Monday, January 31, 2011

Heidi Montag Tweets Plastic Surgery Advice

Eye Lift surgery Plastic Surgery Eyes

Welcome to the New World Order Police State: Many Will Not Make It Through This Video

Welcome to the New World Order Police State..(Video Link)World Business Leaders Told Flying Saucers Are Real & Extraterrestrials ExistItaly Confiscates Euro20 billion in "Fake" US BondsCurrent, Former NHL Players Lose More than $13-million in Resort Deal

Depression Test Depression Symptoms

Fenice Gold And Diamonds Fiat 500C?Video?

Honda Cars Used Honda Civic

New Moon May 24, 2009: Season of Ideas

The Sun and Moon meet in Gemini this month. The signatures of this mutable air sign are all around me, from the pollen drifting in the wind to the enlightening coincidences brought to me courtesy of the divine trickster, Mercury. Our minds speed up in the season of Gemini, or seem to. My mind is buzzing as I consider where we are in the evolutionary journey. This month, I?d like to share the ideas floating in the air around me. Perhaps they will fertilize something emerging in you.

The ?Universal? is where it?s at right now. All the universal planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, are in the universal signs, Capricorn through Pisces. Hedge witch philosopher, Donald Engstrom, likes to remind people that we live in a larger reality than a single universe. He points out that actually, we dwell in the multiverse. It It takes an expansion of the mind to grasp this idea of simultaneous multiple universes. The outer planets in these larger, multiversal signs are poised to help us expand mind, consciousness, and possibility.

Astrology?s lifeblood is coincidence. Coincidence or synchronicity can lead to enlightenment. If there is one thing that astrology has taught me and that I try to pass on to my students and clients, it is that there is meaning all around us. Random events and patterns found in the sky tell us that the cosmos is alive and is communicating with us. And we can communicate back! Lately in my world, I?ve noticed conversations about the Trickster, fears about global pandemic, the importance of community, and teachings about duality. The cosmos is communicating about these important topics via these important events: the triple conjunction of Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter in Aquarius (for more about this transit), Mercury?s retrograde journey beginning in the sign of duality?Gemini, Pluto?s ingress into Capricorn. (for more about this transit), and the ongoing opposition between Uranus and Saturn. (for more about this transit.) There is a lot going on. Actually, all the planets and signs are constantly telling us something. The challenge and the fun is teasing out what is important now.

The New Moon in Gemini sets the tone of the month. The ruler of Gemini is Mercury and Mercury is currently retrograde. Mercury retrogrades three times a year, the most of any planet. Having to do with communication, travel, and thought, Mercury shows us how to reweave duality into unity and then back into duality. The most mobile of planets and gods, Mercury never stays fixed for long, just like our own minds.

Last weekend I had the delight of attending a Yoga Nidra class taught by Katherine Banbury at her Kula Center for Yoga in St. Paul. According to Katherine, Yoga Nidra is a meditative practice that helps us to perceive duality and the transcendence of duality. ?Yoga Nidra points out that we live in two worlds simultaneously, the world of Immanence wherein we experience everything, and the world of Transcendence where we are aware of everything. Transcendence is the other half of the equation whereby we realize that we are the Presence in which life is immanently unfolding.? ? from Banbury?s class handout. During this guided meditation we are led into the experience of duality, then the merging of duality while we ask the question, ?If I am not this, nor this, what am I?? Perhaps because Mercury was retrograde during the class, I found that I could step into that third, strange place where everything was indeed possible. Mercury likes to present possibilities while keeping actualities just out of grasp. This is his Trickster aspect. What new possibilities are luring you into the next stage of your journey?

Last month?s new moon chart showed Mercury at 24� Taurus square to the triple conjunction of Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter. Due to retrograde motion, Mercury is back again for another statement squaring these three planets from 24� Taurus. Two days after last month?s new moon, the United States declared a public health emergency based on the outbreak of swine flu in Mexico. Although the triple conjunction of Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter is about so much more than world pandemic, this signature fits well with the global health crisis that may be before us. Mercury is the messenger, the broadcaster, of the solar system. Perhaps this month, new broadcasts about our common concerns will come to the forefront. The questions I am holding are: What are we learning about our connections? What separations are no longer relevant? How do we broaden our awareness to include diverse cultural points of view? How do we take care of each other?

I came across this message while doing some research on the web: ?Over the last 14 billion years, as western science currently understands it, the growing edge of evolution ? the appearance of radically new forms of complexity ? has moved from the cosmic to geologic to biologic to cultural.? - Peggy Holman, co-author of The Change Handbook. If this is true, then the stars are affirming that our growing edge is in cultural evolution. Mars and Venus sextile the triple conjunction. This encouraging relationship between both Mars and Venus to Neptune, Chiron, and Jupiter this month present opportunities to embrace cultural evolution in an exhilarating manner.

Another interesting feature of this New Moon chart is Saturn standing unaspected and lonely at 14� Virgo. Unaspected planets sometimes scream out for attention. Saturn has recently stationed direct after a retrograde journey that began on December 31, 2008. Saturn will be regaining ground until August when it will move rapidly through the last degrees of Virgo, entering Libra on October 29. The ingress into Libra will invoke the square aspect between Pluto and Saturn. This is a highly significant transit signaling more work and hard lessons. But for now, it is important to notice how Saturn in Virgo is teaching us what we need to know. I think of this as my opportunity to acquire Virgoan skills that surely will come in handy in the coming years. These skills include: right-relationship with perfectionism, discernment, personal practice related to spirituality and health, and a sense of what I am serving and why.

The Full Moon is an important turning point in the lunar cycle. In the Full Moon chart for June 7, Mercury is again playing a major role. Mercury is at 25� Taurus, this time moving direct, and still squaring the triple conjunction. To add an extra punch these planets are stationary, meaning they are near the degree of changing direction. Stationary planets are more powerful and anyone who has personal planets or important points in their charts ranging from 20� to 28� of any fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius), will certainly be feeling the effects of these stations. We will all feel this energy, but for you it will be personal. At the full moon, Saturn is square to the Sun and Moon. With the emphasis this month being on the mind, Saturn in earthy Virgo reminds us to get practical. Where do your hopes and dreams meet reality? Although Saturn seems to but a damper on our optimism, what Saturn really does is make our dreams real. What is that work like for you?

The lunar month ends with the Sun entering Cancer, otherwise known as the Summer Solstice. Next month, I?ll write more about what that chart is showing us.
Dates important to our stories:

May 26 Mars 26� Aries sextile Chiron 26� Aquarius
May 26 Mars 26� Aries sextile Jupiter 26� Aquarius
May 26 Mars 26� Aries sextile Neptune 26� Aquarius
May 27 Jupiter 26� Aquarius conjunct Neptune 26� Aquarius
May 28 Neptune stations retrograde 26� Aquarius
May 30 Chiron stations retrograde 26� Aquarius
May 30 Mercury 22� Taurus stations direct
June 2 Venus 26� Aries sextile Chiron 26� Aquarius
June 2 Venus 26� Aries sextile Neptune 26� Aquarius
June 2 Venus 26� Aries sextile Jupiter 26� Aquarius
June 5 Sun 15� Gemini square Saturn 15� Virgo (reality check)
June 6 Venus enters Taurus after being in Aries (mostly) since February. Venus rules Taurus. She is happy there.
Full Moon June 7
June 9 Mercury 26� Taurus square Chiron 26� Aquarius
June 9 Mercury 26� Taurus square Neptune 26� Aquarius
June 9 Mercury 26� Taurus sextile Uranus 26� Pisces (the great awakener, Uranus helps Mercury to carry the message)
June 10 Mercury 26� Taurus square Jupiter 26� Aquarius
June 13 Mercury enters Gemini, the sign it rules
June 15 Jupiter stations retrograde 27� Aquarius
June 16 Sun 26� Gemini trine (harmonizes) Chiron 26� Aquarius
June 17 Sun 26� Gemini trine Neptune 26� Aquarius
June 17 Sun 26� Gemini trine Jupiter 26� Aquarius
June 17 Sun 26� Gemini square Uranus 26� Pisces
June 20 Sun enters Cancer
June 21 Venus 15� Taurus conjunct Mars. Desire is strong, express it sensually.
June 22 Venus 16� Taurus trine Saturn 16* Virgo
June 22 Mars 16� Taurus trine Saturn 16� Virgo


Free Horoscope Horoscope

2011 Golden Globe Awards - 1

Golden Globe heyecan?n? gece 2'den itibaren Cnbc-e'den takip etti?im gibi twitter'da da sohbet kesilmedi ve geli?meler takip edildi. K?rm?z? hal?lar, adaylar, kazananlar derken bir Alt?n K�re �d�llerinin de b�ylelikle sonuna geldik.Anne Hathaway Armani Priv� derin s?rt dekolteli payetli elbisesi ile ???l ???ld?. Sade ve �arp?c? g�r�nen Anne, Van Cleef & Arpels k�peleri ve cluth? ile gecede farkl?l?k yaratanlardan biriydi. House dizisinin oyuncusu Olivia Wilde Marchesa straplez elbisesi ile gecenin en ??klar?ndan biriydi. Marchesa'n?n klasik �izgide elbiselerinden biri oldu?unu d�?�nsem de Olivia'ya �ok yak??t?rd?m.January Jones Versace'nin bu elbisesini �ok aram?? olmal?. G�zel bir kad?n yanl?? se�imler sayesinde nas?l da k�t� g�r�nebiliyor i?te ispat?. Platform ayakkab?lar? ve clutch? da Versace. Jennifer Lopez'i her zaman ihti?aml? se�imler i�inde g�rmeye al??t???m?z i�in bu se�imi beni ?a??rtt?. Zuhair Murad'?n ipek ve ?ifon kar???m? bol swarovski ta?l? tasar?m?n? Christian Louboutin'ler ile tamamlam??.Eva Longoria'y? ilk g�rd�?�mde bu elbiseyle nas?l y�r�yebildi?ini merak etmi?tim. O da zorlan?yormu? ki gecede anons i�in �a?r?ld???nda neredeyse d�?�yordu. Zac Posen tasar?m? elbisenin belindeki detay? �ok sevdim. Natalie Portman'?n pembe renkli bol kesimli straplez elbisesi Viktor & Rolf imzal?. Natalie'nin bu sa� modelininin benzerini Eva'da g�rd�?�m�z gibi gecede ba?ka bayanlarda da g�rmek m�mk�nd�. Bu seneki Golden Globe'un favori sa� modeli ilan ettim.

