.S.Evren Mah. Gulbahar Cad. Sehit Cengiz Karci SokakNo:4 Ba?cilar 34212 ?stanbul / TURK?YELC Waikiki Telefon Numaras?: 0090 212 657 55 55LC Waikiki Fax Numaras?: 0090 212 630 86 08LC Waikiki mail adresi: info@lcwaikiki.comM�steri Hizmetlerine burdan ula?abilirsiniz.

Etek Modası Marka Modası

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Butt Implants

Eye Lift surgery Plastic Surgery Eyes

Schizophrenia in the Guardian

Depression Symptoms Depressed Symptoms

RON97 up 10 sen/L at midnight, sources say

Honda Cars Used Honda Civic

New Moon August 20, 2009: Gifts, Service, and Honey

From Leo?s light to Virgo?s practice. This month?s lunar cycle navigates another cusp between signs (see last month?s blog about the cusp between Cancer and Leo). This time the cusp is between Leo and Virgo. The signs are products of the seasons; they are the story that Time tells us about place and pattern. Now in this season of late summer Leo describes the waning golden light reflected in the seed-laden grasses of the prairie and in the warm, glowing fruit of the vine. The gifts of the harvest mirror back to us Leo lessons about our own gifts and self-worth. My astrology teacher, Cynthea Jones of Diana?s Grove says, Leo is the sign that is jumping up and down screaming: ?Pick me! Pick me! I need you to see me. I need you to need me.? This energy shifts in the Virgo season. Now, we get down to serious harvesting. This is the time to begin planning ahead: What will we need for the winter? How do we organize the food larder? Virgo time is an industrious time of canning, freezing, drying, and collecting.

The New Moon occurs at the end of Leo. By the Full Moon, Virgo energy is in full force. Last month I wrote about the beginning of Leo and the King Arthur story. That story continues into the cusp between Leo and Virgo. Here in this transition the boy King has grown up and is now ready to move into the next phase of rulership?service to the kingdom. Through humility, service, practice, and discernment, Virgo refines Leo?s gifts. This month is a good time to reflect on how we wish to refine our own gifts to the world.

Leo story. This lunar month, the Nodes of the Moon move out of the Aquarius/Leo polarity where they have been for the last 19 months and into the Capricorn/Cancer polarity. The nodes show us the growing edges and the karmic debts of the moment. The North Node of Aquarius has invited us to explore Aquarian ideals of community, technology, and visions. The South Node in Leo has offered us the opportunity to reprogram our beliefs and actions around self-worth, creativity, and leadership. The triple conjunction of Neptune, Jupiter and Chiron in Aquarius is also a part of this story. These three planets have created a tsunami of Aquarian energy. Neptune washes us in the possibilities of connection, technological advances, and grass root actions. Just yesterday in the New York Times, I read that the U.S. Army was allowing service members of any rank to collectively edit their operations manuals online through a wiki. This is Aquarian revolution. I wonder if in our collective thrill to embrace Aquarian ideals, we aren?t losing the individual?the realm of Leo. Certainly, there continues to be lots of ways we need to elevate the expression of Leo in our culture. Negative expressions of Leo may manifest as the way we glamorize others who are more beautiful or famous than we are, need a great deal of attention to feel good about ourselves, or believe that we must act alone to get anything done. The South Node can represent where we are blocking the more positive aspects of a sign through karmic events or patterns. Over the past 19 months, and especially in the months when there was an eclipse, we have had the opportunity to rethink what we believe about our self-worth.

Capricorn story. Influences of Pluto in Capricorn gear up again as the North Node moves into Capricorn for a year and a half transit. Through the energy of Capricorn we reach for excellence, stability, and responsibility. Culturally, Capricorn represents hierarchy, ambition, and authority. As Pluto transits Capricorn for the next 14 years, Capricorn issues will be transformed on personal and cultural levels.

Another influence in the Capricorn story happens when Pluto stations direct this month. (See date below.) In April, Pluto stationed retrograde, journeying deeper into the Underworld?s shadows and perhaps receding from consciousness a bit. Now, Pluto begins to return to the surface. The volcano is an apt Plutonic image. When Pluto reaches the degree of the zodiac where it turned retrograde, which will happen on December 31, 2009, we can expect new lava to flow over dysfunctional Capricorn systems. Stations are powerful times. Pluto will still be stationary on the Fall Equinox when the Sun will exactly square this powerful Pluto. The fall is sure to be a more dynamic time with this planet influencing the energy. I will write more about the fall season in next month?s edition.

