Sunday, October 31, 2010


Marka Giyim 2011 Modası

September Horoscopes


2011 Astrology Free Horoscope

VIDEOS++ SUPERTEST: Porsche 986 Boxster S

Used Honda Civic Honda Civic Car

Absolutely Confabulous

Confabulation is a striking symptom of some kinds of brain damage. Patients tell often fantastic stories about things that have happened to them, or that are going on now. It's a classic sign of Korsakoff's syndrome, a disorder caused by vitamin B1 deficiency due to chronic alcoholism.Korsakoff's was memorably illustrated on House (Season 1 Episode 10, to be exact). Here's a clip; unfortunately, it's overdubbed in Russian, but you can hear the original if you pay attention.Why does confabulation happen? An influential theory is that confabulation is caused by a failure to filter out irrelevant memories. Suppose I ask you to tell me what happened yesterday. As you reply, yesterday's memories will probably trigger all kinds of associations with other memories, but you'll able to recognize those as irrelevant: that wasn't yesterday, that was last week.A confabulating patient can't do that, this theory says, so they end up with a huge jumble of memories; the confabulated stories are an attempt to make some sense of this mess. See above for my attempt to confabulate a story linking the three random concepts of a cat, a fire engine and a chair.Now British neuroscientists Turner, Cipolotti and Shallice argue that this is only part of the truth: Spontaneous confabulation, temporal context confusion and reality monitoring. They discuss three patients, all of whom began to confabulate after suffering ruptured aneurysms of the anterior communicating artery, which destroyed parts of their ventromedial prefrontal cortex.The patient's stories are tragic, although we can take solace in the fact that they presumably don't know that. The confabulations ranged from the mildly odd:Patient HS was a 59-year-old man admitted after being found disoriented in the street. [he] had undergone clipping of an ACoA aneurysm 25 years previously. He had been left with a profound confusional state, memory impairment, and confabulation. As a result, HS had been unable to return to work and had spent at least part of the intervening period homeless...He... continued to produce spontaneous confabulations involving temporal distortions (believing that he had undergone surgery only 18 months previously) and other source memory distortions (confusing memories of interactions with the examiner with interactions with other patients).To the surreal:GN was disoriented to place, situation, and time and produced consistent confabulations, for example, believing that the year was 1972 and that he was in a hospital in America after being shot. He regularly produced markedly bizarre confabulations, for example, reporting that he had attended a party the night before and met a woman with a bee?s head. He frequently attemptedto act upon his mistaken beliefs, for example, attempting to leave the hospital to attend meetings.Anyway, in order to try to discover the mechanism of confabulation, they gave the patients some memory tests. The results were clear: the confabulating patients had no problems remembering stuff, but were unable to tell where they remembered it from.For example, in one task, the subjects were shown a series of pictures, some of which appeared only once, and some of which were repeated. They had to say which ones were repeats.The patients did normally the first time they did this task, but when they did the test again, this time with a different subset of pictures repeated, they ran into problems, saying pictures that appeared only once during the session were repeats. They were unable to tell the difference between repeats within the session and repeats from previous sessions. This replicates an earlier study of other confabulators.But Turner et al found that this lack of awareness for the source of information, wasn't just limited to when things happened. The confabulating patients were also unable to tell the difference between things they'd actually heard, and things they'd only imagined.Subjects were read a list of 15 words, and also told to silently imagine 15 other words (e.g. "imagine a fruit beginning with A" - apple). They were later asked to remember the words and to say whether they were heard or just imagined. Patients did well on the task except that they wrongly said that they'd actually heard many of the imagined words.The authors conclude that confabulation is caused by a failure to recognize the source of memories, not just in terms of time, but in terms of whether they were real or fantasy. For a confabulator, all memories are of equal importance. Why this happens as a result of damage to certain parts of the brain remains, however, a mystery.Turner MS, Cipolotti L, & Shallice T (2010). Spontaneous confabulation, temporal context confusion and reality monitoring: A study of three patients with anterior communicating artery aneurysms. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 1-11 PMID: 20961471

Depression Symptoms Depressed People

Has Courtney Love Had a Stem Cell Facelift?

Under Eye Surgery Eye Lift surgery

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Yves Saint Laurent Ayakkab? Modelleri

Yves Saint Laurent Ayakkab? Modelleri ve fiyatlar? 500 Euro ile 850 Euro aras?Yves Saint Laurent S�et Ayakkab?lar?Yves Saint Laurent Y�ksek topuklu ayakkab? modelleriYves Saint Laurent abiye Ayakkab?lar?Yves Saint Laurent mavi topuklu ayakkab? modelleriYves Saint Laurent Bot modelleriYves Saint Laurent arkas? a�?k terlik tipi ayakkab?larYves Saint Laurent ucu a�?k ayakkab? �e?itleriYves Saint Laurent sivri topuklu ayakkab? �rnekleriYves Saint Laurent �izme ModelleriYves Saint Laurent Bayan Ayakkab? �rneklerinden derlenen en ??k Yves Saint Laurent Bayan Ayakkab?lar? sizlerin be?enisine sunuyorum En �ok Moda olan ve sat?lan Yves Saint Laurent Bayan Spor Ayakkab? ve Yves Saint Laurent Bayan Klasik Ayakkab? oldu?undan Sonbahar-K?? 2010 - 2011 sezonunda Yves Saint Laurent Bayan Ayakkab?lar? sizlerinde be?enece?inizi �mit ediyorum. Sa?lk?l? ve muttu bir y�r�y�? yapman?z i�in marka ayakkab?lar? ter�ih ederseniz sa?l?kl? bir ayaklara sahip olursunuz. blog ailesi olarak ayakkab?lar?n?z ki?ili?inizi yans?t?r diyoruz.

