Saturday, April 30, 2011

New Moon April 24, 2009: The Wisdom in Community

In the New York Times Magazine this Sunday I read this quote, taken from an article entitled, ?Why Isn?t the Brain Green?? by Jon Gertner: ?In 2005 and 2006, an anthropologist observed how the behavior of poor Ugandan farmers could be influenced by whether they listened to crucial rainy-season radio broadcasts in groups or as individuals. Farmers in ?community groups? achieved consensus and made better use of the forecast.? The article describes studies done by scientists who want ?to understand decision-making in situations of uncertainty.? Comparisons are made between the decision-making process for an individual and for groups. One of the scientists went on to say, ? We enjoy congregating; we need to know we are part of groups. It gives us inherent pleasure to do this. And when we are reminded of the fact that we?re part of communities, then the community becomes sort of the decision-making unit. That?s how we make huge sacrifices, like in World War II.?

Communities are playing a huge role in our world. It seems that every single page of the newspaper these days one finds something written about new online social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Cutting edge culture is about networking, communal action, global consciousness. It seems like we are now really at the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, the sign where all this energy fits. Three planets and the North Node of the Moon currently occupy Aquarius. Jupiter, riding the wave of all this collective expression, entered Aquarius in January 2009. Neptune has held court here since 1998. Chiron has been in Aquarius since 2005. All three of these planets are rendezvousing at 26 degrees Aquarius in May. Perhaps this near exact triple conjunction is the crest of the Aquarian wave that has been building since Neptune?s ingress into the sign. Astrologers are at odds about when the true dawning of the Age of Aquarius will be?it may be now, it may be in 200 years or so?but this month will be a good peek at what the new age has in store for our world.

What is the power of community? During this year while Jupiter is in Aquarius, we are inclined to believe that the power of community is the greatest power we have. That?s how Jupiter operates. There are two teachers in the zodiac. Jupiter is the cool professor whose classes are always full; the lessons are fun and seem to reveal something very important even as they disappear quickly from our memories. Saturn?s classes, in comparison, are unpopular, there is a lot of work, but we always remember what we learned in that class. Yes, Jupiter moves on more quickly, but with the added oomph of Neptune and Chiron, there is opportunity for a true shift in consciousness. We have the opportunity to focus less on our individuality and more on our collectivity. According to these scientists, this may be key to our survival.

The other teacher, Saturn continues to tread the ground of Virgo. Saturn stations direct this month, increasing the Saturn effect. In some ways, the two signs?Virgo and Aquarius?could not be more different from each other. Virgo is methodical, resists grand leaps of faith. It is hopeful only if all the practical groundwork has been laid down first. Otherwise, there is too much work for Virgo to be truly optimistic. If Aquarius describes communal life, then Virgo is the Hermit, the solitary energy of steadfastness. Whenever paradoxical energy is present, we can learn to navigate the middle path. What energy are you feeling more strongly? How can you benefit from broadening into the other point of view? The communal exuberance we may be experiencing right now can be grounded in the practicalities of Virgo.

The New Moon of April 24 has the Sun and Moon at 5� Taurus square to the nodes of the Moon. (North node at 4� Aquarius and South node at 4� Leo). This position of the New Moon is called ?the bendings? of the nodal axis?a potent location in the zodiac. Emphasis is placed at this time on the nodes, what they are calling on us to learn (North node) and renew (South node). The agenda may be to learn how to be communal people once again. The renewal should occur in the arena of ineffective attitudes about individualism and ego. It isn?t that the Leo nature is bad, because it isn?t. Leo is necessary to our communal possibilities. But we need to reevaluate what has not worked about this energy in the past. The other fixed signs, Taurus and Scorpio get the spotlight this month. Taurus at the New Moon; Scorpio at the Full. These signs add the significance of life and death to the equation. What is abstract and theoretical in Aquarius and pure potential in Leo, needs to get real in Taurus and Scorpio. People with earth and water emphasis in their charts may feel relieved that the energy returns this month to this domain. When all fixed signs are activated like they will be this month, struggles can be intense. However, these struggles can also fuel our creativity and resolve.

Mercury?s role this month. In the New Moon chart Mercury in Taurus is square to Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune. Then it stations retrograde a few days later on May 6. Mercury is not only the Trickster. Mercury is also the lens that focuses our perceptions. If the energy of Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune has been somewhat nebulous so far, then this month through the trickster?s lessons, we may be able to define what this transit is about. Or maybe not. I never take Mercury retrograde periods for granted. If we are coming to rely heavily on our computers to link us to community, then Mercury is poised to wreak havoc on those systems. How else might we create community? Are we too dependent on computers and cell phones? My recommendation is to back up files. And to notice. Mercury retrograde periods are fantastic for noticing our assumptions and how they can get us into trouble.

The Full Moon chart shows Mercury retrograde at the degree of stationing. The Moon and Sun are squaring the triple conjunction of Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune. Both Mars and Venus are in Aries. Saturn is also stationary. As a complete picture, the energy is elevated. Impulsivity is increased with the squares and with Mars and Venus both in Aries. The stationing Saturn points to pent up energy, perhaps expecting more perfection from self and others. Mercury presents us with uncertainty. Perhaps the best use of this Full Moon period is to simplify daily life, at least for a few days. The caution is to not be so busy, and so dependent on computers and fast communication, that we aren?t able to tune into the spiritual significance of the planets in Aquarius.

We have always been communal creatures. However, the challenges of our world may be asking us to make better use of community so that we can make the changes we need to for the survival of our beloved planet and our beloved friends and families. Chiron shows us the opening in spirit where we can embrace this new way of being. May it lead to healing.

Dates important to our stories:
April 25 Mercury 25� Taurus square Chiron 25� Aquarius
April 25 Mercury 26� Taurus square Neptune 26� Taurus
April 26 Mars 3� Aries square Pluto 3� Capricorn
May 2 Venus 3� Aries square Pluto 3� Capricorn
May 6 Mercury stations retrograde 1� Gemini
May 8 Full Moon
May 16 Sun 25� Taurus square Jupiter 25� Aquarius
May 16 Sun 26� Taurus square Chiron 26� Aquarius
May 20 Mercury 26� Taurus square Neptune 26� Aquarius (2nd time)
May 20 Mercury 26� Taurus square Chiron 26� Aquarius (2nd time)
May 20 Mercury 26� Taurus square Jupiter 26� Aquarius (2nd time)
May 23 Jupiter conjunct Chiron at 26� Aquarius


Free Horoscope Horoscope

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

New Moon October 7, 2010: This World and the Other

If this world were a tree, then the other world would be the roots?
the part of the plant we can?t see, but that puts the sap into the tree?s veins.

    The other world feeds this tangible world?
    the world that can feel pain, that can eat and drink, that can fail;
    the world that goes around in cycles; the world where we die.

The other world is what makes this world work.
And the way we help the other world continue
    is by feeding it with our beauty.
Martin Prechtel, Saving the Indigenous Soul

This is the time of year in the northern hemisphere when we become aware of the other world of the dead?that other world which feeds our own. The shift from life to death in the plant world reminds us of this ?other world that makes this world work.? This other is world in inhabited by our dead.