Virgo story. Two planets are found in Virgo in the New Moon chart: Saturn and Mercury, Virgo?s ruler. Both of these planets point to the potential and to the stress of this New Moon chart. Mercury aids Virgo?s mission?to improve through practice, to serve humbly, to create perfection through discernment?yet Mercury can be unpredictable and jittery. Saturn contributes an unrelenting focus on Virgo desires and we may succumb to extreme self-criticism through this force. There is so much potential in this New Moon yet we?ll have to practice self-love to reach that potential. Uranus is opposite this pair of planets, promising breakthroughs but also creating stress. The ongoing influence of Saturn opposite Uranus returns for the third time month. [See past editions on this transit that began November 2008.] This planetary configuration will influence the health care reform debate and outcome. Forces of change (Uranus) are in opposition to forces of conservation (Saturn). Yet this Saturn is in the sign of health ?Virgo. I am reminded that even though it seems that the opposing forces want radically different things, they actually both want to improve health care. Perhaps this realization will allow us to move forward in what seems like a stalemate. I keep thinking that the opposition between Saturn and Uranus is telling me to choose the third path and reject old polarities. Since Mars will also be squaring (challenging aspect) Mercury, Saturn, and Uranus, as well, we might expect that any smoldering tensions may blow up this month. It is important to look out for any of these stressors in our own lives and make conscious choices about how we want to use our will and passion.

The New Moon is dramatic not only because of these Virgo influences but also because the Sun and Moon are located opposite the triple conjunction of Neptune, Jupiter and Chiron. This opposition is in turn part of an aspect pattern called a Boomerang Yod (increasing stress, crisis in understanding, sense of destiny). At the bottom of the Yod triangle, Mercury and Saturn are in sextile aspect to Venus in Cancer. These planets are in quincunx aspect to the planets in the triple conjunction. The quincunx aspect is about striving to understand or account for paradox. There is again great potential this month to understand what these three planets in Aquarius are telling us and how we are changing our culture in response.
If the first two weeks of this lunar cycle seem stressing yet illuminating, the Full Moon invites in the unexpected resolution offered by the Trickster. Mercury is stationary in the Full Moon chart and turns retrograde two days later while being square to Mars. Stationary Pluto is also part of this story. In the worst cases, Pluto influences us to need control over the unexpected; Mars can influence rash choices; and Mercury invites the unexpected. The opposition of the Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Pisces may offer peace and calm. Pisces reminds us to see the whole pattern and merge with it; Virgo reminds us that small, practical steps can make a big difference.

A Virgo spell. On August 22, Saturn reaches the degree where it turned retrograde in December of 2008. This means that from August to January 2010, when Saturn stations retrograde again, this planet will be covering new ground. Each of us has new Saturn lessons in store. For this month, these lessons are all about working with change and creating perfection?big issues. I am planning to work with a honey spell for this month to help me with these energies in my life. Bees are wonderful Virgo allies?they work tirelessly. Their systems of creating the hive, caring for their young, making and storing honey are very Virgoan. In fact the bliss and sweetness of honey is a great reminder that Virgo?s work can create rich blessings. I thank Donald Engstrom for creating and introducing me to honey spells.

How I work with honey. First I create an intention. It is helpful if the intention can be said as a short poem or song or statement that is easy and delightful to repeat. Then I select my honey. I like to work with small jars of single source honey, for instance Marsh Flowers honey, or honey that is produced locally by people I respect, or honey from special places dear to my heart. Next, I charge the honey with my intention, by holding the honey and singing to it, placing it on my altar where it can capture sunlight or candlelight, and I also like to draw symbols on the jar that represent my intention. Then I taste the honey, saying my prayer, letting the sweetness creep and flow onto my tongue and throughout my body. I taste this honey whenever I need it. I remember to thank and bless the bees. If you decide to work with a honey spell this month, I?d love to hear about it.
Bless the bees.

Dates important to our stories.

August 21 North Node of the Moon enters Capricorn
August 21 Mercury 25� Virgo opposite Uranus 25� Pisces
August 22 Sun enters Virgo
August 25 Mercury 0� Libra square Mars 0� Cancer
August 26 Mercury 0� Libra square Pluto 0� Capricorn
August 26 Mars 0� Cancer square Pluto 0� Capricorn
September 4 Full Moon
September 6 Mercury stations retrograde 6� Libra
September 11 Pluto stations direct 0� Capricorn
September 15 Saturn 24� Virgo opposite Uranus 24� Pisces
September 17 Sun 24� Virgo opposite Uranus 24� Pisces
September 17 Mercury 0� Libra square Pluto 0� Capricorn
September 17 Sun 24� Virgo conjunct Saturn 24� Virgo


Astrology Medical Astrology

GIZIA - ?stanbul Moda Haftas?