Marka Modası Marka Giyim

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Saline Breast Implants

Eye Lift surgery Plastic Surgery Eyes

Levelling the spirit - pt 2.5

Depressed People Depression Help

Pisces December 2010 Horoscope,Pisces December 2010


Horoscope Astrology

Mor Abiye Modelleri

MOR AB?YELER hakk?nda g�zel bir konu ve mor abiye modelleri nin en g�zel elbise �rneklerini sizlerin be?enisine sunuyorum.Eflatun Abiye ve Ni?anl?klarMor ve Eflatunun Abiye Elbise zerafetiMor S?rt? A�?k Abiye Elbise lerin Son Moda Elbiseler abiyeMor Abiye Elbise Modelleri ve �e?itleriF?rf?rl? Mor Ve Eflatun Abiyeler ??lemeli Mor Abiye ElbiseMor saten 2011 abiye modelleriMor renkli abiye modelleriMor tesett�r abiye elbise tesett�re ayk?r? abiye elbiselerAbiye mor Elbise ve Abiye ModelleriMor Abiyeler aray?n bayanlara yeni sezon da d�?�nlerde eylencelerde ve �zel gece lerde giyilebilecek 2011 mor abiyeler den olu?an bu kreasyonu blogumda bu ??k elbise �rneklerini be?eninize sunuyorum. �ocuk abiye giysileri arayanlara in?allah di?er konularda bilgiler verece?im bu konumda mor abiye elbise lerin y?rtma�l? ve abiye mor abiye elbiseler in alt?na giyilen ayakkab? modellerinin �rneklerini verdim. Mor abiye k?yafetler �rnekleri tesett�rl� abiye elbiseler arayanlara bek i?lerine yaramayacak amam Mor abiye elbise modeller biraz kapal? olsa daha g�zel olurdu diyen bayanlarada kat?l?yorum. :)

Marka Giyim 2011 Modası

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Mommy Makeover

Plastic Surgery Eyes Plastic Surgery Eye

some of the best moments of my life

in no particular order1. a standing ovation from the packed Palais theatre after the world premiere of Shortbus at the Cannes Film Festival in France. the audience clapping in rhythm for what was probably about 5 minutes, and felt like 20. the cast members, crew, and filmmakers all in tears at such a climactic moment of years of hard work & vulnerability. being told by the director of the festival that that night was the first time in the history of Cannes that the audience continued applauding and didn't leave the theatre until after the cast & crew. my first time in Europe.2. standing at the top of the hill overlooking Athens, Greece with my friend Loukas. my first time on an international trip without travel companions. one of the most beautiful city views i have ever experienced.3. walking onstage my first time at the Highline Ballroom in NYC. my first time headlining my own show in a "ballroom"-sized venue.4. believing in magic again for the first time in maybe 3 years. in Porto Alegre, Brazil.5. riding through the streets of Rome at night behind my friend Pino on his moped, circling past the brightly lit Colosseum and flying through ancient archways.6. wandering the streets of Edinburgh, Scotland - one of the most beautiful places i've been - on a headline tour of the UK. feeling adventurous & alive in a way i don't feel very often.7. Madrid, Prague, & Budapest - Spring 20108. going to the The Cranberries concert, 15 years after i wanted to. handing Dolores O'Riordan an inscribed copy of my covers album with "Zombie" on it, and watching her wave it around in the air (having no idea what it was haha), while singing "Ode To My Family"9. Lisa Loeb concert with Amy Caudill at Largo in Hollywood, circa 2000. sitting on the floor at Lisa's feet, and her talking to us during the show, calling us "cute", me calling her "my hero" & her responding "that's nice" and then feeling bad that it came out sarcastic rather than she asked what song i wanted her to play...and then she said no, she didn't want to play that one haha10. getting a personal email from the one and only Ani DiFranco11. the first time i came to NYC, felt its magic, and knew it was where i belonged. NYC called to me from the moment i arrived. perhaps even before.12. breaking up with my first boyfriend at the Jewel concert at Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion in Houston, Texas when i was 16. finding support in total strangers who i still believe to be angels, and dancing with them in the rain.13. seeing a music video for a song that i wrote and sang...being broadcast on network television.14. the first time i achieved an entire year of sobriety, four days before my 21st birthday.15. renting a car & driving by myself to the Dead Sea in Israel. getting lost. being terrified. finally getting there and soaking in (literally) another of the world's most stunning landscapes.17. graduating from high school 1 year early - and getting the fuck out of there18. wandering the streets of beautiful, charming Lisbon. forcing myself (after many attempts) to climb all the way to the top of the Torre de Bel�m, in spite of my fear of heights.19. making it all the way to the top outside ring of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican City, only finding the courage to ascend the cupola when a kind group of American college student tourists said they would help, and talked to me the whole way up to keep me distracted. then going to the top of the Gianicolo with my friend Marco to watch the fiery sunset over Rome.20. being flown to LA to screen test with Lindsay Lohan & Lizzie Kaplan for the producers & director of Mean Girls21. watching my first album (hardly believing one existed) climb to the No. 25 spot on the overall iTunes album charts.22. watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer followed by Xena on the couch every Thursday night in high school in the dark, eating bowls of three-cheese tortellini in tomato sauce.23. getting kicked out of college, packing everything i owned into my little Nissan Sentra, and driving 20 hours non-stop from Cincinnati to Houston, having an 18th birthday, then continuing 24 hours non-stop from Houston to Palm Springs.24. this isnt really one specific moment, but...showing up in cities ive never been to in rooms packed full of people singing my songs & requesting them by name. THAT is a crazy feeling i never thought i'd have.25. hmmm im pushing for one more memory before i go to bed, just to have a round 25...... ok! being on the cover of Rolling Stone maga....oh wait. that hasn't happened yet. ok i guess i should call it a night, i'm hallucinating.

Depression Symptoms Depressed Symptoms

Toyota Prius Recall

After a tough year of recalls numbering in the millions, 14 million worldwide including 11 million in the US, now even the "eco" hybrid flagship car for Toyota is under the recall gun.Do you own one of these 650,000 potential lemon Prius hybrid cars?2004 Toyota Prius Recall2005 Toyota Prius Recall2006 Toyota Prius Recall2007 Toyota Prius RecallNow in its third generation, the Prius turns out to have a defective coolant pump that can cause the cars to overheat and lose power.Toyota reports the problem to be an electric water pump that can slowly permit air bubbles to enter the coolant lines and when that happens, water circulation can slow down. Less cooling water going around means temperatures rise and the hybrid-electric system can overheat.If it happens then a warning light should alert you to a potential issue but if the problem is not dealt with promptly then the vehicle can go into what the manufacturer calls a "fail safe" mode where engine power is drastically reduced. And if that happens while you are on the highway, you could find your car's speed dropping to a dangerous crawl that can be hazardous to other traffic.If you've got a lemon Prius, don't take a chance. If your dealer won't help you, we can. Getting rid of lemon Toyota vehicles is what we do. Everyday. Since 1978. And we can make Toyota pay your legal costs too, in addition to either giving you a new car or your money back - your choice.Burdge Law Officewww.UsLemonLawyers.comBecause life's too short to drive a lemon Prius.

Honda Cars Used Honda Civic

The Astrology Reading: Notes From An Astrologer's Journal. Part 2


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Etek Modası Marka Modası

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Plastic Surgery Blogs

Plastic Surgery Eye Under Eye Surgery

2011 Fiat Freemont

Honda Civic Car Honda Cars

New Moon February 13, 2010: An Inspirational Surge

Through me the afflatus surging and surging, through me the current and index.
?Song of Myself? by Walt Whitman

Afflatus ? inspiration; an impelling mental force acting from within. Divine communication of knowledge.

Aquarius as the fixed air sign holds onto ideas but it can also release them as a flood. This month, the water pourer of this constellation is letting loose inspiration, reminding us that inspiration is the beginning of renewal. This sign?s season is deep winter. Where I live in the upper Midwest, deep winter finds the earth hard-frozen under ice and snow. The seeds and signals of life returning are beginning but I must become quiet to perceive the subtle signs?a change in birdcall, increased moisture in the air, longer days that stimulate more planning and work. If we long for the reawakening of spring, we are naturally drawn to listen for these cues. Opening, silencing the busy mind, becoming receptive, these practices set the stage for Aquarian inspiration, the ?afflatus? that Whitman writes about.

When Aquarius is strong, opening to inspiration can come too easily. There can be too much information, too much mental stimulation. Does your mind easily become overwhelmed with connections, insights?too much afflatus to be useful? Focus and discernment help to control the flood. This skill will be useful this month.