We owe our ancestors a debt. Every one of us breathing and living on this beautiful earth is here because our ancestors brought us here. The debt is not about guilt or shame. It is not about being incapable of repaying them for the gift of life. No, this debt is actually about joy?a prayer of gratitude that heals guilt and shame and renews our rightful place in this amazing dance of life. I love what Martin Prechtel is saying above, ?the way we help the other world continue is by feeding it with our beauty.? To be in obligation to the unseen world of our ancestors is to be obligated to create and give away beauty. Drink in that thought. Do you have a reaction? What are you noticing? Do you have the opinion that you don?t create beauty, or that others do a much better job? Shame creeps in around the corners when we try to compare ourselves to others, when we denigrate our capacity to create beauty. We give away our rightful relationship to the unseen world when we convince ourselves that we cannot create beauty or that our beauty is somehow less than others?. Perhaps self-doubt is a cop out. Perhaps the ancestors are waiting for us to step up and move past paralyzing shame. What if this debt really was an invitation to experience life more deeply, more joyfully, more ecstatically? What if we really can feed the other world with the beauty we create?

The energies of this next moon cycle invite such intentions. The New Moon of October 7 is an invitation to experience the depth of the ancestral world and to renew a commitment to beauty. At this time Venus is standing stationary in the sunset sky as the Evening Star. Venus turns retrograde on October 8, moving quickly from view on October 20 and then appears as the Morning Star before sunrise on November 7. The retrograde cycle lasts till November 18. Venus remains the Morning Star until June 21, 2011. This Venus cycle of alternating between the morning and evening sky and of disappearing from the sky for a period of time in between relates to the myth of the Sumerian goddess, Inanna. To the Sumerians, the planet Venus was their goddess. Stories about Inanna are reflected in Venus? own patterns in the sky. The disappearance of Venus relates to Inanna?s story of visiting her sister Erishkegal in the underworld.

Not only is Venus/Inanna poised to repeat this journey at this time but Venus is also in the sign of Scorpio and conjunct Mars. Scorpio, the sign of death, money, sex and power invites us to the depths. Mars, the co-ruler of Scorpio, perhaps fills the role of Inanna?s lover, Dumuzi, the green god of the blooming desert. The relationship between these two dieties speaks about the fertile power of sex. Astrologically, Mars conjunct Venus creates potency for this moment. Something vital is being created during all the Mars transits this month.

In the myth, we aren?t told why Inanna chooses to take the journey into the underworld. However, one of the gifts of this place is regeneration. Perhaps, she was depleted, soul weary, as many of us are right now as we are faced with more stress and uncertainty than usual. As Venus stations, I, along with her, am poised to take a journey into the unknown that may also offer new strength and regeneration for soul and body. When I consider that the underworld is the home of my ancestors and allies who feed the living world, I am encouraged to ask for healing for the burdens that weigh on me.

Asking is not enough. There is a debt that we owe our ancestors and they ask for gifts of beauty. The New Moon is in Libra. The symbol of the Scales stands for harmony, balance, and justice. The beauty that Libra invokes is the beauty of responsibility?of engagement with others to find the diplomatic point of balance where we coexist in harmony and recognize our need for each other. The give and take of relationship, just like our relationship with the hidden world, restores balance. What does balance feel like to you? What do you need to do, whether it is related to spiritual practice, physical health, or living in integrity, to create more balance in your life? Since Saturn is also in Libra for the next two years, we have the opportunity to hone our skills of balance and relationship. I believe doing this work is the beauty that our ancestors require of us.

The chart for the New Moon shows an interesting pattern. Every planet is paired with another planet, and in the case of Pluto, paired with an important point, the North Node of the Moon. The Sun and Moon are conjunct as they always are at a new moon. Saturn is paired with Mercury, Mars with Venus, Neptune with Chiron, and Jupiter with Uranus. How fascinating that the New Moon in the sign of relationship shows us six distinct pairings! Are you drawn to any particular group? Are any of these pairs transiting your chart at this time? These relationships are: Jupiter/Uranus ? the relationship of revolution, Neptune/Chiron ? the relationship of mysticism, Pluto/Node ? the relationship of destiny, Mars/Venus ? the relationship of creativity, Sun/Moon ? the relationship of relationships, Saturn/Mercury ? the relationship of intellect.

The Full Moon occurs in the last degree of Libra. This is the second Full Moon in Libra this year, a somewhat unusual occurrence. The theme of relationship, balance, and beauty continues. At this time Chiron, the wounded shaman/healer, is stationing direct square to Mars. Venus is gone from the sky. We may be feeling the challenge of the journey to the underworld. When Inanna journeyed there, she had to give up every piece of status and identity in order to reach the core of her being. Chiron transits can feel like such shamanic initiations where we are dismantled in order to be put back together with a new connection to a healing source. Perhaps we all need to become healers at this time in our world. When I am feeling particularly challenged, the best source of strength for me is the thought that the experience helps me to be more connected with others who are also suffering. That connection, like the debt we owe our ancestors, creates beauty and healing.

Dates important to our stories: *
October 8 Venus stations retrograde 13� Scorpio
October 8 Mercury conjunct Saturn 8� Libra
October 20 Mercury enters Scorpio
October 20 Mars 24� Scorpio trines Jupiter 24� Pisces
October 22 Mars 25� Scorpio squares Neptune 25� Aquarius
October 22 Mars 26� Scorpio squares Chiron 26� Aquarius
October 22 Full Moon 29� Aries/Libra
October 23 Sun enters Scorpio
October 24 Mars 27� Scorpio trines Uranus 27� Pisces
October 25 Mercury conjunct Venus (retrograde) 7� Scorpio
October 28 Sun conjunct Venus (retrograde) 5� Scorpio
November 1 Venus (retrograde) 3� Scorpio sextiles Pluto 3� Capricorn
November 5 Chiron stations direct 26� Aquarius

*These dates are not a complete list of transits for the month, but rather are times when the themes of these stories are stronger. Each aspect between planets carries its own energy of harmony or conflict. These are:
Conjunction ? merging
Sextile ? encouraging
Square ? challenging
Trine ? harmonizing
Opposition ? confronting
Quincunx ? perplexing


Astrology Medical Astrology

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

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New Moon May 24, 2009: Season of Ideas

The Sun and Moon meet in Gemini this month. The signatures of this mutable air sign are all around me, from the pollen drifting in the wind to the enlightening coincidences brought to me courtesy of the divine trickster, Mercury. Our minds speed up in the season of Gemini, or seem to. My mind is buzzing as I consider where we are in the evolutionary journey. This month, I?d like to share the ideas floating in the air around me. Perhaps they will fertilize something emerging in you.

The ?Universal? is where it?s at right now. All the universal planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, are in the universal signs, Capricorn through Pisces. Hedge witch philosopher, Donald Engstrom, likes to remind people that we live in a larger reality than a single universe. He points out that actually, we dwell in the multiverse. It It takes an expansion of the mind to grasp this idea of simultaneous multiple universes. The outer planets in these larger, multiversal signs are poised to help us expand mind, consciousness, and possibility.