Marka Giyim 2011 Modası

Friday, February 4, 2011

Breast Reduction Surgery

Plastic Surgery Eyes Plastic Surgery Eye

BMA Idiots

Depression Test Depression Symptoms

BMW 5 Series Recall, BMW 6 Series Recall, BMW 7 Series Recall

198,000 BMW cars in North America are being recalled due to potential leaks in the power brake system.The leak can lead to an accident and involves V8 and V12 enginesTo be sure your car is not on the recall list, call your local dealer. And if it doesn't get fixed on the first repair attempt, then it can be a lemon since this can be a deadly defect.If you've got a lemon BMW, you need a Burdge attorney. Getting rid of lemons is what we do. Everyday. Since 1978.Burdge Law Officewww.UsLemonLawyers.comBecause life's too short to drive a lemon.

Honda Cars Used Honda Civic

Yearning to Reconcile: Christian fundamentalism, Celtic Spirituality and Jungian Astrology


Astrology Medical Astrology

Spring 2011 Campaigns

Etek Modası Marka Modası

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cosmetic Surgery In Williamsville New York

Under Eye Surgery Eye Lift surgery

Mike Ruppert - The Beginning Of Systemic Failure

Egypt Protests: America's Secret Backing for Rebel Leaders Behind UprisingThe leader of Jordan's powerful Muslim Brotherhood warned Saturday that unrest in Egypt will spread across the Mideast and Arabs will topple leaders allied with the United States. More Here..

Depression Symptoms Depressed People

Happy Chinese New Year of...

Honda Cars Used Honda Civic

April Horoscopes


Free Horoscope Horoscope

P�sk�ll� �izme Modelleri Uzun Cizme Modelleri

P�sk�ll� �izme modelleri den olu?an buradaki k?? �izme modelleri en g�zel ve en �ok sat?lan �izmeler aras?ndad?r.Sugar P�sk�ll� �izme modelleriChristian Louboutin marka ayakkab? fiyat? 2.000$Topuksuz P�sk�ll� �izme ModeliP�sk�ll� T�yl� �izme ModelleriTopuklu S�et �izme Modelip�sk�ll� ayakkab? modelleriSiyah S�et P�sk�ll� �izme ModeliP�sk�ll� �izme Modeli topuklu siyah renkli 38 numaraKahverengi �izme ModeliDeri Topuklu �izme Modeli�nl� Markalar?n k?? Kataloglar?nda mutlaka bulunan P�sk�ll� Bot modelleri ve �izme modelleri bulunmaktad?r. blogumda bende bu �izmelerin en g�zel resimlerini sunuyorum, bunlar Bayan kovboy �izme modelleri ve bayan uzun �izme modelleri olarakta bulabilece?iniz moda markalarda p�sk�ll� �anta modelleri ve Deri Topuklu �izme Modeli giyinmis modac? mankenlerde �ok yak??t???ndan blogumda ??k bir �izme Modelleri konusu a�mak ve sizlerinde bunlar? g�rmesini istedim. Bu �r�nleri B�y�k al??veri? ma?zalar?nda AVMlerde ve �nl� Marka ayakkab? ma?zalar?nda bulabilirsiniz. Online sat?? yapan ayakkab? ma?zalar?n?n k??l?k ayakkab? b�l�mlerindede bulunan bu seriler bayanlar?n en fazla tercih etti?i 2011 �izme modelleri aras?nda yerini ald? ?imdiden. Su ge�irmeyen ve karda kaymayan �izmelerden olan Puskullu c?zme modelleri hakk?ndaki yorum ve de?erli g�r�?lerinizi bizimle l�tfen payla??n?z.

Marka Giyim 2011 Modası

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Art Shows at Rodeo Drive Plastic Surgery

Under Eye Surgery Eye Lift surgery

BBC distorting the news

Depressed Symptoms Depressed People


Honda Cars Used Honda Civic

The Prediction Was Coming True


Medical Astrology 2011 Astrology

2011 Paris Couture Haftas? - Christian Dior

Her?ey olmas? gerekti?i gibi sanatsal, yal?n ve �arp?c?! John Galliano'nun hayal aleminden yans?yan par�alar?n ge�idini izledi?imiz Christian Dior defilesinde k?rm?z?, gri, pembe ve bej renkleri hakim. 1940'lar ve 50'lerin film karesini and?ran �zellikte defilesinde yumu?ak topuzlar g�z al?c?. K?rm?z? rujlar?, ka?lar? k?sacas? makyajda ki dokunu?larla heykelimsi g�r�n�me b�r�nen modellerle birlikte defile seyir zevkini tavan yapt?rtacak nitelikte olmu?.Haute Couture koleksiyonlar?n? niye merakla bekledi?imizin cevab?n? Galliano her zamanki yarat?c?l??? ile yine ortaya koymu?.

Etek Modası Marka Modası