Marka Modası Marka Giyim

New Moon May 13, 2010: Entice the Willing Collaborators

In honor of this month?s New Moon in the beautiful earth sign, Taurus, I begin with an awareness of Earth and body. Yielding into the Earth, I expand my perceptions. This is where I come from. She is my support. Listening and sensing with my body and soul, I realize my heart is heavy with the awareness of what we have done. Birds covered in black, heavy grime; turtles dying; unleashed floods of oil where no oil should flow; overwhelming greed and the complicity in that greed. Enough. We stand at a crossroads. The planets agree to stand for our choices. If ever you have felt that there is no use, change cannot happen or it won?t happen, now is the time to let go of that thought?because change must happen. We need a change in consciousness and it is happening. We can also be the midwives to this change, nurture it along, give it a nudge, be ready to catch it when it comes.

Looking over the transits and transitions of this next month, I admit a bit of weariness overtook me. Last month I wrote about the life-force rodeo, how the ingress of Uranus and Jupiter into Aries is like sitting on the back of a bull. We are in for a ride. It is important to be mindful, to have the personal practices in place so that impulsivity does not take over, so that we can consciously move into a new way to be and think; because we know that anger and aggression lead us to the same old cycles of karmic debt and the sea creatures will suffer. Weariness, cynicism, and hopelessness are present and yet these attitudes do not need to be the only response or even the predominant response to our challenges. The good thing about Aries is that it helps us to believe we can begin again. We have an opportunity for a fresh start.

What will help us make the shift? I?m beginning to think that the coming surge of life-force is a call to embrace Joy in a whole new way. The force of Joy will help us to shift into the new consciousness that is required of us if we are to live in balance and just relationship with all that is.

I am challenging myself with the following questions and offer them to my readers to consider: What is Joy? What are the old ideas I have about Joy that keep me thinking in old, ego-bound ways? How could the force of Joy help me to create, in the here and now, a life that is full of beauty and balance and mindfulness? If I dedicate myself to forming a new understanding of Joy, what will my obligation be to that force? How might this change my life?

I sometimes forget that I have willing allies. The earth, the planets, my family, teachers, colleagues, mysterious ones, ancestors?they all are willing to be my collaborators in this task of embracing Joy. For this work, I know I need a prayer, a call to my helpers and teachers, because this shift may be hard. I know I will need guidance and encouragement.

Light the fire
make it known
entice the willing collaborators of Joy
    Keen pleasure
    Willingness to be the kiss and the consummation
Let us dance for the world
dance for what we will become
dance for our birthrights
Dance and burn the signal fire
the fire of adoration for
the Beloved World?
Her green bloods
Her finned ones
Her winged ones
Her four-footed ones
Her two-footed ones
Her crawling ones
Her single-celled
Her emerging life forms
Her mineral kingdoms
Her molecules of atmosphere
Her molecules of water
Her fiery essences
Her gravity
Her dissolution
Her processes and cycles
The singleness of everything
The collection of more than

Praise ? Dance ? Entice ? Light the signal fires
Let us call for a radical evolution of consciousness.
Let us call for Joy.

What the planetary allies are up to:
Uranus: ally of change. Moving into Aries, Uranus challenges us to embrace new beginnings and to be mindful of impulsivity.

Saturn: ally of discipline. In Virgo until July 21, Saturn is encouraging us to work behind the scenes, to be of service, to pay attention to the details, and to insist on holistic solutions. When Saturn moves back into Libra after July 21, this planet becomes the ally that provides a firm counterbalance to impulsivity. Saturn collaborates in new beginnings that include balance and beauty.

Jupiter: ally of expansive belief. While in Pisces, ecstatic experiences open us to all collaborators, and to belief that we are all connected. In Aries, we are optimistic that we can begin anew. Joy is our birthright. The caution is to not settle for short-term solutions, quick fixes, or for what feels good now.

Pluto: ally of absolute truth. With Pluto in Capricorn, we are invited to look at the shadows that underlie authority?our own and others?; to claim power; and to live in integrity with the consequences of being powerful.

Chiron: ally of shamanic wisdom gained from wounds and heart openings. Through Chiron transits we gather medicine (I thank Adam Gainsburg for this metaphor for Chiron transits.) Chiron has just entered Pisces; it re-enters Aquarius on July 20; then returns to Pisces in February of 2011. Pisces medicine is gained through the experience of oneness, connection and compassion. Aquarius medicine is gained through the experience of isolation or the act of revolt.