This New Moon in Aquarius is the perfect time to receive inspiration. The Sun and Moon join Neptune and Chiron in a culmination of these two planets?* long journey together. I have been pondering and writing about Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter in Aquarius since April. Although Neptune and Chiron have traveled very closely during this time, this lunar month the conjunction finally becomes exact and only this once. There will be no repeats during this cycle between the two planets.

Chiron is shamanic. He is the outsider with healing medicine. He is the healer whose power comes from his own wounds. He is the bridge between polarities. Neptune is the dreammaker. He weaves our consensual reality through shared myths, ideals, and ecstatic experiences. At this moment of inspiration, shamanic insight, and cultural dreaming we are capable of transforming our hearts. The transformation does not require effort; we only need to open and surrender to its flow.

The pain and the beauty of Haiti?s tragedy teach us something about all this. There are many levels to the lessons and they are important. The ingress of Jupiter into Pisces last lunar month, joined by Venus and the Sun this month, enlarges our capacity to feel even as it tempts us to deaden the feelings through escapism. There is an ebb and flow to how much we can empathize with others. It is good to be mindful when we have reached our limits and practice healthy ways to replenish.

Mars retrograde in Leo plays a significant role in the energy of the New Moon just as it did at the previous Full Moon. Mars is opposite Mercury and is at the apex of a Yod configuration with Pluto and Jupiter forming the base. The quincunx aspects of a Yod carry the energy of challenging paradox. The powerful potential of Jupiter sextile to Pluto (beliefs supporting transformation) can be attained if we integrate contradictory forces rather than fight them. Mars is gathering energy, much like an arrow gathers force as one pulls back on the bow. Mars will be released when it stations direct this lunar month. Mars is in Leo, the sign opposite Aquarius. This fixed fire energy of Leo challenges the Aquarius tendency to be abstract and somewhat disconnected from impact or passion. Mars in Leo wants to act? to be the hero who saves the day. Because Mars is retrograde we are in a period of waiting and frustration, perhaps feeling impotent, without a stage to share all the inspiration we are receiving. That pent-up energy will be released when Mars turns direct on March 10. In anticipation of that release, now is the time to set intention for where you wish it to go. Mercury opposite Mars increases the tendency to say something we may regret or to finally say something that we have needed to say for a long time. There is passionate communication this month.

In the Full Moon chart, Mars is stationary, which means it has slowed down and is about to change direction. Intentions of the New Moon will be highly influenced by the desire to integrate the ideals of Pisces and the pragmatism of Virgo.  Significantly, Jupiter is conjunct the Sun at the Full Moon. It may be a struggle to remain grounded in the Virgo realm with this incredibly strong Jupiter asking us to feel more deeply and surrender more completely to transcendent states of being. The illumination of the Full Moon may reveal illusions, disappointments, and addictions. It can also reveal higher purpose and reasons to believe. Be ready for both. 

With so much potential for inspired experience this month, we will be looking for ways to ground the inspiration into manifestation and action. Transits to Saturn this month will support grounding. Venus entering Aries at the end of this lunar month, right before Mars turns direct, will also support our need to act on feelings.  When Venus squares Pluto on March 11, actions and passions challenge each other. Somehow, after spending so much time unleashing the floods of inspiration, it may feel good to get down to the nitty gritty of desire.

Dates important to the stories. These are not a complete list of transits for the month, but rather are times when the themes of these stories are stronger.

February 14 Venus 3� Pisces quincunx Saturn 3� Libra
February 14 Venus 3� Pisces quincunx Mars 3� Leo
February 14 Sun 26� Aquarius conjunct Chiron 26� Aquarius
February 14 Sun 26� Aquarius conjunct Neptune 26� Aquarius
February 15 Mars 3� Leo sextile Saturn 3� Libra
February 16 Venus 6� Pisces conjunct Jupiter 6� Pisces
February 17 Neptune 26� Aquarius conjunct Chiron 26� Aquarius
February 18 Sun enters Pisces
February 27 Mercury 26� Aquarius conjunct Neptune 26� Aquarius
February 27 Mercury 26� Aquarius conjunct Chiron 26� Aquarius
February 28 Sun 9� Pisces conjunct Jupiter 9� Pisces
February 28 Full Moon 9� Virgo
March 1 Mercury enters Pisces
March 7 Venus enters Aries
March 7 Venus 0� Aries trines Mars 0� Leo
March 7 Mercury 11� Pisces conjunct Jupiter 11� Pisces
March 9 Venus 2� Aries opposite Saturn 2� Libra
March 10 Mars stations direct 0� Leo
March 11 Venus 2� Aries squares Pluto 2� Capricorn
March 14 Sun 23� Pisces conjunct Mercury 23� Pisces
*Chiron is not truly a planet. In common astrological usage any orbiting body, even sometimes the Sun and Moon are referred to as planets. The root of the word planet comes from Greek for ?wandering stars.?


Horoscope Astrology

IFW'11 takvimi belli oldu

Marka Modası Marka Giyim

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Thong Lift?

Under Eye Surgery Eye Lift surgery

The Scanner's Prayer

MRI scanners have revolutionized medicine and provided neuroscientists with some incredible tools for exploring the brain.But that doesn't mean they're fun to use. They can be annoying, unpredictable beings, and you never know whether they're going to bless you with nice results or curse you with cancelled scans and noisy data.So for the benefit of everyone who has to work with MRI, here is a devotional litany which might just keep your scanner from getting wrathful at the crucial moment. Say this before each scan. Just remember, the magnet is always on and it can read your mind, so make sure you really mean it, and refrain from scientific sins...*Our scanner, which art from Siemens,Hallowed be thy coils.Thy data come;Thy scans be done;In grey matter as it is in white matter.Give us this day our daily blobs.And forgive us our trespasses,As we forgive them that trespass onto our scan slots.And lead us not into the magnet room carrying a pair of scissors,But deliver us from volunteers who can?t keep their heads still.For thine is the magnet,The gradients,And the headcoil,For ever and ever (at least until we can afford a 7T).Amen.(Apologies to Christians).

Depression Test Depression Symptoms

Failure Again!

Used Honda Civic Honda Civic Car

Astrology Lunation Horoscopes - September 2010


Astrology Medical Astrology

Cuma Kafas?

Marka Giyim 2011 Modası

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Holiday Plastic Surgery

Under Eye Surgery Eye Lift surgery

Inflation: The Incredible Shrinking Dollar

Guess what? Your pocket has been picked. I don?t mean your wallet, or even its contents. What I am referring to is the buying power of the money it contains. The consumer price index (CPI) tells the story. As you know, it measures the change in prices of a fixed basket of goods and services that the typical household supposedly purchases every month. The recent trend of the CPI does not reveal much to worry about. In 2010, consumer prices rose a relatively benign 1.5%. However, there is more to this story. For one thing, prices in the month of December alone rose a whopping 0.5%. That was the biggest monthly rise since June 2009.And the fact that most of the rise was traceable to an 8.5% jump in energy should not ameliorate our concerns, since we all use energy just like we all consume food. Besides food and energy, other items in the consumer?s basket went up as well, including health care, apparel and airline fares. Few items fell. Longer term, the buck?s buying power has been shrinking for years ? indeed, for decades.   More Here..

Depression Test Depression Symptoms

TOPMARK PJ: Top 5 pick of the week! Week 10 (3/1 to 10/1)

Honda Civic Car Honda Cars

October - November 2009


Medical Astrology 2011 Astrology

Spring 2011 Campaigns

Marka Modası Marka Giyim

Monday, January 24, 2011

Rhinoplasty Before And After

Eye Lift surgery Plastic Surgery Eyes

When "Healthy Brains" Aren't

There's a lot of talk, much of it rather speculative, about "neuroethics" nowadays.But there's one all too real ethical dilemma, a direct consequence of modern neuroscience, that gets very little attention. This is the problem of incidental findings on MRI scans.An "incidental finding" is when you scan someone's brain for research purposes, and, unexpectedly, notice that something looks wrong with it. This is surprisingly common: estimates range from 2?8% of the general population. It will happen to you if you regularly use MRI or fMRI for research purposes, and when it does, it's a shock. Especially when the brain in question belongs to someone you know. Friends, family and colleagues are often the first to be recruited for MRI studies.This is why it's vital to have a system in place for dealing with incidental findings. Any responsible MRI scanning centre will have one, and as a researcher you ought to be familiar with it. But what system is best?Broadly speaking there are two extreme positions:Research scans are not designed for diagnosis, and 99% of MRI researchers are not qualified to make a diagnosis. What looks "abnormal" to Joe Neuroscientist BSc or even Dr Bob Psychiatrist is rarely a sign of illness, and likewise they can easily miss real diseases. So, we should ignore incidental findings, pretend the scan never happened, because for all clinical purposes, it didn't.You have to do whatever you can with an incidental finding. You have the scans, like it or not, and if you ignore them, you're putting lives at risk. No, they're not clinical scans, they can still detect many diseases. So all scans should be examined by a qualified neuroradiologist, and any abnormalities which are possibly pathological should be followed-up.Neither of these extremes is very satisfactory. Ignoring incidental findings sounds nice and easy, until you actually have to do it, especially if it's your girlfriend's brain. On the other hand, to get every single scan properly checked by a neuroradiologist would be expensive and time-consuming. Also, it would effectively turn your study into a disease screening program - yet we know that screening programs can cause more harm than good, so this is not necessarily a good idea.Most places adopt a middle-of-the-road approach. Scans aren't routinely checked by an expert, but if a researcher spots something weird, they can refer the scan to a qualified clinician to follow up. Almost always, there's no underlying disease. Even large, OMG-he-has-a-golf-ball-in-his-brain findings can be benign. But not always.This is fine but it doesn't always work smoothly. The details are everything. Who's the go-to expert for your study, and what are their professional obligations? Are they checking your scan "in a personal capacity", or is this a formal clinical referral? What's their e-mail address? What format should you send the file in? If they're on holiday, who's the backup? At what point should you inform the volunteer about what's happening?Like fire escapes, these things are incredibly boring, until the day when they're suddenly not.A new paper from the University of California Irvine describes a computerized system that made it easy for researchers to refer scans to a neuroradiologist. A secure website was set up and publicized in University neuroscience community.Suspect scans could be uploaded, in one of two common formats. They were then anonymized and automatically forwarded to the Department of Radiology for an expert opinion. Email notifications kept everyone up to date with the progress of each scan.This seems like a very good idea, partially because of the technical advantages, but also because of the "placebo effect" - the fact that there's an electronic system in place sends the message: we're serious about this, please use this system.Out about 5,000 research scans over 5 years, there were 27 referrals. Most were deemed benign... except one which turned out to be potentially very serious - suspected hydrocephalus, increased fluid pressure in the brain, which prompted an urgent referral to hospital for further tests.There's no ideal solution to the problem of incidental findings, because by their very nature, research scans are kind of clinical and kind of not. But this system seems as good as any.Cramer SC, Wu J, Hanson JA, Nouri S, Karnani D, Chuang TM, & Le V (2011). A system for addressing incidental findings in neuroimaging research. NeuroImage PMID: 21224007