Astrology?s lifeblood is coincidence. Coincidence or synchronicity can lead to enlightenment. If there is one thing that astrology has taught me and that I try to pass on to my students and clients, it is that there is meaning all around us. Random events and patterns found in the sky tell us that the cosmos is alive and is communicating with us. And we can communicate back! Lately in my world, I?ve noticed conversations about the Trickster, fears about global pandemic, the importance of community, and teachings about duality. The cosmos is communicating about these important topics via these important events: the triple conjunction of Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter in Aquarius (for more about this transit), Mercury?s retrograde journey beginning in the sign of duality?Gemini, Pluto?s ingress into Capricorn. (for more about this transit), and the ongoing opposition between Uranus and Saturn. (for more about this transit.) There is a lot going on. Actually, all the planets and signs are constantly telling us something. The challenge and the fun is teasing out what is important now.

The New Moon in Gemini sets the tone of the month. The ruler of Gemini is Mercury and Mercury is currently retrograde. Mercury retrogrades three times a year, the most of any planet. Having to do with communication, travel, and thought, Mercury shows us how to reweave duality into unity and then back into duality. The most mobile of planets and gods, Mercury never stays fixed for long, just like our own minds.

Last weekend I had the delight of attending a Yoga Nidra class taught by Katherine Banbury at her Kula Center for Yoga in St. Paul. According to Katherine, Yoga Nidra is a meditative practice that helps us to perceive duality and the transcendence of duality. ?Yoga Nidra points out that we live in two worlds simultaneously, the world of Immanence wherein we experience everything, and the world of Transcendence where we are aware of everything. Transcendence is the other half of the equation whereby we realize that we are the Presence in which life is immanently unfolding.? ? from Banbury?s class handout. During this guided meditation we are led into the experience of duality, then the merging of duality while we ask the question, ?If I am not this, nor this, what am I?? Perhaps because Mercury was retrograde during the class, I found that I could step into that third, strange place where everything was indeed possible. Mercury likes to present possibilities while keeping actualities just out of grasp. This is his Trickster aspect. What new possibilities are luring you into the next stage of your journey?

Last month?s new moon chart showed Mercury at 24� Taurus square to the triple conjunction of Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter. Due to retrograde motion, Mercury is back again for another statement squaring these three planets from 24� Taurus. Two days after last month?s new moon, the United States declared a public health emergency based on the outbreak of swine flu in Mexico. Although the triple conjunction of Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter is about so much more than world pandemic, this signature fits well with the global health crisis that may be before us. Mercury is the messenger, the broadcaster, of the solar system. Perhaps this month, new broadcasts about our common concerns will come to the forefront. The questions I am holding are: What are we learning about our connections? What separations are no longer relevant? How do we broaden our awareness to include diverse cultural points of view? How do we take care of each other?

I came across this message while doing some research on the web: ?Over the last 14 billion years, as western science currently understands it, the growing edge of evolution ? the appearance of radically new forms of complexity ? has moved from the cosmic to geologic to biologic to cultural.? - Peggy Holman, co-author of The Change Handbook. If this is true, then the stars are affirming that our growing edge is in cultural evolution. Mars and Venus sextile the triple conjunction. This encouraging relationship between both Mars and Venus to Neptune, Chiron, and Jupiter this month present opportunities to embrace cultural evolution in an exhilarating manner.

Another interesting feature of this New Moon chart is Saturn standing unaspected and lonely at 14� Virgo. Unaspected planets sometimes scream out for attention. Saturn has recently stationed direct after a retrograde journey that began on December 31, 2008. Saturn will be regaining ground until August when it will move rapidly through the last degrees of Virgo, entering Libra on October 29. The ingress into Libra will invoke the square aspect between Pluto and Saturn. This is a highly significant transit signaling more work and hard lessons. But for now, it is important to notice how Saturn in Virgo is teaching us what we need to know. I think of this as my opportunity to acquire Virgoan skills that surely will come in handy in the coming years. These skills include: right-relationship with perfectionism, discernment, personal practice related to spirituality and health, and a sense of what I am serving and why.

The Full Moon is an important turning point in the lunar cycle. In the Full Moon chart for June 7, Mercury is again playing a major role. Mercury is at 25� Taurus, this time moving direct, and still squaring the triple conjunction. To add an extra punch these planets are stationary, meaning they are near the degree of changing direction. Stationary planets are more powerful and anyone who has personal planets or important points in their charts ranging from 20� to 28� of any fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius), will certainly be feeling the effects of these stations. We will all feel this energy, but for you it will be personal. At the full moon, Saturn is square to the Sun and Moon. With the emphasis this month being on the mind, Saturn in earthy Virgo reminds us to get practical. Where do your hopes and dreams meet reality? Although Saturn seems to but a damper on our optimism, what Saturn really does is make our dreams real. What is that work like for you?

The lunar month ends with the Sun entering Cancer, otherwise known as the Summer Solstice. Next month, I?ll write more about what that chart is showing us.
Dates important to our stories:

May 26 Mars 26� Aries sextile Chiron 26� Aquarius
May 26 Mars 26� Aries sextile Jupiter 26� Aquarius
May 26 Mars 26� Aries sextile Neptune 26� Aquarius
May 27 Jupiter 26� Aquarius conjunct Neptune 26� Aquarius
May 28 Neptune stations retrograde 26� Aquarius
May 30 Chiron stations retrograde 26� Aquarius
May 30 Mercury 22� Taurus stations direct
June 2 Venus 26� Aries sextile Chiron 26� Aquarius
June 2 Venus 26� Aries sextile Neptune 26� Aquarius
June 2 Venus 26� Aries sextile Jupiter 26� Aquarius
June 5 Sun 15� Gemini square Saturn 15� Virgo (reality check)
June 6 Venus enters Taurus after being in Aries (mostly) since February. Venus rules Taurus. She is happy there.
Full Moon June 7
June 9 Mercury 26� Taurus square Chiron 26� Aquarius
June 9 Mercury 26� Taurus square Neptune 26� Aquarius
June 9 Mercury 26� Taurus sextile Uranus 26� Pisces (the great awakener, Uranus helps Mercury to carry the message)
June 10 Mercury 26� Taurus square Jupiter 26� Aquarius
June 13 Mercury enters Gemini, the sign it rules
June 15 Jupiter stations retrograde 27� Aquarius
June 16 Sun 26� Gemini trine (harmonizes) Chiron 26� Aquarius
June 17 Sun 26� Gemini trine Neptune 26� Aquarius
June 17 Sun 26� Gemini trine Jupiter 26� Aquarius
June 17 Sun 26� Gemini square Uranus 26� Pisces
June 20 Sun enters Cancer
June 21 Venus 15� Taurus conjunct Mars. Desire is strong, express it sensually.
June 22 Venus 16� Taurus trine Saturn 16* Virgo
June 22 Mars 16� Taurus trine Saturn 16� Virgo


2011 Astrology Free Horoscope

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

New Moon August 9, 2010: Precious Fire, Flame of Self

The New Moon of August 9 is in the Fixed Fire sign ? Leo. Fire is both the teacher and precious resource we celebrate this month. Fire and life are connected. Although fire alone may not sustain life, without fire there is no life.