Neptune: ally of the collective consciousness. Neptune confronts us with the fine line between ecstasy and illusion. While in Aquarius, we are offered the wonders of group mind, communal identity, and networks. How are we escaping into useless fantasy and how are we evolving?

Highlights of the New Moon of May 13:
The opposition between Uranus and Saturn with Jupiter just 3 degrees away from conjunction with Uranus is in force. Venus is squaring this opposition. Our relationships are impacted, but through relating we may find a way to synthesize both Uranus and Saturn.
Mars has almost reached the degree of its retrograde station from December. It is square to the Sun and Moon emphasizing the possible conflict between fixed earth? stability and sustenance and fixed fire?stewarding the life-force of Joy. Is one too conservative and cautious? Is the other too impulsive and light-hearted? Both signs are fixed. So even though it seems that earth naturally has more gravitas, and therefore more importance than fire, both are essential energies. How do we embrace them both?

Highlights of the Full Moon of May 27:
The opposition between Uranus and Saturn continues with Uranus on the cusp of moving into Aries. Jupiter is even closer to Uranus now. Energy is building. The signs of the Sun and Moon, Gemini and Sagittarius, focus on learning. There is an opportunity for new insight and expression. The Sun and Moon are square to Chiron in Pisces. What medicine do you gather? Who needs this wisdom? Mars has moved past its stationary degree and opposes Neptune. This aspect could encourage mystical experiences or escapism. Venus in Cancer opposes Pluto. Power and shadows influence our relationships. We can deepen what we are experiencing and look with honesty at relationship dynamics.

Dates important to our stories: *
May 17 Venus 26� Gemini square Jupiter 26� Pisces
May 18 Venus 27� Gemini square Saturn 27� Virgo
May 19 Sun 28� Taurus square Neptune 28� Aquarius
May 19 Venus 29� Gemini square Uranus 29� Pisces
May 23 Jupiter 27� Pisces opposes Saturn 27� Virgo
May 23 Venus 4� Cancer opposes Pluto 4� Capricorn
May 27 Uranus enters Aries
May 27 Full Moon in Sagittarius
May 30 Saturn stations direct 27� Virgo
May 31 Neptune stations retrograde 28� Aquarius
June 4 Chiron stations retrograde 0� Pisces
June 4 Mars 28� Leo opposes Neptune 28� Aquarius
June 6 Jupiter enters Aries
June 8 Jupiter conjunct Uranus 0� Aries
June 8 Mars 0� Virgo opposes Chiron 0� Pisces

*These dates are not a complete list of transits for the month, but rather are times when the themes of these stories are stronger. Each aspect between planets carries its own energy of harmony or conflict. These are:

Conjunction ? merging
Sextile ? encouraging
Square ? challenging
Trine ? harmonizing
Opposition ? confronting
Quincunx ? stretching


Free Horoscope Horoscope

David Cardoso wants Renault to do the Twist with New Design Concept

David Cardoso, whose work includes the water-bound Audi Hydron concept and Cobalt coupe, has created a new car concept to take on Mitsubishi's i-Miev. Envisioned as a Renault, the Twist would be a small electric city vehicle to slot between the baby Twingo and larger Modus MPV.

From the looks of it, the Twist's design is awkward enough to be...

Honda Cars Used Honda Civic

We've Made Some Changes!

Under Eye Surgery Eye Lift surgery

depressed people are the only people worth talking to

everyone else is condescending, insensitive, and evil

Depression Symptoms Depressed Symptoms

Friday, October 29, 2010

Taklit �ok asl? tek:)


uzun zamand?r Celebrity alemine yer vermiyordum..Genelde tarz?n? be?endim ki?iler'e burda payla?may? seviyorum.En ba??nda tabiki de Blake Lively yer al?yor.

Blake Lively, hem tarz? hem de do?al g�zelli?i ile herkesin ilgi oda??.Haliyle b�yle g�zelli?in �ok fazla taklidi de mevcut.?imdi ki k?zlar ya Serena yada Blair olmu? �?km??.Acaba ne kadar onlar gibi oluyorlar tart???l?r:)
�evremde b�yle tipleri g�r�nce g�lmemek i�in zor tutuyorum.�ok komik oluyorlar.Ke?ke yarat?c? olsakta kendimiz bir?eyler yapsak:)

Blake Lively'in en �ok do?all???n? seviyorum.�ok sade bir makyaj ve abart? olmayan sa�lar? ile her zaman g�zel.         �zel bir davet'te kat?ld??? Elie Saab elbisesi ile gene �ok ??k.Makyaj ve sa� gene �ok do?al, abart?dan uzak.