Depression Symptoms Depressed Symptoms

Silk Blaze Creates 271HP Honda CR-Z with HKS Turbocharger

One of the most striking Honda CR-Z proposals at this year's edition of the Tokyo Auto Salon came from Japanese tuning firm Silk Blaze. The heavily modded concept model boasts a full body kit with a new front bumper and grille assembly, side skirts, a rear wing and a new rear bumper with additional air vents on top, plus a diffuser and...

Honda Civic Car Honda Cars

Private Journal, August 26


Medical Astrology 2011 Astrology

2011 People Choice Awards'da ?kinci Perde

Betsy Johnson'?n rengarenk elbisesini Katy Perry'den ba?ka kim iyi ta??yabilirdi? �zellikle pembe platform ayakkab?lar?na ve ojelerine bay?ld?m.Klasik tarz?ndan ve koyu renklerden vazge�meyen Jennifer Aniston bu kararl??? ile Angelina Jolie'ye benziyor. (!) Dolce & Gabbana yelek - pantolon ikilisi ile �arp?c? g�r�nmekten �ok uzak. Leighton Meester Vionnet elbisesi ile yine fark?n? ortaya koydu. G�steri?ten uzak gibi duran ama her detay? ile bizi kendisine �ekmeyi ba?aran bir se�im yapm??. Sol ba?tan say komutu ile geceye k?z karde?leriyle gelen Kardashian ailesine bakal?m. Kim Malandrino elbise ve Chanel clutch ; Kourtney Gert Johan Coetzee straplez elbise, Kylie Jenner korse elbisesi ile ya??na uygun; Kendall Jenner kal?n kemerle tamamlad??? k?yafeti ise Bebe. Khloe Kardashian'?n sa� rengini de?i?tirdi?ini bir bak??ta anlam??s?n?zd?r. Kardashian'lardan biri siyah sa�lara ?imdilik veda etme cesaretini g�stermi?. Solaryum ziyaretlerini de azaltm??; depresyonda de?ilsin de?il mi Khloe? Malin Akerman J.Mendel beyaz elbisesi ve k?rm?z? aksesuarlar? uyum i�inde olsun istemi?.AnnaLynn McCord'un elbisesinin bu kadar kapal? olmas? ?a??rd?n?z de?il mi? S?rt?mdaki dekolteyi atlamay?n?z diyerek pozunu da vermi?. Bende ba?ka �nl�yle kar??t?rd???m?z? sanm??t?m. Tamam; ?imdi oldu.

Marka Modası Marka Giyim

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Our Art Collection

Under Eye Surgery Eye Lift surgery

CASH Bribes Being Accepted For Metal Contracts

Buyers, who have legally contracted to take physical delivery of metals, are said to be accepting large, paper bribes to accept a cash settlement instead.The reasons are obvious why there has been a great deal of discussion about actual, formal ?defaults? in the precious metals markets. Among those ?obvious reasons? is that informal defaults are apparently already taking place in both gold and silver markets.Beginning in the London gold market over a year ago, and now rumored to be occurring in New York?s ?Comex? silver futures market, buyers who have legally contracted to take ?physical delivery? of the metals they have purchased are said to be accepting large, paper bribes to accept a ?cash settlement? instead.There are many reasons for investors to take such ?rumors? seriously. Empirically, we see the premiums being charged for physical bullion (even from large, established dealers) rising to levels never before seen (around the world). This strongly suggests a very tight market for bullion. This is confirmed through the anecdotal reports of both industrial users and large institutional investors (such as Sprott Asset Management) that they are having a great deal of difficulty locating any large quantities of bullion available for sale.More Here..94 Percent Report Increased Demand for AssistanceCanadian Firms Now Trading in Renminbi (Yuan)?I?ve Never Seen Anything Like it?

Depressed People Depression Help

VeilSide 4509 GTR is a Toyota Supra IV with an Identity Crisis

Japanese tuners sure love breaking the mold and shocking people with their creations. Revealed at the Tokyo Auto Salon, the 4509 GTR is the product of VeilSide, a Japan-based tuning firm established in 1990 by Yokomaku Hironao. It is based on a fourth generation Toyota Supra Turbo from 1993 and has received a complete makeover with the exterior...

Used Honda Civic Honda Civic Car

Kidnapped By Neptune...


Astrology Medical Astrology

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Healing from Liposuction and Getting the Feel of the New You

Plastic Surgery Eyes Plastic Surgery Eye

Two Blogs and a Public Service Announcement

First up, here are two new(ish) blogs which have been consistently excellent since I started reading them:Neurobonkers (see e.g. this post)Psych Gripe (e.g. this post)Second, an announcement: Blogger has a spam filter for comments.It's rubbish.It seems to think that any comment containing more than one hyperlink is spam. Actually, all the spam I get contains one link, and hence makes it through, while the real comments with multiple links, which are usually interesting and sensible, get blocked. A Mr. "Generic Viagra" (no really) can leave 20 comments in 5 minutes with impunity, but more than one link, and you're out.I would love to turn it off, but you can't. Thanks Google. My comment policy is, as it's always been, that all comments except spam are welcome. So if your comment hasn't appeared, it's not that I've deleted it, it's the spam filter.I check the spam folder as often as I can, and allow the proper comments through, but you might want to avoid comments with more than one link. Maybe split them into multiple comments. It's not ideal but, as I said, it's not my filter.

Depression Help Depression Symptoms

2011 Aston Martin launches Cygnet special editions

Honda Civic Car Honda Cars

Gemini 2011 Horoscope,Free Gemini Horoscope 2011


Medical Astrology 2011 Astrology

www-lcwaikiki-com LC Waikiki Web Sitesi Ileti?im Adresi LCW Waikiki Ma?zas?n?n resmi internet sitesidir. M�steri Temsilcisi ve ileti?im adresleri ayr?ca telefon numaralar? ile diger bilgiler a?a??da ziyaretcilerimize verilmi?tir. Ayr?ca blog y�netimi olarak lc vaikiki firmas?n? ba?ar?lar?ndan dolay? tebrik �ocuk Gen� Bay bayan ve Bebe giyim De lider waikiki Aral?k indirimi Y�zde 50 ?uan Ocak kampanyas? olarakLCW vaikiki Kampanyalar? ile sat?lan �r�n fiyatlar? n? size en yak?n ma?zay? adresinden bakarak bulun ve indirimleri sizlerde g�r�n.www-lcwaikiki-com Hakkandaki ara?t?rmalar?m? sizlerle payla?mak istiyorum arkada?lar. Bir �ok yerde sorulmu?tur sizlerde duymu?unuzdur LCWaikiki nin sahibi kim dir? diye benim ara?t?rmalar?m ?uan bir T�rk i?letmecisine aittir. 1997 y?l?nda Tema Grup ba ait 13 senedir T�rk markas? d?r. LC Waikiki 1985 y?l?nda frans?zlar taraf?ndan bir giyim markas? olarak kuruldu. LC Waikiki bug�n T�rkiye?de kad?n giyim, erkek giyim, gen� giyim, �ocuk giyim ve bebek giyim �r�nleri ve Zengin modelleri ile koleksiyonlar?n? siz de?erli m�?terilerine sunuyor. Giyim modas?n?n g�zel ve geni? �r�nleri ile haz?r giyim konusunda iddial? Moda giyim ve spor giyimde fiyatlar? ilede ucuz ve kalitesiyle LC Waikiki ma?zalar? nda m�sterilerine hizmet vermektetir.LC Waikiki ?leti?im Bilgileri:TEMA MAGAZACILIK HIZ. TIC. A.S.Evren Mah. Gulbahar Cad. Sehit Cengiz Karci SokakNo:4 Ba?cilar 34212 ?stanbul / TURK?YELC Waikiki Telefon Numaras?: 0090 212 657 55 55LC Waikiki Fax Numaras?: 0090 212 630 86 08LC Waikiki mail adresi: info@lcwaikiki.comM�steri Hizmetlerine burdan ula?abilirsiniz.