Fire is the most vulnerable element. I learned this lesson from my teacher, Cynthea Jones. She writes, ?Fire is a showy and admired element. Yes, we marvel at all the elemental forces: the wild wind before a storm, the fierce rain, the vast ocean, the mountains ? the elements in their states of grandeur. But fire, just a simple fire, draws us to it. The elegance of a candle flame, the compelling warmth of a fireplace; fire is an admired element and? It is so insecure. Fire is dependent. It must be fed.? [Seasons of the Soul]. I?m feeling the need for fire this month. Perhaps the most meaningful exploration I can make right now is to note the state of my internal fires and create ways to tend those flames.

What is this fire? ?Leo is the piece of us that craves recognition. It is the creative fire within us.?[Jones]. Leo is ruled by the Sun. Everyone?s Sun, whether in the sign of Leo or not, craves what Leo craves?to matter to others, to share our gifts. Without this fire, we lose our sense of purpose. And even if we haven?t lost our sense of purpose altogether, without the energy of fire, if feels as if we are creeping along, barely managing, about to give up.

Fire is a good antidote for depression. A real remedy for the blues is to sit in the Sun for a few hours a day. We need that light. The joy of Leo?s creative, playful energy also relieves stress. With the state of the world these days and the stress of the Cardinal transits of Pluto, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter, it is important to collect all the sunlight we can. What is the state of your internal fires? How will you tend these vulnerable flames?

In our culture, we disdain as selfish or needy any notion that we should be important. From early age, we are taught that we should be ashamed of our desire to be recognized. We learn to be afraid of ego and therefore have a hard time knowing what a healthy ego is or how to cultivate one. Therefore, whenever I make an intention to tend my own flames, I immediately experience all kinds of resistance?from the thought, ?This is unimportant,? to ?How dare I take time for myself.? Whenever resistance gets particularly strong, that is hint that I am about to make a breakthrough, if I persist. Remember that this month.

The mystery of Leo?s fire is that there is enough for everyone. The Sun is enormous and generous. When I shine, I allow others to shine as well. Fire feeds fire. This is not a selfish act. We need inspiration. We need the glow of many flames to help us shift the world into a more loving, balanced, and joyful place for all of us. Leo?s fire is essential.

As we commit to tending the fire of our essential worth, the ebb and flow of planetary influence adds to the journey.

At the New Moon, the Cardinal t-square that I wrote about last month is still very strong. Perhaps you are experiencing these transits personally as a time when the stakes are high, when you really want to make the right decisions and fear that you may not. For these times, the Leo Sun is especially important. Playful, joyful, creative energy is vital right now.

The Lovers Dance. At the New Moon we see Venus and Mars almost conjunct in the sign of relationship?Libra. Their near conjunction is important because they join Saturn there too. It is as if the Lovers come to bless Saturn?s task of bringing recommitment to relationship. Venus and Mars come together exactly on August 20 but the interesting thing is that Venus does not sprint ahead of Mars as it usually would since Venus usually moves much faster than Mars. Instead, Venus hovers around the same degrees as Mars until early October when Venus will turn retrograde and finally move away from her lover. I wonder what this energy will bring? Both Mars and Venus contribute to the creative process. The Lovers do a tantalizing dance with us for the next two months. How does desire feed you creatively?

Three times a year, Mercury turns retrograde. It will station retrograde a few days after the New Moon in the sign of Virgo. Mercury rules this sign and I expect that after adjusting for new thoughts, communication styles, and ways of processing information, this retrograde journey will strengthen our capacity to use Virgo discernment in our lives. However, while Mercury travels backwards from August 20 to September 12, we may be surprised at how hard it is to make this adjustment. When I welcome Mercury retrograde periods as a time to learn new ways to think, I am able to enjoy them. Laughter feeds the flame. Mercury retrogrades are a good time to laugh at ourselves.

The 10 of Swords. There is a card in the Waite Smith Tarot deck that is so dire and so melodramatic, I have to laugh when I draw it. It shows a man with 10, count them, 10 swords in his back. Yikes. We can think of the final square between Saturn and Pluto this month as a good representation of this type of energy. Yes, things suck. But really, do we need another sword in our backs to tell us that? Some astrologers say this aspect between Pluto and Saturn, which began last November, is the cause of our terrible economy. I think of this transit as a time when things get very real, the stakes are very high, and we have the opportunity to reframe how we see things like wealth, authority, and responsibility. Embrace the possibilities.

The Full Moon happens right after the Sun enters Virgo. The transition from Leo to Virgo is interesting. From the healthy expression of ego and pride to the healthy expression of humility and service, these signs are compliments to each other?a lesson in how we need to be many things in order to be whole. After two weeks of tending our creative fire, the energy shifts to putting our gifts to work. At this Full Moon, we can sense that fall is around the corner. We get ready for a shift in focus. For some of us it will be a return to school. For others, a need to get our lives and homes in order for coming winter. Perhaps for all the season of Virgo will be a time for planning how to serve our bigger dreams. Tending the flame of self will provide a garden ripe with fruit. The goal will be to harvest the bounty and move with clarity and discernment into the future.

 Dates important to our stories: *

August 9 Venus 3� Libra squares Pluto 3� Capricorn
August 16 Jupiter 2� Aries opposite Saturn 2� Libra
August 20 Venus conjunct Mars 13� Libra
August 20 Mercury stations retrograde 19� Virgo
August 21 Saturn 2� Libra square Pluto 2� Capricorn
August 23 Sun enters Virgo
August 24 Full Moon
September 3 Sun conjunct Mercury retrograde 10� Virgo

*These dates are not a complete list of transits for the month, but rather are times when the themes of these stories are stronger. Each aspect between planets carries its own energy of harmony or conflict. These are:
Conjunction ? merging
Sextile ? encouraging
Square ? challenging
Trine ? harmonizing
Opposition ? confronting
Quincunx ? perplexing


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The Importance of an Accredited Surgery Center

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

New Moon November 6, 2010: Soul Medicine

I write this the day after the mid-term election 2010. TV commentators tell us that this election proves that a ?new? political force is moving through our country. If you are like me and thought the Rally to Restore Sanity/and or Fear was a brilliant analysis of current times, then it is hard to not despair after this election. For many of us, we do not see this new political force as anything new at all. It looks a lot like the same old hatred, fear, and greed. Yet these old motivations are wrapped in the cloak of new for now. In the midst of this despair, I wonder what response invites clarity, joy, and an open-mind. I use my tools of astrology to see things around me and within me with clear eyes. With this insight I form my intentions. Currently, I wonder how to respond to what is going on in my country. On one hand, I do not want to be enticed into the whirlpools of fear and hatred myself, yet on the other, I want to be willing to respond to possible danger or trends in our culture that could lead to violence and injustice. We walk such fine lines every day. Now is no different.