Marka Modası Marka Giyim

Cancer October 2010 Horoscope,Cancer October 2010


2011 Astrology Free Horoscope

Analyzing PakTrakr Files with PrestoPlot

Used Honda Civic Honda Civic Car

Common Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

Plastic Surgery Eyes Plastic Surgery Eye

Cross-cultural reflections on the mirror self-recognition test

Depressed People Depression Help

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Rugan Ayakkab? Modelleri Rugan Ayakkab?lar

Rugan ayakkab? modelleri nin en se�kin olanlar?n? ve moda rugan toPuKlu AyaKKab? Modelleri hakk?nda g�r�? ve �nerilerimi sunaca??m.rugan topuklu ayakkab?Topuklu Rugan ayakkab? modellerisivri topuklu ayakkab? modelleriYazl?k renkli bayan rugan ayakkab?Rugan �izme Modelleri ve Rugan �izmelerTa?l? Bayan RuGan Deri Ayakkab?rugan ayakkab? �e?itleribeyaz topuklu rugan ayakkab? modelleriyumurta topuk rugan ayakkab? modelleriEvet Arkada?lar bug�n bayan rugan ayakkab? modeli hakk?nda baz? t�yolar? sizlere verece?im, Bayan Rugan Deri Ayakkab? hem ??kl???m hemde resmi bir kad?n olman?n ilk ad?mlar?ndan birisidir. Bayan Rugan Deri Abiye Ayakkab? giyin bayanlar her zaman iddial? olduklar? ve en ??k en g�zel benim diyebilecekleri ortada oldu?undan sizlerinde mutlaka ayakkab? ar?ivinizde rugan ayakkab? modelleri nden bir tane bulunmas? gerekir diyorum. Rugan �izme satan online ma?zalardan rugan ayakkab? diye aratt?rman?z sonucunda rugan ayakkab? modelleri nin en ucuz olan rugan tarz? rugan ayakkab? fiyatlar? n? ve rugan ayakkab?lar hakk?ndaki detayl? bilgileri bulabilirsiniz. blogumdaki benim en sevdi?im 10 numara Rugan bayan ayakkab? modelleri bunlar sizlerin yorumlar?n?z? bekliyorum.

Marka Modası Marka Giyim

October Horoscopes


Medical Astrology 2011 Astrology

Toyota Corolla Recall

Do you own a Toyota lemon car or lemon Toyota truck? Vehicle Make / Model: Model Year(s): TOYOTA / COROLLA 2010 Manufacturer: TOYOTA MOTOR NORTH AMERICA, INC. Mfr's Report Date: AUG 19, 2009 NHTSA CAMPAIGN ID Number: 09V332000 N/ANHTSA Action Number: N/A Component: EQUIPMENT:OTHER:LABELS Potential Number of Units Affected: 1309 Summary: TOYOTA IS RECALLING CERTAIN MODEL YEAR 2010 COROLLA VEHICLES FOR FAILING TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARD NO. 208, "OCCUPANT CRASH PROTECTION." THE AIR BAG LABEL INSTALLED ON THE DRIVER SIDE SUN VISOR CAN SEPARATE FROM THE SURFACE OF THE VISOR. Consequence: THIS DOES NOT MEET THE STANDARD REQUIREMENTS. Remedy: DEALERS WILL INSPECT THE LABEL AND EXCHANGE THE DRIVER'S SIDE SUN VISOR.Got a lemon? Get a Burdge attorney. Getting your money back and getting rid of your lemon, that's what we do. Everyday. Since 1978.Burdge Law Officewww.USLemonLawyers.comBecause life's too short to drive a lemon.

Honda Cars Used Honda Civic

Saline Breast Implants

Eye Lift surgery Plastic Surgery Eyes

The Horror, The Horror

You're watching a horror movie.The characters are going about their lives, blissfully unaware that something horrifying is about to happen. You the viewer know that things are going to end badly, though, because you know it's a horror movie.Someone opens a closet - a bloody corpse could fall out! Or they're drinking a glass of water - which could be infected with a virus! Or they're talking to some guy - who's probably a serial killer! And so on.The effect of this - and a good director can get a lot of mileage from it - is that scenes which would otherwise be entirely mundane, are experienced as scary, purely because you know that something scary is going to happen, so you see potential horror in every innocent little thing. An expectation as to what's going to happen, leads to you interpreting events in a certain way, and this creates certain emotions.In a medical context, that would be called a placebo effect. Or a nocebo effect when expectations make people feel worse rather than better.The horror movie analogy is useful, because it shows that placebo effects don't just happen to other people. We all like to think that if we were given a placebo treatment, we wouldn't be fooled. Unlike all those silly, suggestible, placebo responders, we'd stay as sick as ever until we got a proper cure.I wouldn't be so sure. We're always interpreting the world around us, and interpreting our own thoughts and feelings, on the basis of our expectations and beliefs about what's going on. We don't suddenly stop doing this when it comes to health.Suppose you have the flu. You feel terrible, and you're out of aspirin. You don't think you'll be able to make that meeting this afternoon, so you phone in sick.Now, clearly, flu is a real disease, and it really does make you feel ill. But how do you know that you wouldn't be able to handle the meeting? Unless you have an extensive history of getting the flu in all its various forms, this is an interpretation, a best guess as to what you'll feel in the future, and it might be too pessimistic.Maybe, if you tried, you'd get on OK. Maybe if you had some aspirin that would reassure you enough to give it a go. And just maybe it would still have worked even if those "aspirins" were just sugar pills...Link: See my previous posts I Feel X, Therefore Y and How Blind is Double Blind?