2011 Modası Etek Modası

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Kate Gosselin's Breasts: "These Breasts Are All Mine"

Plastic Surgery Eyes Plastic Surgery Eye

Trying to create an impression can alter your perception of others

Depression Symptoms Depressed Symptoms

2012 Kia Rio

Honda Civic Car Honda Cars



2011 Astrology Free Horoscope

Yeni Bir Ke?if... "Did by Did"

Herkese Selamlar!
Yeni Ke?iflerimizle yolumuza devam ediyoruz.Bu hafta sizi "Did by Did" markas? ile tan??t?rmak istiyorum.
Kendisini blog a�t???mdan beri izliyorum.Hat?rlad???m kadar? ile ilk ba?larda bro?larla tasar?m yolculu?una ba?lad?.Daha sonra �anta, ayakkab? ve aksesuarlarla devam etti.Art?k o bir marka oldu.Lazy Butik'te �r�nleri sat??a sunuluyor...
Tabi blogunda ; k?yafet tasar?mlar?, d?y projeleri, yurtd???ndan �nerdi?i al??veri? siteleri ve tarz?n? be?endi?i markalar? g�rmeniz m�mk�n.

Daha yak?ndan Didem'i tan?tmak gerekir ise, kendisi Bilkent �versitesi'nde ?ngilizce ve Frans?zca dillerinde ald??? Accounting Information Systems e?itimini 2006 senesinde tamamlam??.?uan �zel bir sekt�rde e?itimini ald??? i?i yap?yor.Ancak akl?n?n hep bir k�?esinde tasar?m a?k? yan?p s�nm�?.Bu a?k yanmaya ba?lad? m? s�nd�rmek m�mk�n olmuyor:)O da en do?rusunu yapm?? ve kendini geli?tirmek i�in Milan Fashion Campus'te Moda Tasar?m e?itimi almaya ba?lam??.Tasar?mlar?n? hayata ge�irme arzusu nedeniyle Moda okulunu biraz asm?? olsada emin ad?mlarla markas?n? b�y�t�yor:)
Didem'e bu markan?n nas?l �?kt???n? sorduk;
"Bir?eyleri oldu?u gibi kabullenememek, kenar?na-k�?esine mutlaka kendimden bir?eyler eklemekle ba?lad? her?ey. ?lk ba?larda akl?mda ne varsa kendi �st�mde hayat buluyordu yani daha �ok amat�r olarak k?yafet tasarl?yordum . Mezuniyet k?yafetimden gelinli?ime kadar bir �ok �zel an?m?n veya s?radan bir tatilde giyece?im k?yafetlerin tasar?m?n? keyif alarak yapt?m. Dolab?mda sahip oldu?um bir �ok ?eyi modifiye ettim.  Akl?mdakinin �st�mde olmas? her zaman haz?r olan? almaktan daha �ok mutlu etti beni. Daha sonralar? i? hayat?n?n yo?unlu?u evlilik hayat?yla birle?ince i�imdeki k?yafet tasar?m a?k? yerini vakit bulduk�a yapabildi?im aksesuarlar tasar?mlar?na b?rakt?. Ortaya �?kan her?ey �evremin be?enisini kazan?yordu peki ya di?erleri?... ??te bu nedenle Did Dans La Mode ortaya �?kt?. Benim pencereme tak?lanlar?,zevklerimi,tecr�belerimi, hayata ge�irdiklerimi k?sacas? bana keyif vereni ben de blogta payla?maya ba?lad?m. ?yi ki  yapm???m :) ��nk� payla?t?k�a daha �ok keyif ald?m. Beni yans?tan aksesuar tasar?mlar?m k?sa bir s�re sonra Zeynep Tunuslu'nun be?enisiyle ilk g�r�c�s�ne A La Mode program?nda �?kt?. Programdan sonra gelen talep ve Zeynep Han?m'?n da tavsiyesine uyarak Did by Did markas?n? yaratt?m. Yani hobi olarak s�rd�rmeye �al??t???m tasar?m a?k?m d�nd� doland? yine hayat?m?n tam ortas?nda yerini ald?. Bana ise bu keyifli ve renkli hayata ayak uydurmak kald?." 

Didem'in g�rselerinden hangilerini se�ip siteye ekliyece?imi ?a??rd?m.Hepsi o kadar g�zel ki..�antalarda o siyah-beyaz resimlere bay?ld?m.
Bu markadan ald?klar?n?z? tak?m yapma imkan?da var.�anta ve ayakkab?larla harika bir kombin olu?turabilirsiniz.Eeee birde bro? ve ta�lar?n? unutmamak laz?m:)Ben ?imdiden kafamda bir kombin olu?turdum bile:)
E?er sizde Did by Did markas?ndan  g�zel tasar?mlar?n sizin olmas?n? istiyorsan?z hemen t?k t?k:)
Sevgilerle, Yasemin...

Etek Modası Marka Modası

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Plastic Surgery and Dating

Plastic Surgery Eye Under Eye Surgery

an american party in spain

what did i do on my first weekend in madrid?i went "american" party!that's right...they actually have american-themed parties over here, and you will be thrilled to see what they think of us hahaall-american alvaroi didn't really realize that "nerds" were such an "american" concept...until i went to an american party and was faced with like 100 of them. one chick was even sporting fake braces!i think the quintessential post-it phrase is "kick me", but...close. javi's costume was very thorough...he even brought a spiral notebook, an apple, and a tuna salad sandwich wrapped in saran wrapi don't know if this was part of the "american" theme, but there were boxes & boxes & boxes of sangria in the player...with cape hahaum how much do you love the walking hot dog? ("perrito caliente" as they say in spain)just when you think it can't get any better...monica lewinski shows upall-NATIVE-american...cher.miss USA!jos� can you seehome, home on the rangestars & stripes 4-everre-enactment of the lady gaga video...i imagine this happens at any party, regardless of its themeyearbook photoi kept trying to get a photo of Superman smoking his cigarette, but i could never move fast enoughbest use of a trophy i've seeni didn't need a costume...i came as all-american alvaro's authentic american accessorymy favorite quote from the night:-javi calvo (above), upon pulling my very american listerine strips out of my pocket & letting him try one:"it's like a gum...but quicker!"

Depression Test Depression Symptoms

Cadillac SRX Recall

GM is recalling about 4,000 2010 Cadillac SRX vehicles because of power steering dangers.The defect can lead to an engine fire because of fluid leaks. All of the recalled vehicles were built in December 2009.Contact your dealer to find out if your Cadillac is on the recall list.Meanwhile, if you've got a lemon Cadillac with a deadly defect, if it isn't fixed on the first chance, after that it can be a lemon and you are entitled to a replacement new Cadillac or your money back. That's what Burdge attorneys do. Since 1978.Burdge Law Officewww.UsLemonLawyers.comBecause life is too short to drive a lemon.

Honda Cars Used Honda Civic

Aquarius 2011 Horoscope,Aquarius Horoscope 2011,Free Aquarius 2011


2011 Astrology Free Horoscope

2011 Golden Globe Awards - 1

Golden Globe heyecan?n? gece 2'den itibaren Cnbc-e'den takip etti?im gibi twitter'da da sohbet kesilmedi ve geli?meler takip edildi. K?rm?z? hal?lar, adaylar, kazananlar derken bir Alt?n K�re �d�llerinin de b�ylelikle sonuna geldik.Anne Hathaway Armani Priv� derin s?rt dekolteli payetli elbisesi ile ???l ???ld?. Sade ve �arp?c? g�r�nen Anne, Van Cleef & Arpels k�peleri ve cluth? ile gecede farkl?l?k yaratanlardan biriydi. House dizisinin oyuncusu Olivia Wilde Marchesa straplez elbisesi ile gecenin en ??klar?ndan biriydi. Marchesa'n?n klasik �izgide elbiselerinden biri oldu?unu d�?�nsem de Olivia'ya �ok yak??t?rd?m.January Jones Versace'nin bu elbisesini �ok aram?? olmal?. G�zel bir kad?n yanl?? se�imler sayesinde nas?l da k�t� g�r�nebiliyor i?te ispat?. Platform ayakkab?lar? ve clutch? da Versace. Jennifer Lopez'i her zaman ihti?aml? se�imler i�inde g�rmeye al??t???m?z i�in bu se�imi beni ?a??rtt?. Zuhair Murad'?n ipek ve ?ifon kar???m? bol swarovski ta?l? tasar?m?n? Christian Louboutin'ler ile tamamlam??.Eva Longoria'y? ilk g�rd�?�mde bu elbiseyle nas?l y�r�yebildi?ini merak etmi?tim. O da zorlan?yormu? ki gecede anons i�in �a?r?ld???nda neredeyse d�?�yordu. Zac Posen tasar?m? elbisenin belindeki detay? �ok sevdim. Natalie Portman'?n pembe renkli bol kesimli straplez elbisesi Viktor & Rolf imzal?. Natalie'nin bu sa� modelininin benzerini Eva'da g�rd�?�m�z gibi gecede ba?ka bayanlarda da g�rmek m�mk�nd�. Bu seneki Golden Globe'un favori sa� modeli ilan ettim.

2011 Modası Etek Modası

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Surgery In Egypt

Eye Lift surgery Plastic Surgery Eyes

Jim Rogers: Social Unrest Coming

Rising commodity prices could trigger social unrest in some countries in the future, says noted commodities investor Jim Rogers. Supplies for many natural resources low and demand for them high, pushing up prices. Most commodities values from corn to copper saw significant rises in 2010 and prices continue to hold solidly. The last time commodity prices, particularly agricultural prices were strong, was in 2008. There were riots in some countries as some of the poorest people in certain countries were unable to afford basic staples. Prices for raw materials are rising again and if inflation starts to take off that will only stoke the flame, Rogers said. ?You?re already starting to see some unrest in some countries as prices go higher. It?s going to cause a lot more social unrest as prices go higher around the world. Some governments will topple,? he said. He said commodity-rich countries like Australia and Canada and those in South America and Africa will do well if prices rise. Farmers will also benefit. ?You will see some governments topple. Is it the end of the world? I don?t think so. It wasn?t in the 70s. But there will be more political instability everywhere,? he said. More Here..