Perhaps I am looking for clarity and detachment?air is the ally of these qualities. Currently, Saturn in the air sign of Libra provides relentless reminders that we need the clarity that comes from a sense of equilibrium. Neptune and Chiron in another air sign, Aquarius, create a longing for clarity but the nature of these planets makes it difficult to achieve.

We may need this air but where we are right now at the New Moon in Scorpio is in a state of water. If I desire the clarity of air but am immersed in the flow of water, my instincts tell me to dive deeper into the water, to be present to those lessons. We are in a season of strong water; emotional currents run heavy now. These currents can incite reactivity and heightened fear. Yet, water, especially the water of Scorpio, pulls us down into soul where our fears no longer create separation and blame but reunite us in compassion. Scorpio invites us to move down and through our fears to the other side. On the other side, I believe it is possible to find the air of reason.

How do we move down and through to soul? I turn to James Hillman?s definition of soul in A Blue Fire, ?By soul I mean, first of all, a perspective rather than a substance, a viewpoint toward things rather than a thing itself? soul ? refers to that unknown component which makes meaning possible, turns events into experiences, is communicated in love, and has a religious concern.?

Makes meaning possible. Feelings matter. Perhaps fear is the deepest emotion of all and is the emotion that causes the most problems for us. However, fear is part of soul. Fear when it is denied or projected onto others is an attempt to protect ourselves. Yet, emotions like fear, grief, and also joy and love make meaning possible. Emotions invite us into the water; a common response is to keep our distance, looking only at the reflections on the surface, to be either repelled by the water or to see exterior things as the cause of those feelings. In order to retrieve soul, we must see beyond the surface to find personal meaning and cause.

Turning events into experiences.
Things happen; sometimes really hard things. With emotional self-awareness, we also learn to grow our capacity for compassion. Things happen to other people too. Every one of us is more alike than different, yet outside the soul-level, we emphasize the differences. In water we merge.

Is communicated in love. Fortunately, it isn?t a big leap to realize that love is the communicator of soul. Profound, healing, mysterious?love is the ultimate language of the ultimate, which is soul.

Has a religious concern. Our souls matter too. The word religion evolved from words meaning to relink, to tie back together. We can think of this as relinking to Mystery, to divine source, and to Soul. Our spiritual lives depend on remembering our souls.

To move down and through into soul is to swim in waters of deep meaning, to abandon projection of fears, to cherish our hearts that feel love, and to know that this work relinks us to our spiritual selves. This month, soul work promises such growth.

Venus is our guide for the soul work of this season.
Venus has been retrograding through Scorpio. Last month, I wrote about this Venus retrograde and the journey of Inanna. Each step in this journey brings more depth leading to more clarity.

The steps are:
Venus entered Scorpio on September 8.
Stationed retrograde at 13� Scorpio on October 7
Disappeared from the evening sky on October 20
Arrived at a conjunction with the Sun on October 28 at 5� Scorpio
At the New Moon on November 5 Venus is at 0� Scorpio ? a potent degree for any sign.
On November 7 two important things happen in this cycle. Venus is still moving retrograde, but now can be seen as the Morning Star, while at the same time is reentering the sign of Libra. Venus rules Libra, she exemplifies beauty and balance in that sign. She guides soul to clarity.
On November 18, a few days before the Full Moon, Venus stations direct at 27� Libra.
On November 29 Venus reenters Scorpio, this time moving direct. Venus spends a lengthy bit of time in this sign, moving into Sagittarius on January 8, 2011.

More Venus connections. The New Moon on November 6 (EDT) occurs at 13� Scorpio, the same degree at which Venus stationed retrograde. The Full Moon on November 21, shows Venus at her stationary degree of 27� Libra and at the apex of an aspect configuration called a Yod. A Yod configuration forces us to integrate paradox. The paradox of this particular Yod involves the revolutionary forces of Jupiter conjunct Uranus and the stabilizing forces of the Moon in Taurus. Venus, strongly motivated to find the balance point between these two urges, encourages us to develop and use our skills of diplomacy and fairness.

Other energies and elements. Mars is in the fire sign, Sagittarius, all month lending us energy to push past old boundaries?learning new truths and defending our truths. At the end of this lunar month, Mars will square Uranus, perhaps reaching the breaking point in tolerance.

Jupiter and Uranus have both retrograded back into Pisces after a short time of energizing revolutionary desires while in Aries. They will both return to Aries (Jupiter in February 2011 and Uranus in March 2011), so expect more fiery passion next Spring. While still in Pisces, these two planets invite us to dream big and to realize how emotional connections feed these dreams.

Pluto and the North Node of the Moon are conjunct in Capricorn at the Full Moon. Pluto always points to our evolutionary edge, but even more so at this time. That edge involves uncovering the shadows of that which rules us ? governments, businesses, economic systems. There is deep dissatisfaction in the world concerning these institutions. We are at a moment of realizing how much is broken and what we need to do to start repairing and revitalizing these systems.

I like the idea of soul work leading to clarity. I plan to keep that thought in mind as I open myself to feelings, both fearful and joyous this month.

Other dates to note this lunar month. *
Venus transits are listed above.
November 6 Mercury 25� Scorpio square Neptune 25� Aquarius
November 6 Mercury 26� Scorpio square Chiron 26� Aquarius
November 7 Neptune stations direct 25� Aquarius
November 15 Mars 13� Sagittarius sextile Saturn 13� Libra
November 18 Sun 25� Scorpio square Neptune 25� Aquarius
November 18 Sun 26� Scorpio square Chiron 26� Aquarius
November 18 Jupiter stations direct 23� Pisces
November 18 Venus stations direct 27� Libra
November 20 Mercury conjunct Mars 17� Sagittarius
November 21 Full Moon 29� Taurus
November 29 Mars 23� Sagittarius square Jupiter 23� Pisces
December 2 Mars 26� Sagittarius sextile Neptune 26� Aquarius
December 3 Mars 26� Sagittarius sextile Chiron 26� Aquarius
December 3 Mars 26� Sagittarius square Uranus 26� Pisces
*These dates are not a complete list of transits for the month, but rather are times when the themes of these stories are stronger. Each aspect between planets carries its own energy of harmony or conflict. These are:
Conjunction ? merging
Sextile ? encouraging
Square ? challenging
Trine ? harmonizing
Opposition ? confronting
Quincunx ? perplexing


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Friday, April 1, 2011

New Moon September 8, 2010: Summer's End

It?s closet cleaning time. The end of Summer, always has me looking longingly at closet organizing catalogs. Can a perfectly organized closet really bring happiness? Oh probably not, but perhaps it can help to ease the tension that this time of year brings. This is the Virgo tension? a nagging sense that I must put all in order. Something really important depends on it. Like the maniacal squirrels running around my neighborhood, I am impelled to rush about hoping that I can get ready for the change in season.

I know an organized closet is not a substitute for what this season is really about, but it is tempting to think that if I could just have a place for everything and everything in its place, then I?d be ready to accept the Fall and coming Winter with grace and ease. I?d be really ready. If a clean closet doesn?t actually create that readiness for what?s ahead, then what does? Seeking the answer to that question is a good intention for this New Moon in Virgo.