Depression Test Depression Symptoms

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hair Styles 2011

Hair Styles 2011

Ekim Ay? Dergi Kapaklar?

Carey Mulligan'? Vogue'un Amerikan say?s?nda Valentino, Chanel, Dior'un couture tasar?mlar? i�inde,kal?n ve koyu renkli ka?lar?yla bulaca??z. 'Blue Valentine' filminde birlikte rol alan Michelle Williams ve Ryan Gosling W dergisi i�in bir araya gelmi?. Michelle'in bebeksi y�z� dergi kapa??n? ayd?nlat?r g�zellikte olmu?. 60'l? y?llardan esintiler hissedilen �ekimde Drew Barrymore hi� ya?lanmayan g�zeller listesinde yerini alabilir. Katie Holmes Marie Claire dergisi kapa??ndaki elbisesi J.Mendel imzal?. Glee'nin y?ld?z? oldu?u kadar art?k k?rm?z? hal?n?n da y?ld?z? olmaya ba?layan Lea Michele bu g�l�?� ile Julia Roberts'?n taht?na aday olabilir mi acaba? :) 'Dear John' filmiyle �ne �?kan Amanda Seyfried Louis Vuitton'un elbisesiyle Elle'in kapa??n? s�slemi?.

2011 Modası Etek Modası

Medical Astrology

Medical Astrology

Bentley Arnage Recall, Bentley Azure Recall, Bentley Brooklands Recall

Even a Bentley can be recalled. Vehicle Make / Model: Model Year(s): BENTLEY ARNAGE 2007-2009 BENTLEY AZURE 2007-2009 BENTLEY BROOKLANDS 2007-2009 Manufacturer: BENTLEY MOTORS LTD Mfr's Report Date: SEP 13, 2010 NHTSA CAMPAIGN ID Number: 10V411000 N/ANHTSA Action Number: N/A Component: STRUCTURE:BODY:HOOD Potential Number of Units Affected: 596 Summary: BENTLEY IS RECALLING CERTAIN MODEL YEAR 2007-2009 ARNAGER, ARNAGET, ARNAGE RL, BROOKLANDS, AND AZURE VEHICLES. THERE IS A POTENTIAL FOR THE "B" HOOD ORNAMENT'S RETRACTING MECHANISM TO BECOME CORRODED. THIS MAY LEAD TO THE "B" HOOD ORNAMENT NOT RETRACTING AS INTENDED WHEN A VEHICLE IS INVOLVED IN A CRASH. Consequence: IF THE HOOD ORNAMENT DOES NOT RETRACT, IT COULD INCREASE THE RISK OF INJURY TO A PEDESTRIAN IN THE EVENT OF A CRASH BETWEEN THE VEHICLE AND THE PEDESTRIAN. Remedy: DEALERS WILL REPLACE THE RETRACTABLE "B" MECHANISM .If you own a lemon Bentley, or any other lemon car or truck that is a lemon, you need a Burdge attorney. Getting back your money or getting you a new car, that's what we have been doing since 1978. And the law says they have to pay your attorney fees too.Burdge Law Officewww.USLemonLawyers.comBecause life's too short to drive a lemon.

Honda Cars Used Honda Civic

Kate Gosselin's Post-Tummy Tuck Belly

Plastic Surgery Eye Under Eye Surgery

Sex and Money on the Brain

Back in 1991, Mark Knopfler sang"Sex and money are my major kicksGet me in a fight I like the dirty tricks"Now twenty years later a team of French neuroscientists have followed up on this observation with a neuroimaging study: The Architecture of Reward Value Coding in the Human Orbitofrontal Cortex.Sescousse et al note that people like erotic stimuli, i.e. porn, and they also like money. However, there's a difference: porn is, probably, a more "primitive" kind of rewarding stimulus, given that naked people have been around for as long as there have been people, whereas money is a recent invention.The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is known to respond to all kinds of rewarding stimuli, but it's been suggested that the more primitive the reward, the more likely it is to activate the evolutionarily older posterior part of the OFC, whereas abstract stimuli, like money, activate more anterior parts of that area.While this makes intuitive sense, it's never been directly tested. So Sescousse et al took 18 heterosexual guys, put them in an fMRI scanner, showed them porn, and gave them money. Specifically:Two categories (high and low intensity) of erotic pictures and monetary gains were used. Nudity being the main criteria driving the reward value of erotic stimuli, we separated them into a ?low intensity? group displaying women in underwear or bathing suits and a ?high intensity? group displaying naked women in an inviting posture. Each erotic picture was presented only once to avoid habituation. A similar element of surprise was introduced for the monetary rewards by randomly varying the amounts at stake: the low amounts were ?1-3 and the high amounts were ?10-12.You've gotta love neuroscience. Although the authors declined to provide any samples of the stimuli used.Anyway, what happened?As hypothesized, monetary rewards specifically recruited the anterior lateral OFC ... In contrast, erotic rewards elicited activity specifically in the posterior part of the lateral OFC straddling [fnaar fnaar] the posterior and lateral orbital gyri. These results demonstrate a double dissociation between monetary/erotic rewards and the anterior/posterior OFC ... Among erotic-specific areas, a large cluster was also present in the medial OFC, encompassing the medial orbital gyrus, the straight [how appropriate] gyrus, and the most ventral part of the superior frontal gyrus. [immature emphasis mine]In other words, the posterior-primitive, anterior-abstract relationship did seem to hold, at least if you accept that money is more abstract than porn. (Many other areas were activated by both kinds of rewards, such as the ventral striatum, but these were less interesting as they've been identified in many previous studies.)Overall, this is a good study, and a nice example of hypothesis-testing using fMRI, which is to be preferred to just putting people in a scanner and seeing which parts of the brain light up in a purely exploratory manner...Sescousse G, Redout� J, & Dreher JC (2010). The architecture of reward value coding in the human orbitofrontal cortex. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 30 (39), 13095-104 PMID: 20881127