Depression Help Depression Symptoms

TOPMARK PJ: Top 5 pick of the week! Week 10 (3/1 to 10/1)

Honda Cars Used Honda Civic

New Moon February 13, 2010: An Inspirational Surge

Through me the afflatus surging and surging, through me the current and index.
?Song of Myself? by Walt Whitman

Afflatus ? inspiration; an impelling mental force acting from within. Divine communication of knowledge.

Aquarius as the fixed air sign holds onto ideas but it can also release them as a flood. This month, the water pourer of this constellation is letting loose inspiration, reminding us that inspiration is the beginning of renewal. This sign?s season is deep winter. Where I live in the upper Midwest, deep winter finds the earth hard-frozen under ice and snow. The seeds and signals of life returning are beginning but I must become quiet to perceive the subtle signs?a change in birdcall, increased moisture in the air, longer days that stimulate more planning and work. If we long for the reawakening of spring, we are naturally drawn to listen for these cues. Opening, silencing the busy mind, becoming receptive, these practices set the stage for Aquarian inspiration, the ?afflatus? that Whitman writes about.

When Aquarius is strong, opening to inspiration can come too easily. There can be too much information, too much mental stimulation. Does your mind easily become overwhelmed with connections, insights?too much afflatus to be useful? Focus and discernment help to control the flood. This skill will be useful this month.

This New Moon in Aquarius is the perfect time to receive inspiration. The Sun and Moon join Neptune and Chiron in a culmination of these two planets?* long journey together. I have been pondering and writing about Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter in Aquarius since April. Although Neptune and Chiron have traveled very closely during this time, this lunar month the conjunction finally becomes exact and only this once. There will be no repeats during this cycle between the two planets.

Chiron is shamanic. He is the outsider with healing medicine. He is the healer whose power comes from his own wounds. He is the bridge between polarities. Neptune is the dreammaker. He weaves our consensual reality through shared myths, ideals, and ecstatic experiences. At this moment of inspiration, shamanic insight, and cultural dreaming we are capable of transforming our hearts. The transformation does not require effort; we only need to open and surrender to its flow.

The pain and the beauty of Haiti?s tragedy teach us something about all this. There are many levels to the lessons and they are important. The ingress of Jupiter into Pisces last lunar month, joined by Venus and the Sun this month, enlarges our capacity to feel even as it tempts us to deaden the feelings through escapism. There is an ebb and flow to how much we can empathize with others. It is good to be mindful when we have reached our limits and practice healthy ways to replenish.

Mars retrograde in Leo plays a significant role in the energy of the New Moon just as it did at the previous Full Moon. Mars is opposite Mercury and is at the apex of a Yod configuration with Pluto and Jupiter forming the base. The quincunx aspects of a Yod carry the energy of challenging paradox. The powerful potential of Jupiter sextile to Pluto (beliefs supporting transformation) can be attained if we integrate contradictory forces rather than fight them. Mars is gathering energy, much like an arrow gathers force as one pulls back on the bow. Mars will be released when it stations direct this lunar month. Mars is in Leo, the sign opposite Aquarius. This fixed fire energy of Leo challenges the Aquarius tendency to be abstract and somewhat disconnected from impact or passion. Mars in Leo wants to act? to be the hero who saves the day. Because Mars is retrograde we are in a period of waiting and frustration, perhaps feeling impotent, without a stage to share all the inspiration we are receiving. That pent-up energy will be released when Mars turns direct on March 10. In anticipation of that release, now is the time to set intention for where you wish it to go. Mercury opposite Mars increases the tendency to say something we may regret or to finally say something that we have needed to say for a long time. There is passionate communication this month.

In the Full Moon chart, Mars is stationary, which means it has slowed down and is about to change direction. Intentions of the New Moon will be highly influenced by the desire to integrate the ideals of Pisces and the pragmatism of Virgo.  Significantly, Jupiter is conjunct the Sun at the Full Moon. It may be a struggle to remain grounded in the Virgo realm with this incredibly strong Jupiter asking us to feel more deeply and surrender more completely to transcendent states of being. The illumination of the Full Moon may reveal illusions, disappointments, and addictions. It can also reveal higher purpose and reasons to believe. Be ready for both. 

With so much potential for inspired experience this month, we will be looking for ways to ground the inspiration into manifestation and action. Transits to Saturn this month will support grounding. Venus entering Aries at the end of this lunar month, right before Mars turns direct, will also support our need to act on feelings.  When Venus squares Pluto on March 11, actions and passions challenge each other. Somehow, after spending so much time unleashing the floods of inspiration, it may feel good to get down to the nitty gritty of desire.

Dates important to the stories. These are not a complete list of transits for the month, but rather are times when the themes of these stories are stronger.

February 14 Venus 3� Pisces quincunx Saturn 3� Libra
February 14 Venus 3� Pisces quincunx Mars 3� Leo
February 14 Sun 26� Aquarius conjunct Chiron 26� Aquarius
February 14 Sun 26� Aquarius conjunct Neptune 26� Aquarius
February 15 Mars 3� Leo sextile Saturn 3� Libra
February 16 Venus 6� Pisces conjunct Jupiter 6� Pisces
February 17 Neptune 26� Aquarius conjunct Chiron 26� Aquarius
February 18 Sun enters Pisces
February 27 Mercury 26� Aquarius conjunct Neptune 26� Aquarius
February 27 Mercury 26� Aquarius conjunct Chiron 26� Aquarius
February 28 Sun 9� Pisces conjunct Jupiter 9� Pisces
February 28 Full Moon 9� Virgo
March 1 Mercury enters Pisces
March 7 Venus enters Aries
March 7 Venus 0� Aries trines Mars 0� Leo
March 7 Mercury 11� Pisces conjunct Jupiter 11� Pisces
March 9 Venus 2� Aries opposite Saturn 2� Libra
March 10 Mars stations direct 0� Leo
March 11 Venus 2� Aries squares Pluto 2� Capricorn
March 14 Sun 23� Pisces conjunct Mercury 23� Pisces
*Chiron is not truly a planet. In common astrological usage any orbiting body, even sometimes the Sun and Moon are referred to as planets. The root of the word planet comes from Greek for ?wandering stars.?


Astrology Medical Astrology

Yeni Bir Ke?if... "Nalan Haznedar"

Herkese Selamlar...

Moda Tutkusunu olarak yeni bir b�l�m a�may? d�?�n�yorduk.Hedefimiz yeni ke?fetti?imiz, tarz?n? ve tasar?mlar?n? be?endi?imiz arkada?lar? payla?mak.Bunu "yapal?m , edelim "derken �oook cici bir izleyicimizden mail ald?k.Kendisi, bu projemizi hayata daha h?zl? bir ?ekilde ge�irmemizi sa?lad?.

?lk olarak size kendisini tan?tmak istiyorum. Nalan, Dokuz Eyl�l �niversitesi Jeoloji m�hendisli?i 3. s?n?f �?rencisi.Ayr?ca Anadolu �niversitesinde ??letme �?rencisi.Ama bunlar? okurken �ocuklu?undan beri i�indeki moda a?k?n? s�nd�rememi? ve daha da alevlendirmi? olucak ki 2 y?l Bilgisayarl? Moda Tasar?m ve stilistlik e?itimi alm??.
Hem okuyup hem de i�indeki Moda a?k?n? hayata ge�irenlerden.Hen�z yolun ba??nda tabi.�izdi?i k?yafetleri annesinin deste?i ile birlikte dikip hayata ge�iriyorlar.

Art?k bunu profesyonel bir ?ekilde yapmak istiyor.Kendi tasarlad??? ve styling'ini kendi yapt??? k?yafetlerin �ekimini ger�ekle?tirmi?.Styling demi?ken All dergisinde stil yar??mas?nda 2. olmu?.

G�rselini bizimle payla?t??? i�in �ok te?ekk�r ederiz...

Eminim Nalan �ok iyi i?ler yap?cak.

Bence bu gen� yetene?i izlemeye al?n.Yak?nda daha daha fazla tasar?mlar? ile sizinle olucak...Ayr?ca daha fazla resim diyorsan?z kendi blog sitesine alal?m sizi...t?k t?k:)


Etek Modası Marka Modası

Monday, January 17, 2011

Healing from Liposuction and Getting the Feel of the New You

Plastic Surgery Eye Under Eye Surgery

The Special Issue Spotter

Depression Symptoms Depressed Symptoms

Police Recover BMW 750i xDrive that was Stolen During the Detroit Auto Show [with VIDEO]

The BMW 750i xDrive that was stolen during the 2011 Detroit Auto Show has been found. The $95,000 car was discovered at a gated apartment complex near Telegraph and Glendale Street, in Detroit?s West Side. Detroit police said the wires to the tracking system had been cut, but the Bimmer was probably ditched due to the massive media attention...