Each season has three parts, three months, three signs that mirror for us internal and external realities. These three parts are called the modalities in astrology. They are Cardinal?season?s beginning, Fixed?season?s middle, and Mutable?season?s end. The Sun and Moon join together on September 8 in the Mutable sign of Virgo at Summer?s end. Understanding and integration are the key purposes of each Mutable sign. (The word integration comes from a Latin word that means renewal.) At season?s end, we do whatever is necessary to put away the past and prepare for the future. And we can?t simply forget about what has happened, we must find the wisdom, value, and purpose of those things. Each Mutable sign (there are four, one for each element) has its own methods of doing that. Virgo uses the Earth element. Earth specializes in the physical realm; hence Virgo understanding comes bound with physical practices and manifestations. The more maniacal I feel about cleaning my closet, the more aware I am that I probably need to focus on other Virgo values like balance in mind and body, as well as spiritual and physical practices that keep me centered and grounded. Even though Virgo is an earth sign, there is a definite mental component to Virgo?s energy. All the Mutable signs are learners and synthesizers. So, even though I will benefit from using my body to integrate the lessons of summer, I still have a sense that I must spend some time in contemplation as well.

The Hermit is the Tarot card that stands for the sign of Virgo. This image from the Thoth deck captures a vital Virgo idea. Take the wisdom of this season, the light in his hand, and go deeper into understanding. The planets have conspired this last season to give us lots to think about. Many profound shifts are happening. Although some of the transits are over, the impact is still coming, I think.

Lessons of Summer to integrate

Saturn in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn?These planets challenge us to take on hard issues. Ecological disaster, economic injustice, and religious intolerance are just some of important issues  we must confront. On a personal level, people with planets or important points at the beginning of any Cardinal sign are having profound experiences. Now is a time for life-defining choices. It is particularly important for you to find ways to integrate the changes happening in your life.
Uranus conjunct Jupiter in Aries?The ingress into Fire sign, Aries, signals a deep impatience with the status quo. Both of these planets retrograde back into Mutable Water for the fall and winter. I find myself trying to integrate my spiritual values into my desire for change. Water gives us wisdom on an emotional level. This will be an important skill to have on hand when Jupiter and Uranus go back into Aries (Jupiter in January 2011 and Uranus in March 2011).

Mercury retrograde?Mercury is stationing direct at this New Moon. It?s been traveling through Virgo, a sign it has special affinity for. Mercury will have passed through the same degrees of Virgo three times when this retrograde journey is finally complete on September 27. This particular retrograde cycle is challenging us to take our time in truly integrating the experiences of Summer. It won?t come right away, we?ll have to dig a little deeper and perhaps rely a little more on faith that understanding and completion will come.

Fall?s beginning. The Mercury retrograde lesson of patience comes in handy as we begin a new season. A new season begins. This is an excellent time to set new intentions. However, it is important to give the integration time of Virgo complete attention before we move into the Fall. Skipping over integration often means we will have to go over those lessons again in the future. 

The Full Moon comes just hours after the Sun goes into Libra ? also known as Fall Equinox. Astrologers use the seasonal charts, known as the ingress charts, set for a country?s capital as a way to forecast the fortunes of that country during the season. In this Ingress Chart set for Washington D.C. I am noticing that the angles (Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven and Nadir) are in Mutable signs. In the last two ingress charts of Spring and Summer, the angles have been in Cardinal signs. This signals that change is coming. Perhaps it will be the Republican Party gaining control of the Congress, or perhaps a new revitalization of President Obama?s influence. The 10th house of this chart represents the President. There we find Uranus, Jupiter and the Moon in Pisces. If Obama is going to revitalize his message, he will have to tap into a spiritual force, a collective consciousness, much like he did during his inauguration.

The tension in the Equinox chart also shows up in the Full Moon chart. We again have the Cardinal t-square configuration that was prevalent this Summer. This is the last time that Pluto/Saturn/Uranus and Jupiter will align with the Sun and Moon. (The December 21 Lunar Eclipse will include all these planets in a t-square but without Saturn.) The Fall continues to be an important time for dealing with big shifts and difficult problems.

Neptune is again conjunct Chiron in this chart. These two have been traveling together for some time. Underneath the drama of the Cardinal t-square, we are gathering medicine to respond to our world with spiritual insight and empathy.

From September 19 through the 30th, the Sun comes into aspect with every outer planet ? Jupiter through Pluto. This period of time will give us important insight into the changes that are before us. The first part of October, Mercury will also come into aspect with the same outer planets. A good inquiry is: What do we think? What is our understanding? How do we express ourselves?

Venus and Mars in Scorpio. Another important ingredient to the season is the ingress of Venus and Mars into Scorpio. With this transit we have the opportunity to travel deeply into the psyche. At the next New Moon on October 7 Venus will be stationing retrograde for a journey through Scorpio and Libra. We may feel a closer connection to the world of our beloved dead. We may need to uncover hidden truths. We will benefit from being ruthlessly honest with ourselves. I?ll write more about the Venus retrograde journey next month.

Knowing that I have a lot to integrate this month and some indications that this integration requires patience and time, I am vowing to be gentle with myself. If a cleaner closet helps to alleviate stress, then what a gift! Perhaps cleaning my desk will bring enlightenment. You never know.

Dates important to our stories: *

September 8 Venus enters Scorpio
September 8 Jupiter re-enters Pisces
September 12 Mercury stations direct at 5� Virgo
September 13 Pluto stations direct 2� Capricorn
September 14 Mars enters Scorpio
September 18 Jupiter conjunct Uranus 28� Pisces
September 19 Sun 26� Virgo quincunx Neptune 26� Aquarius
September 19 Sun 26� Virgo quincunx Chiron 26� Aquarius
September 21 Sun 28� Virgo opposite Jupiter 28� Pisces
September 21 Sun 28� Virgo opposite Uranus 28� Pisces
September 22 Sun enters Libra ? Fall Equinox
September 23 Full Moon 0� Aries
September 25 Sun 2� Libra square Pluto 2� Capricorn
September 30 Sun conjunct Saturn 7� Libra
October 1 Mercury 26� Virgo quincunx Neptune 26� Aquarius
October 1 Mercury 26� Virgo quincunx Chiron 26 � Aquarius
October 1 Mercury 27� Virgo opposite Jupiter 27� Pisces
October 2 Mercury 28� Virgo opposite Uranus 28� Pisces
October 3 Venus conjunct Mars 12� Scorpio
October 5 Mercury 2� Libra square Pluto 2� Capricorn

*These dates are not a complete list of transits for the month, but rather are times when the themes of these stories are stronger. Each aspect between planets carries its own energy of harmony or conflict. These are:
Conjunction ? merging
Sextile ? encouraging
Square ? challenging
Trine ? harmonizing
Opposition ? confronting
Quincunx ? perplexing


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Saturday, March 26, 2011

New Moon October 7, 2010: This World and the Other

If this world were a tree, then the other world would be the roots?
the part of the plant we can?t see, but that puts the sap into the tree?s veins.