Depressed People Depression Test

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

2010 Venedik Film Festivalinde Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba'da 2010 Venedik Film Festivali'nde 'Machete' filmiyle dikkat �eken isimlerden biri oldu. Genel olarak tarz?n? be?endi?im Jessica Alba'n?n Valentino marka elbisesinde limon renkli �i�eklerde ?ahane ama Jess'in �zerinde bir tuhaf g�r�n�yor; ben ��zemedim. G�rebilen var m?? :)Se�imini yine Valentino'dan yana kulland??? siyah elbisesinin Jessica'ya yak??mad???n? d�?�n�yorum. K�pelerinin kendisine daha fazla ???lt? sa?lad??? ortada. Ten rengini d�?�nerek kendini fazla siyaha bo?masa iyi olurmu?. Yaln?z Ferragamo ayakkab?lar?n g�zelli?ine dikkat! Dolce & Gabbana'n?n uzun kollu �i�ek bask?l? elbisesiyle Jessica �ok sevimli olmu?. Gladyat�r sandaletleriyse Michael Kors. Bu kez sa�lar?n? d�z kullanmay? tercih eden Jessica'n?n bu stili ona daha �ok yak???yor. ���n�n aras?ndan bu benim favorim oldu.

Etek Modası Marka Modası

2010 Mini Cooper Christmas Gifts

Used Honda Civic Honda Civic Car

Saline Breast Implants

Plastic Surgery Eyes Plastic Surgery Eye

Monday, October 25, 2010

GleaMode b�y�yor....

Pek poz verme konusunda ba?ar?l? olamayan ben ?srarla poz vermeye devam ediyorum.Yava? yava a??cam s�z:)           Gene bir davetten kareler...Nereye kat?ld???m? bir sonraki postta g�rmeniz m�mk�n olucak:)

         Bu arada �ok tembel biriyim.Asl?nda GleaMode i�in bir ka� tasar?m?m var ama bir t�rl� ekliyemiyorum.En k?sa zamanda onlar? eklicem.Bu arada GleaMode'un siyah ve beyaz ti?�rtleride var.�st�mde g�rm�? oldu?unuz gibi..Sipari? vermek isterseniz bunlardanda verebiliriz.
Ayr?ca yapm?? oldu?um  kot ?ortum..�ok severek giyiyorum.Gene sipari? �zerine yap?labilirlerden...
Hayalinizdeki bir tasar?m vs. varsa hemen bize bir mail at?n sizin i�in yapal?m...
Anl?yaca??n?z GleaMode daha �ok se�enek sunmaya ba?l?yor.Yak?nda daha �ok tasar?mlar? g�rmeniz m�mk�n olucak..

Ti?�rt: GleaModeH?rka : MangoKot ?ort : GleaModeAyakkab?lar : Mango�orap : Calzedonia Kolye : Life in MonoBileklik : MangoSaat : Momentus

Etek Modası Marka Modası

Infiniti QX56 Recall, Nissan Armada Recall, Nissan Frontier Recall, Nissan pathfinder Recall, Nissan Titan Recall, Nissan Xterra Recall

Vehicle Make / Model: Model Year(s): INFINITI QX56 2008 NISSAN ARMADA 2008 Manufacturer: NISSAN NORTH AMERICA, INC. Mfr's Report Date: JUL 22, 2010 NHTSA CAMPAIGN ID Number: 10V349000 N/ANHTSA Action Number: N/A Component: AIR BAGS:SIDE/WINDOW Potential Number of Units Affected: 21 Summary: NISSAN IS RECALLING MODEL YEAR 2008 NISSAN ARMADA AND INFINITI QX56 VEHICLES MANUFACTURED FROM FEBRUARY 7, 2007 THROUGH FEBRUARY 14, 2007. THESE VEHICLES FAIL TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARD NO. 201, �PROTECTION IN INTERIOR IMPACT." AN OUT-OF-SPECIFICATION A-PILLAR FINISHER MIGHT IMPEDE THE CORRECT INFLATION OF THE SIDE CURTAIN AIR BAG NEAR THE UPPER PORTION OF THE B-PILLAR. Consequence: INCORRECT INFLATION OF THE SIDE CURTAIN AIR BAG MAY INCREASE THE RISK OF INJURY TO A VEHICLE OCCUPANT IN THE EVENT OF A CRASH REQUIREMENT DEPLOYMENT OF THAT AIR BAG. Remedy: DEALERS WILL REPLACE BOTH RIGHT AND LEFT FRONT PILLAR FINISHERS.I read the recall, and I still can't figure out what's going on, other than it's a recall that has to do with the airbag system. That's what keeps you from being badly injured in a crash. And that's all I need to know.If you've got a lemon Infiniti or a lemon Nissan, call us. Getting rid of lemon sport utility vehicles, lemon cars, lemon trucks, lemon motorcycles, that's what we do. And getting your money back is what you deserve. Oh, yeah, we make them pay our attorney fees too. After all, it isn't your fault you've got a lemon.Burdge Law Officewww.USLemonLawyers.comBecause life's too short to drive a lemon.