Honda Civic Car Honda Cars

Solar Eclipse In Capricorn Jan 15th 2010


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Tergan Ayakkab? Modelleri TERGAN AYAKKABI �e?itleri

Tergan alcak topuklu ayakkab? modelleri ve TERGAN AYAKKABILARI n?n en g�zel modellerini sizlere sunuyorum umar?m benim gibi sizlerde Tergan deri Bayan ayakkab? �r�nlerini begenirsiniz.Tergan ortopedik ayakkab? modelleriTergan ayakkab?n?n bu seneki Topuklu ucu a�?k ayakkabi modelleriBu senenin Tergan Moda ayakkabilariBu senenin Tergan ayakkabi modasi [?ncili Ayakkab?lar?]Yerli Mal? T�rk�n Mal? olan Tergan Deri �r�nlerinin en be?enilen Ayakkab?lar?ndan olu?an bu konuyu blog ziyaretcilerime vermemdeki ama� T�rk mal? Ayakkab? firmalar?n?n en uygun fiyatl? ve en kaliteli olan ayakkab?lar? ve �anta ��zdan ve kemerleri ile �n yapan bir firmay? sizlerinde tan?man?z amac?ylayd?. Tergan �anta modelleri ara?t?r?rken tergan indiriminin oldu?unu g�rd�m ve bu konuyu sizlerle payla?maya karar verdim. ��nk� tergan 2011 ayakkab? modelleri ve fiyatlar? n? yerinde g�rmek i�in ankara carrefour u gezerken tergan �izme modelleri ve Tergan deri �anta ve tergan c�zdan modellerine bakmak istermisiniz diye kuzenim sordu hemen bakal?m dedim, birde bakt?kki Tergan Ayakkab? fiyat? ve kalitesine g�re �ok ucuz ve kanmapya ba?latm??lar g�zelde indirim yapm??lar, hemen bir tane Tergan bot kuzenime ald?k bir tanede Tercan �izme kendime ald?k, iyi ki alm???z ��nk� internette ara?t?rd???mda online sat?? yapan yerlerde fiyatlar? �ok daha pahal? idi, sizlerede tavsiyem AVM lerde ve B�y�k Ma?zalarda ara?t?rma yapmadan sak?n netten al?? veri? yapmay?n karde? tavsiyesi sizlere. Neyse Hadi Kal?n sa?l?cakla. Ho?cakal?n...

2011 Modası Etek Modası

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Carscoop Reports Live from the Tokyo Auto Salon 2011 [Day 3]

Ok, we're here live at the 2011 Tokyo Auto Salon in Japan getting as many photos as possible (and maybe some videos too). Bookmark this page and keep checking back for the updates as they come rolling in through the hand-held God machine that Steve Jobs created.

We'll be getting some high-quality photos as well, but they'll be coming through a...

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Kim Kardashian Gets Botox! And Has A Bad Reaction Afterwards!

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October - November 2009


Free Horoscope Horoscope

OLMADI Adil I??k !!

2011 Modası Etek Modası

Friday, January 14, 2011

Want to Heidi Yourself?

Eye Lift surgery Plastic Surgery Eyes

The benefits of thinking about our ancestors

Depressed People Depression Test

Audi A3 Recall, Audi TT Recall


Honda Cars Used Honda Civic

New Moon June 12, 2010: A Dire and Wonderful Moment

The world is heavy with burden. I don?t really need to list the overwhelming concerns before us at this time. We know the challenges are fierce; the stakes are high. It is also true that everyday, in profound ways, people all over the world are engaged in marvelous acts of wonder, compassion, and courage. Perhaps humans have never been more connected to a global awareness, to our place in nature, and to selfless action on behalf of our ideals than right now. Do you also see evidence of this? I think it may be true. Knowing that, right now,  two extremes of being are both present?the dire and the wonderful?how do we begin to comprehend it all?

These are the thoughts I?m having as the New Moon in Gemini approaches. Every sign provides a filter for viewing the world. Gemini?s filter highlights such dualities as: We are doomed and we have never shown more potential than at this moment. The ruler of Gemini, Mercury (or Hermes) is often called out on his glorious ability to tell lies. It is easy to see lies when we get attached to one side or the other of duality. If we are doomed, then it is a lie that we have never shown more potential. Yet, if it is true that we have never shown more potential, then it must be a lie that we are doomed. Hermes, help us through this maze!

Gemini and Mercury have a close connection to our minds. What we think creates reality. Hermes is the patron god of the alchemists, the hermetic science of creating the most precious substance imaginable from the basest ingredients. Our minds hold this ability too?to take the ordinary stuff of thought and make a new world, new possibilities, even new meaning from them. But it isn?t easy. The mind is a hard thing to control. Our thoughts are slippery; we want to believe in true and false; yes and no; right and wrong. Duality is itself true and is itself a trap keeping us from the truth. Most of the time, most of us seesaw back and forth between extremes?one day thinking we are doomed, the next day in wonder at what we are creating.

At this New Moon on June 12, we can invite another way to comprehend reality. It may be very important to see more clearly how we frame the world in dualities and to find a way to step off the seesaw.

The most significant seesaw influence right now is the ongoing opposition between Uranus and Saturn. These two planets have been opposing each other since November 2008 in the mutable signs of Pisces and Virgo. The last exact opposition in this series will occur next month in a new pair of signs: Aries and Libra. I?ve written about Uranus? ingress into Aries as a big temperament shift. There is more volatility and more willingness to make changes now. Libra on the other hand invites balance and consideration of options. Saturn and Uranus can represent two extremes in approach. Saturn is concerned with authority. Uranus is concerned with overturning authority. However, both of these planets can collaborate to bring more authenticity and true cultural evolution to our world. We just need to know how to work with both. My hope is that by stepping off the right/wrong seesaw, we will learn how to embrace this potential.

This opposition is by no means the only important influence this lunar month. The charts for both the New Moon and the Full Moon, which is also a lunar eclipse, are full of challenges.

New Moon on June 12, 2010. There is a t-square configuration in this chart. That means there is a triangle of planets in potent relationship to each other. Mars opposes Chiron and a nearby Neptune. This opposition is squared to Mercury (our hero of the month). Our minds will be working hard to understand and craft the reality we want. Most likely we will run into dead ends. If we pay attention, they may even be meaningful dead ends. Mars in Virgo demands pragmatic detail and longs to be of service. Chiron and Neptune create a roadblock to the effectiveness that Mars desires. It isn?t only about the plan and the work. Sacrifices need to be made. We need to remember why we do the work and get out of our own egos.

Keeping up with Pluto in Capricorn.
Since Jupiter and Uranus entered Aries recently, we are getting a new taste of Pluto in Capricorn. The square between these planets is a strong influence this month. It seems that everyday more corrupt business practices or inept government oversight is uncovered. Pluto is doing its job of revealing hidden, toxic patterns. Uranus and Jupiter give us the impetus to do something about it.

The role of empathy. The Yod pattern in the New Moon chart pointing to Neptune warns us to pay attention to dreams and illusions. Even though the ?truth? seems obvious, attachment to outcome or to fantasy, will only keep us bound to the seesaw of duality. On the other hand, Neptune offers the necessary connection to empathize with those beings, human or not, who are currently suffering. We have big work to do.

Full Moon, June 26, 2010. The Grand Cross aspect configuration shown in the Full Moon chart initiates a pattern in place all summer?the tense t-square relationship between Pluto, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter. An extra arm is added to the t-square at this Full Moon, which creates a Grand Cross configuration. If Saturn were in Libra instead of Virgo, we?d call this a Cardinal Grand Cross. The challenge of a cardinal grand cross is to be able to move past inertia to take action. Even though Saturn is out of sign, this is an extremely potent time when we may feel a lot of frustration. We are entering the summer of the T-square. T-squares create tension. They can be felt as entrenched patterns that are difficult to transform or as turning points of growth. The struggle presented by a t-square gives gifts but not easily. This Full Moon is also a Lunar Eclipse. Eclipses have the potential to set us suddenly upon new paths. They are a time to release the old and find the new. They can set off unexpected events.

Structure and nurture?the Capricorn/Cancer polarity.
The Full Moon in Capricorn asks us to pay attention to our structures. The purpose of Capricornian structure is to ensure survival. The need is to create a legacy of abundance for our descendants. The opposing Sun in Cancer illuminates nurturance. The concept of family can be quite broad. Who/what do we cherish as if they were blood relations? How broad is your definition of family? Cancer nurturance offers unconditional love. The polarity of Capricorn and Cancer displays the whole range of love, from tough to soft. Under the light of this Full Moon, we can experience this full range of emotion. Moving away from duality (my family vs. your family), we have the opportunity to see the whole Earth as family. The heart is a powerful muscle. With full and open hearts, feeling deeply and letting go, we are strengthened to do the work needed to ensure the survival of our precious Earth family.

Dates important to our stories: *
June 19 Sun 28� Gemini square Saturn 28� Virgo
June 21 Sun enters Cancer (Summer Solstice)
June 21 Sun 0� Cancer square Uranus 0� Aries
June 23 Sun 1� Cancer square Jupiter 1� Aries
June 24 Mercury 28 Gemini square Saturn 28� Virgo
June 25 Mercury 0� Cancer square Uranus 0� Aries
June 25 Sun 4� Cancer opposes Pluto 4� Capricorn
June 26 Mercury 2� Cancer square Jupiter 2� Aries
June 26 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 4� Capricorn
June 27 Mercury 4� Cancer opposes Pluto 4� Capricorn
June 27 Saturn 28� Virgo quincunx Neptune 28� Aquarius
June 28 Sun conjunct Mercury 6� Cancer
July 4 Uranus stations retrograde 0� Aries

*These dates are not a complete list of transits for the month, but rather are times when the themes of these stories are stronger. Each aspect between planets carries its own energy of harmony or conflict. These are:
Conjunction ? merging
Sextile ? encouraging
Square ? challenging
Trine ? harmonizing
Opposition ? confronting
Quincunx ? perplexing


Medical Astrology 2011 Astrology

L'appart pr sample saleden neler alamad?m?