    The other world feeds this tangible world?
    the world that can feel pain, that can eat and drink, that can fail;
    the world that goes around in cycles; the world where we die.

The other world is what makes this world work.
And the way we help the other world continue
    is by feeding it with our beauty.
Martin Prechtel, Saving the Indigenous Soul

This is the time of year in the northern hemisphere when we become aware of the other world of the dead?that other world which feeds our own. The shift from life to death in the plant world reminds us of this ?other world that makes this world work.? This other is world in inhabited by our dead.

We owe our ancestors a debt. Every one of us breathing and living on this beautiful earth is here because our ancestors brought us here. The debt is not about guilt or shame. It is not about being incapable of repaying them for the gift of life. No, this debt is actually about joy?a prayer of gratitude that heals guilt and shame and renews our rightful place in this amazing dance of life. I love what Martin Prechtel is saying above, ?the way we help the other world continue is by feeding it with our beauty.? To be in obligation to the unseen world of our ancestors is to be obligated to create and give away beauty. Drink in that thought. Do you have a reaction? What are you noticing? Do you have the opinion that you don?t create beauty, or that others do a much better job? Shame creeps in around the corners when we try to compare ourselves to others, when we denigrate our capacity to create beauty. We give away our rightful relationship to the unseen world when we convince ourselves that we cannot create beauty or that our beauty is somehow less than others?. Perhaps self-doubt is a cop out. Perhaps the ancestors are waiting for us to step up and move past paralyzing shame. What if this debt really was an invitation to experience life more deeply, more joyfully, more ecstatically? What if we really can feed the other world with the beauty we create?

The energies of this next moon cycle invite such intentions. The New Moon of October 7 is an invitation to experience the depth of the ancestral world and to renew a commitment to beauty. At this time Venus is standing stationary in the sunset sky as the Evening Star. Venus turns retrograde on October 8, moving quickly from view on October 20 and then appears as the Morning Star before sunrise on November 7. The retrograde cycle lasts till November 18. Venus remains the Morning Star until June 21, 2011. This Venus cycle of alternating between the morning and evening sky and of disappearing from the sky for a period of time in between relates to the myth of the Sumerian goddess, Inanna. To the Sumerians, the planet Venus was their goddess. Stories about Inanna are reflected in Venus? own patterns in the sky. The disappearance of Venus relates to Inanna?s story of visiting her sister Erishkegal in the underworld.

Not only is Venus/Inanna poised to repeat this journey at this time but Venus is also in the sign of Scorpio and conjunct Mars. Scorpio, the sign of death, money, sex and power invites us to the depths. Mars, the co-ruler of Scorpio, perhaps fills the role of Inanna?s lover, Dumuzi, the green god of the blooming desert. The relationship between these two dieties speaks about the fertile power of sex. Astrologically, Mars conjunct Venus creates potency for this moment. Something vital is being created during all the Mars transits this month.

In the myth, we aren?t told why Inanna chooses to take the journey into the underworld. However, one of the gifts of this place is regeneration. Perhaps, she was depleted, soul weary, as many of us are right now as we are faced with more stress and uncertainty than usual. As Venus stations, I, along with her, am poised to take a journey into the unknown that may also offer new strength and regeneration for soul and body. When I consider that the underworld is the home of my ancestors and allies who feed the living world, I am encouraged to ask for healing for the burdens that weigh on me.

Asking is not enough. There is a debt that we owe our ancestors and they ask for gifts of beauty. The New Moon is in Libra. The symbol of the Scales stands for harmony, balance, and justice. The beauty that Libra invokes is the beauty of responsibility?of engagement with others to find the diplomatic point of balance where we coexist in harmony and recognize our need for each other. The give and take of relationship, just like our relationship with the hidden world, restores balance. What does balance feel like to you? What do you need to do, whether it is related to spiritual practice, physical health, or living in integrity, to create more balance in your life? Since Saturn is also in Libra for the next two years, we have the opportunity to hone our skills of balance and relationship. I believe doing this work is the beauty that our ancestors require of us.

The chart for the New Moon shows an interesting pattern. Every planet is paired with another planet, and in the case of Pluto, paired with an important point, the North Node of the Moon. The Sun and Moon are conjunct as they always are at a new moon. Saturn is paired with Mercury, Mars with Venus, Neptune with Chiron, and Jupiter with Uranus. How fascinating that the New Moon in the sign of relationship shows us six distinct pairings! Are you drawn to any particular group? Are any of these pairs transiting your chart at this time? These relationships are: Jupiter/Uranus ? the relationship of revolution, Neptune/Chiron ? the relationship of mysticism, Pluto/Node ? the relationship of destiny, Mars/Venus ? the relationship of creativity, Sun/Moon ? the relationship of relationships, Saturn/Mercury ? the relationship of intellect.

The Full Moon occurs in the last degree of Libra. This is the second Full Moon in Libra this year, a somewhat unusual occurrence. The theme of relationship, balance, and beauty continues. At this time Chiron, the wounded shaman/healer, is stationing direct square to Mars. Venus is gone from the sky. We may be feeling the challenge of the journey to the underworld. When Inanna journeyed there, she had to give up every piece of status and identity in order to reach the core of her being. Chiron transits can feel like such shamanic initiations where we are dismantled in order to be put back together with a new connection to a healing source. Perhaps we all need to become healers at this time in our world. When I am feeling particularly challenged, the best source of strength for me is the thought that the experience helps me to be more connected with others who are also suffering. That connection, like the debt we owe our ancestors, creates beauty and healing.

Dates important to our stories: *
October 8 Venus stations retrograde 13� Scorpio
October 8 Mercury conjunct Saturn 8� Libra
October 20 Mercury enters Scorpio
October 20 Mars 24� Scorpio trines Jupiter 24� Pisces
October 22 Mars 25� Scorpio squares Neptune 25� Aquarius
October 22 Mars 26� Scorpio squares Chiron 26� Aquarius
October 22 Full Moon 29� Aries/Libra
October 23 Sun enters Scorpio
October 24 Mars 27� Scorpio trines Uranus 27� Pisces
October 25 Mercury conjunct Venus (retrograde) 7� Scorpio
October 28 Sun conjunct Venus (retrograde) 5� Scorpio
November 1 Venus (retrograde) 3� Scorpio sextiles Pluto 3� Capricorn
November 5 Chiron stations direct 26� Aquarius

*These dates are not a complete list of transits for the month, but rather are times when the themes of these stories are stronger. Each aspect between planets carries its own energy of harmony or conflict. These are:
Conjunction ? merging
Sextile ? encouraging
Square ? challenging
Trine ? harmonizing
Opposition ? confronting
Quincunx ? perplexing


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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New Moon July 11, 2010: Can I get a witness?

So the sea-journey goes on, and who knows where?
Just to be held by the ocean is the best luck
we could have. It's a total waking up!

Why should we grieve that we've been sleeping?
It doesn't matter how long we've been unconscious.

We're groggy, but let the guilt go.
Feel the motions of tenderness
around you, the buoyancy.

By Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks

In honor of this Cancer New Moon, which is also a Solar Eclipse, I want to invoke water. My dictionary offers this definition: invoke - to call in prayer or as a witness. Yes, that is about right?prayer and witness. I want to pray with and for water and I want to be a witness for water, water in me and around me. I want to witness how water teaches, how water behaves, how water gives. I want to witness how the water in me also teaches, flows, and gives. Water is precious. It is important to be aware of, to witness in fact, how we treat water. I also believe that our capacity to identify with water and to be in relationship with water will determine the quality of our lives in the world we are creating. If we can invoke in prayer and witness the wonder of water, we will enhance our ability to live sustainably on this earth in joy and compassion. It is that important.

I want to invoke water and I am frustrated by this medium of writing. Instead I want to sit beside water and listen. I want to lie down and travel into the water of my own cells. I want to feel the weight of the organs in my body and the rhythm of my pulse as blood flows through my veins. I want to smell rain and taste spring water flowing from the ground. I want to sit silently by the ocean and weep. This Cancer Moon pulls on me like the tides. I want to ?feel the buoyancy,? as the poet Rumi has written. So I invoke and offer this invocation to you. How will you witness water?

A Solar Eclipse is an opportunity to release old ways of seeing and open to the next way of seeing. The opportunity to awaken is always present, yet eclipses can give us an extra push. I?ve noticed that life seems more intense lately. The stakes seem higher. That can create stress but also excitement. What new leaps of consciousness are coming? How can we live the lives we long to live? How amazing will the dream become? All of these feelings and thoughts become an invocation as well. What will you allow to happen next in your life?

The Sun and Moon come together at 19� Cancer at this New Moon. The only aspect they make is an encouraging sextile to Mars in Virgo. Three planets in Virgo, the sign of holistic healing, support intentions for bringing order and health into our lives. Mars helps us to act on the New Moon intentions. Saturn is finishing its two and a half year transit of Virgo. (Due to retrograde motion, Saturn entered Libra in October 2009 and went back into Virgo in April 2010.) We can look back over Saturn?s transit through Virgo to see the ways we have responded to the lessons of this sign. Healing has been one of them.

Venus and Chiron. The third planet in Virgo is Venus. Venus helps us to soften the hard edges, to invite in beauty. Venus is opposing Chiron, the shaman and healer, at 0� Pisces. On May 3 astrologer Mary Plumb wrote beautifully about Chiron?s entry into Pisces on the same day of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig disaster, ?April 20 was Chiron?s entry into Pisces, the day of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion. Chiron is the shamanic journey, the wisest teacher, and the traveler out of ordinary time. Pisces?s greatest strength is to open the doors of perception, and, if conditions are lined up, can bring a glimpse of interconnectedness.? She went on to wonder what this wound on the ocean?s floor has to teach us. Venus touches this wound. Aphrodite, Venus?s Greek counterpart was birthed in sea foam. Again, it seems that the question, ?How will we witness water?? is important to what we need to learn at the moment. Venus is the teacher. This goddess offers us a heartfelt response to immense pain. Perhaps it is time to ?let the guilt go? so we are free to act.

The planets and their dance become the co-conspirators of our intentions. The dance this month continues to build on the lessons of the t-square of planets at the beginning of Cardinal signs.

The Cardinal t-square with Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter and Pluto.
A t-square is a powerful triangle of planets occurring in 3 out of the 4 signs in the same modality (Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable). A grand cross fills in the missing sign and so may provoke a resolution of tension or may simply add another element of stress.  We begin the month with a t-square that will be filled in by the transiting Moon in Cancer the evening of August 6. Throughout the month, we will feel the building momentum of this energy, which may climax in the first week of August.

To recap the energies of these transits:
Saturn opposite Uranus. These two have been opposing each other since November 2008 from the Mutable signs, Virgo and Pisces. Finally, this very long-lasting transit will complete this month when both will be at 0� of Cardinal signs. Uranus in Aries and Saturn in Libra. Essentially we are being asked to integrate revolution with responsibility, not an easy tightrope to walk.

Pluto in Capricorn. Since 2008 Pluto has been uncovering dysfunction in our systems of business and finance. Infrastructure seems to be crumbling. In spite of fear, true healing and power will emerge. Our work is to be ready to transform.

Jupiter in Aries. Jupiter moves more quickly than the other planets in the t-square but has a great ability to inflate experiences. Jupiter entered Aries in June and will station retrograde exactly square to Pluto on July 23. This is a time for transformative action.

The Full Moon on July 25
will be one of several crescendos this month. In addition to the t-square, there are two other configurations called Yods in the chart for the Full Moon. An apex of a Yod points to a planet that is under stress to understand the incomprehensible. One apex is the Sun; the other is Chiron. Full Moons are usually illuminating; this one may be even more so. Chiron points to shamanic healing lessons. The Sun to lessons about purpose and life-force. In addition to the two Yods, another configuration called a Mystic Rectangle is forming. This involves the Sun and Moon opposition forming encouraging sextiles to the Jupiter/Uranus and Saturn opposition. A Mystic Rectangle  was described by Dane Rudyhar as a symbol for "practical mysticism". The feeling is that the stressful opposition of Uranus and Saturn is getting help from the Sun and Moon to bring resolution or understanding.

When Mars enters Libra on July 29, the planet of action and reaction will join in with the energies of the t-square, culminating with a square with Pluto on August 3. Libra is the sign of diplomacy. Mars is often the planet of war. Tension may arise from those diverse impulses.

The perhaps tempestuous month ends with Venus moving into Libra, a sign of rulership for the planet of harmony. Waves calm a bit, although Venus is no pushover. After a month of deep experience, will the abiding lesson be that letting the ?beauty we love, be what we do? is a more profound act than we could have ever previously known? May we be a witness to such profound acts of love.

Dates important to our stories: *
July 20 Chiron re-enters Aquarius
July 21 Saturn enters Libra
July 23 Jupiter turns retrograde
July 24 Jupiter 3� Aries squares Pluto 3� Capricorn (first time)
July 26 Saturn 0� Libra opposes Uranus 0� Aries
July 27 Mercury 29� Leo opposes Chiron 29� Aquarius
July 29 Mars enters Libra
July 30 Mars 0� Libra opposes Uranus 0� Aries
July 31 Mars 0� Libra conjunct Saturn 0� Aries
August 3 Jupiter 3� Aries squares Pluto 3� Capricorn (second time)
August 3 Mars 3� Libra opposes Jupiter 3� Aries
August 3 Mars 3� Libra squares Pluto 3� Capricorn
August 6 Venus enters Libra
August 7 Venus 0� Libra opposes Uranus 0� Aries
August 8 Venus 1� Libra conjunct Saturn 1� Libra
August 9 Venus 2 � Libra opposes Jupiter 2� Aries

*These dates are not a complete list of transits for the month, but rather are times when the themes of these stories are stronger. Each aspect between planets carries its own energy of harmony or conflict. These are:
Conjunction ? merging
Sextile ? encouraging
Square ? challenging
Trine ? harmonizing
Opposition ? confronting
Quincunx ? perplexing


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