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dear Sinead O'Connor,

thank you for your beauty...inside and out.thank you for your voice...which is from another dimension.thank you for standing unafraid against a world that destroys anything with an identity, an opinion, or a soul. a world that despises honesty and is almost never willing to face its own fears or the truth.thank you for your emotional disorder.thank you for your bald head, and for your tears.thank you for basically sacrificing a career people would (and do) kill for, in order to maintain your own voice and to stand strong by your own convictions.i'm sorry for the way people treated you. from your childhood to the moment you stood on the stage at Madison Square Garden at the Bob Dylan Tribute Concert, a lone brave and talented 25-year-old girl from ireland being crucified by a mob of tens of thousands like a witch on trial.they were so scared of you, Sinead. you shook the delusional axis of this planet in a way it just couldn't withstand.i was very young during those days, and living in a sheltered world where i never really had the chance to appreciate your music or your actions. quite the opposite actually. as a child, i too was trained to hate warriors like you.but i find inspiration in you now. and the sound of your voice - and the rage & pain it unleashes with such clarity - shatters something within me.i don't know you. i've never met you, and i probably never will.but sometimes i go on, because you did.

Depressed People Depression Help

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sinemada Trend - S�per Kad?n Kahramanlar?n Deri ?le ?mtihan?!

Tamamiyle hayali olsa da ger�eklikten nasibini alm?? gibi muamele g�r�rler. Kad?n s�per kahramanlar deri k?yafetlerinin cazibesinden ald??? g��le bize her durumda ba? etme yetisini ve zekas?n? en parlak ?ekilde g�zler �n�ne sererler. Deri g��l� bir metaryal olsa da kad?n kahramanlar? beyazperdede izledik�e ald???m?z gazla sinema salonlar?ndan i�imize t�rl� yetenekler enjekte edilmi? gibi ayr?l?r?z. Hepimiz g��s�zlerin ge�irdi?i evrimlere bak?p nas?l kahraman ve y?k?lmaz olduklar?n? g�rmeyi severiz. Bunun i�in verdikleri insan �st� �aba umut ????? niteli?inde olur ve 'istersen sende ba?arabilirsin' gibi bir duyguyu da yan?na bonus olarak verir. ?nsan ruhunda var olan kahramanl?k g�d�s�n� d�rt�p �?karmas?n? iyi bilen Hollywood, kost�m tasar?mc?lar? ile birlikte bunu �yle bir destekliyor ki erkekleri etkileyebildikleri gibi kad?nlar?n ruhuna da i?lemeyi ba?ar?yorlar. Bu sebeple de?il mi senaryo k?tl??? �ekildi?inde �izgi romanlara ve bilgisayar oyunlar?na s?rtlar?n? dayay?p, o sekt�rden destek almalar?. T�rk kad?nlar?n? niye afilli kost�mler i�inde g�remiyoruz yoksa bizden bir kad?n kahraman olmaz m?? Olur hem de bal gibi olur da, bizde ki bu yetene?i g�rmesi i�in Ye?il�am'?n az?c?k g�zlerini a�makta fayda var :) Deri k?yafetlere form verip harikalar yaratan Simay B�lb�l ve Ezra - Tuba �etin karde?lerde k?yafetleri pekala tasarlayabilirler. Tamam can?m, bu sadece moda ile olacak i? de?il. Sinema sekt�r�n�n �etrefilli yollar?na girmeden ve b�t�e hesaplar? ile u?ra?madan yolumuza devam edelim.K?z?l, sar???n, esmer yada farkl? renklerde olmalar? bile onlar?n ama�lar?n? birbirinden ay?rm?yor. Tek ama�lar? var o da k�t�leri tarihin tozlu sayfalar?n? aras?na g�mmek! ?ntikam duygusu ile yan?p tutu?salar da kimileri i�in bir an gelir intikam bana g�re de?il der, kimileri i�inse intikam so?uk yenen bir yemektir felsefesi asla de?i?mez. So?uk kanl? g�r�nt�lerinin alt?nda yatan duygusal kad?nsa umulmad?k bir anda onlara nanik yap?verir. ?ddial? makyajlar?na ald?rmadan iki damla g�zya??n?n s�z�ld�?