Marka Modası Marka Giyim

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How to Select Your Plastic Surgeon

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Paralysis deniers have subconscious insight into their disability

Depression Symptoms Depressed People

Jeff's Top 20 essential features in a car...

Used Honda Civic Honda Civic Car

CAPICORN Woman (December 21st into January 20th)


Medical Astrology 2011 Astrology

Hok's Ankara'da Blogger Partisi!

Hok's ta d�zenlenen enfes partiyi bu g�lery�zl� ve enerjik iki insana bor�luyuz. G Lounge ve Fashion House by Zeto.! Bloglar?n?n 1.senelerini kutlamak ve Ankara'da bulunup bir araya bir t�rl� gelemeyen bloggerlarla tan??mak ad?na �ok keyifli bir parti oldu. Partide Fashion by pride, Touch the Sky, Madammoda, Enn Moda ve Chicoolatte ile bol foto?rafl? bir gece ya?ad?k. Bu geceden geriye kalanda bizim ad?m?za mutlu kareler oldu.Foto?raflar?n elime ge� ula?mas?ndan dolay? yaz?y? sizlerle ge� payla?abildim. Foto?raflar? bana g�nderen herkese �ok te?ekk�rler.

Marka Modası Marka Giyim

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"Superbug" Coming From India on Cosmetic Surgery Patients?

Plastic Surgery Eye Under Eye Surgery

When Is A Placebo Not A Placebo?

Irving Kirsch, best known for that 2008 meta-analysis allegedly showing that "Prozac doesn't work", has hit the headlines again.This time it's a paper claiming that something does work. Actually Kirsch is only a minor author on the paper by Kaptchuck et al: Placebos without Deception.In essence, they asked whether a placebo treatment - a dummy pill with no active ingredients - works even if you know that it's a placebo. Conventional wisdom would say no, because the placebo effect is driven by the patient's belief in the effectiveness of the pill.Kaptchuck et al took 80 patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and recruited them into a trial of "a novel mind-body management study of IBS". Half of the patients got no treatment at all. The other half got inert cellulose capsules, after having been told, truthfully, that the pills contained no active drugs but also having been told to expect improvement in a 15 minute briefing session on the grounds thatplacebo pills, something like sugar pills, have been shown in rigorous clinical testing to produce significant mind-body self-healing processes.Guess what? The placebo group did better than the no treatment group, or at least they reported that they did (all the outcomes were subjective). The article has been much blogged about, and you should read those posts for a more detailed and in some cases skeptical examination, but really, this is entirely unsurprising and doesn't challenge the conventional wisdom about placebos.The folks in this trial believed in the possibility that the pills would make them feel better. They just wouldn't have agreed to take part otherwise. And when those people got the treatment that they expected to work, they felt better. That's just the plain old placebo effect. We already know that the placebo effect is very strong in IBS, a disease which is, at least in many cases, psychosomatic.So the only really new result here is that there are people out there who'll believe that they'll experience improvement from sugar pills, if you give them a 15 minute briefing about the "mind-body self-healing" properties of those pills. That's an interesting addition to the record of human quirkiness, but it doesn't really tell us anything new about placebos.Kaptchuk, T., Friedlander, E., Kelley, J., Sanchez, M., Kokkotou, E., Singer, J., Kowalczykowski, M., Miller, F., Kirsch, I., & Lembo, A. (2010). Placebos without Deception: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Irritable Bowel Syndrome PLoS ONE, 5 (12) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0015591

Depressed Symptoms Depressed People

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Honda Cars Used Honda Civic

New Moon August 9, 2010: Precious Fire, Flame of Self

The New Moon of August 9 is in the Fixed Fire sign ? Leo. Fire is both the teacher and precious resource we celebrate this month. Fire and life are connected. Although fire alone may not sustain life, without fire there is no life.

Fire is the most vulnerable element. I learned this lesson from my teacher, Cynthea Jones. She writes, ?Fire is a showy and admired element. Yes, we marvel at all the elemental forces: the wild wind before a storm, the fierce rain, the vast ocean, the mountains ? the elements in their states of grandeur. But fire, just a simple fire, draws us to it. The elegance of a candle flame, the compelling warmth of a fireplace; fire is an admired element and? It is so insecure. Fire is dependent. It must be fed.? [Seasons of the Soul]. I?m feeling the need for fire this month. Perhaps the most meaningful exploration I can make right now is to note the state of my internal fires and create ways to tend those flames.

What is this fire? ?Leo is the piece of us that craves recognition. It is the creative fire within us.?[Jones]. Leo is ruled by the Sun. Everyone?s Sun, whether in the sign of Leo or not, craves what Leo craves?to matter to others, to share our gifts. Without this fire, we lose our sense of purpose. And even if we haven?t lost our sense of purpose altogether, without the energy of fire, if feels as if we are creeping along, barely managing, about to give up.

Fire is a good antidote for depression. A real remedy for the blues is to sit in the Sun for a few hours a day. We need that light. The joy of Leo?s creative, playful energy also relieves stress. With the state of the world these days and the stress of the Cardinal transits of Pluto, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter, it is important to collect all the sunlight we can. What is the state of your internal fires? How will you tend these vulnerable flames?

In our culture, we disdain as selfish or needy any notion that we should be important. From early age, we are taught that we should be ashamed of our desire to be recognized. We learn to be afraid of ego and therefore have a hard time knowing what a healthy ego is or how to cultivate one. Therefore, whenever I make an intention to tend my own flames, I immediately experience all kinds of resistance?from the thought, ?This is unimportant,? to ?How dare I take time for myself.? Whenever resistance gets particularly strong, that is hint that I am about to make a breakthrough, if I persist. Remember that this month.

The mystery of Leo?s fire is that there is enough for everyone. The Sun is enormous and generous. When I shine, I allow others to shine as well. Fire feeds fire. This is not a selfish act. We need inspiration. We need the glow of many flames to help us shift the world into a more loving, balanced, and joyful place for all of us. Leo?s fire is essential.

As we commit to tending the fire of our essential worth, the ebb and flow of planetary influence adds to the journey.

At the New Moon, the Cardinal t-square that I wrote about last month is still very strong. Perhaps you are experiencing these transits personally as a time when the stakes are high, when you really want to make the right decisions and fear that you may not. For these times, the Leo Sun is especially important. Playful, joyful, creative energy is vital right now.

The Lovers Dance. At the New Moon we see Venus and Mars almost conjunct in the sign of relationship?Libra. Their near conjunction is important because they join Saturn there too. It is as if the Lovers come to bless Saturn?s task of bringing recommitment to relationship. Venus and Mars come together exactly on August 20 but the interesting thing is that Venus does not sprint ahead of Mars as it usually would since Venus usually moves much faster than Mars. Instead, Venus hovers around the same degrees as Mars until early October when Venus will turn retrograde and finally move away from her lover. I wonder what this energy will bring? Both Mars and Venus contribute to the creative process. The Lovers do a tantalizing dance with us for the next two months. How does desire feed you creatively?

Three times a year, Mercury turns retrograde. It will station retrograde a few days after the New Moon in the sign of Virgo. Mercury rules this sign and I expect that after adjusting for new thoughts, communication styles, and ways of processing information, this retrograde journey will strengthen our capacity to use Virgo discernment in our lives. However, while Mercury travels backwards from August 20 to September 12, we may be surprised at how hard it is to make this adjustment. When I welcome Mercury retrograde periods as a time to learn new ways to think, I am able to enjoy them. Laughter feeds the flame. Mercury retrogrades are a good time to laugh at ourselves.

The 10 of Swords. There is a card in the Waite Smith Tarot deck that is so dire and so melodramatic, I have to laugh when I draw it. It shows a man with 10, count them, 10 swords in his back. Yikes. We can think of the final square between Saturn and Pluto this month as a good representation of this type of energy. Yes, things suck. But really, do we need another sword in our backs to tell us that? Some astrologers say this aspect between Pluto and Saturn, which began last November, is the cause of our terrible economy. I think of this transit as a time when things get very real, the stakes are very high, and we have the opportunity to reframe how we see things like wealth, authority, and responsibility. Embrace the possibilities.

The Full Moon happens right after the Sun enters Virgo. The transition from Leo to Virgo is interesting. From the healthy expression of ego and pride to the healthy expression of humility and service, these signs are compliments to each other?a lesson in how we need to be many things in order to be whole. After two weeks of tending our creative fire, the energy shifts to putting our gifts to work. At this Full Moon, we can sense that fall is around the corner. We get ready for a shift in focus. For some of us it will be a return to school. For others, a need to get our lives and homes in order for coming winter. Perhaps for all the season of Virgo will be a time for planning how to serve our bigger dreams. Tending the flame of self will provide a garden ripe with fruit. The goal will be to harvest the bounty and move with clarity and discernment into the future.

 Dates important to our stories: *

August 9 Venus 3� Libra squares Pluto 3� Capricorn
August 16 Jupiter 2� Aries opposite Saturn 2� Libra
August 20 Venus conjunct Mars 13� Libra
August 20 Mercury stations retrograde 19� Virgo
August 21 Saturn 2� Libra square Pluto 2� Capricorn
August 23 Sun enters Virgo
August 24 Full Moon
September 3 Sun conjunct Mercury retrograde 10� Virgo

*These dates are not a complete list of transits for the month, but rather are times when the themes of these stories are stronger. Each aspect between planets carries its own energy of harmony or conflict. These are:
Conjunction ? merging
Sextile ? encouraging
Square ? challenging
Trine ? harmonizing
Opposition ? confronting
Quincunx ? perplexing


Medical Astrology 2011 Astrology