� bile g�r�lm�?t�r. Kahramanl???n tarihini yazan bir kad?n olmak kolay de?ildir.G�ndelik hayat?n ona y�kledi?i rolden s?yr?l?p ikinci kimli?ine b�r�n�nce giydi?i seksi, y?rt?c? kost�mlerle kabuk de?i?tirirler. K�t�lerin d�?man?, iyilerin koruyucusu bu kad?nlar sahneye umulmad?k anda �?kt?klar?nda arka fondan gelen g��l� m�zikle bilir ve hissederiz ki bela geliyordur. M�zikle birlikte farkl? d�v�? stillerine ge�i? de yap?l?r . Ustal?kla k?l?�, silah, b?�ak, yeri gelir mutfak e?yalar?, yada art?k �evrede ne varsa hepsi kar?? taraf i�in birer tehdit olu?turur. At?lan ola?an�st� parandelerle ise a?z?m?z? bir kar?? a�?k b?rak?rlar. Assasinlik ruhlar?nda oldu?u i�in saklanma, kimlik de?i?tirme gibi konular �zerine doktora yapm??lard?r. ?yi veya k�t� olsunlar, do?ru yolu bulsun yada bulamas?nlar verilen mesajlar yerine ula?m??t?r. G�zelse aptald?r kavram?n? y?kmak i�in olabildi?ince �al??an bu kahramanlara haklar?n? verelim.Onu unutmak ne m�mk�n telefon hatt?ndan �?k?p gelen TRINITY'nin d�v�? stili e?ine az rastlan?r �zellikte. Film ba?lad??? anda voow nidalar? e?li?inde CARRIE ANN MOSS a�?l???n? yapar ve t�m h�nerlerini g�sterir. Havada bir s�re as?l? kalan tekmesini indirdi?i gibi seyirlik ?ov ba?lar. ?ster deri ister lateks deyin �zerinden �?karmad??? k?yafeti ile erkeklere ta? �?kart?r. Uzun siyah deri pelerinini her bayandan onun gibi d�zg�n ta??mas? beklenmemeli, zor i?. Bu kadar aksiyon ve az?c?k felsefenin i�inde Neo'ya duydu?u a?k �zel bir yerdedir. Neo 'Trinity HELP' dedi?i anda onun yan?nda olmaya her zaman haz?r kad?n?n? bulur!Batman'a ihtiya� duymad??? gibi onu belinden sar?p Batmobile'?na atmas?na da gerek olmayan tek kad?n CATWOMAN' d?r. Bunun aksine o Batman'i kendine a??k edebilir. Kuyru?unu sallay?p, k?rba�?yla uzaktaki rakibinin bile dikkatini da??tacak yetenekte ve �ekiciliktedir. Kedilerin �zelliklerini kendinde bar?nd?rmas?ndan dolay? d�rt ayak �zerine d�?me konusunda olduk�a ba?ar?l?d?r. Hayat? boyunca i�ine kapan?k, kendi halinde, sessiz ,sakin olan Selina camdan d�?�p kedilerin sald?r?s?na u?ray?nca DNA s? de?i?ikli?e u?ray?p bamba?ka biri olarak yeniden do?ar. Evine gitti?i gibi diki? makinesinin �n�ne oturur ve ba?lar kendi kost�m�n� dikmeye, tabi bunun i�in ki?ili?ini yans?tan deriyi an?nda se�er. Sahip oldu?u kedi i� g�d�leri i�indeki intikam �anlar?n? �oktan harekete ge�irmi?tir. 2004 yap?m? Halle Berry'nin oynad??? film hayal k?r?kl??? olsa da benim ilk g�z a?r?m, CatWoman'?m MICHELLE PFEIFFER!JENNIFER GARNER'?n canland?rd??? ELEKTRA, Dare Devil'in devam? niteli?inde kar??m?za �?kar. �izgi roman uyarlamas? olan Elektra yak?n d�v�?te usta oldu?u gibi, �st�n sezileri sayesinde gelecekte olacaklar? da hissedebilme �zelli?ine sahiptir. H?z, g��, esneklik gibi �st�n g��leri b�nyesinde bar?nd?r?r. �zellikle �izgi roman?ndaki k?rm?z? renk kost�m� ile bilinse de siyah deri onun vazge�ilmezidir. �ift han�eri ile filmin sonlar?na do?ru action diyen Jennifer d�v�? sahneleri ile bizi ba?l?yor.Beyaz g�zler beyaz sa�lar ile kontrast olu?turan bir mutant g�zelidir STORM. B�t�n ?im?ekleri �zerinize �ekmek istemiyorsan?z Storm'u k?zd?rmaktan ka�?n?n! Ka� bin voltluk bir enerji ak?m? yaratt??? �zerine bo?una kafa yormay?n ��nk� her?eyi bununla s?n?rl? de?il. Y?ld?r?mlar?na, hortumlar?na ve hava s?cakl?kl??? ile istedi?i gibi oynamas?na bak?n siz! Havay? kontrol edebilme g�c� t�m�yle onda olunca gelmi? ge�mi? en g��l� mutanatlardan biri olma �nvan?n? da elinde tutar. B�yle yetenekli bir mutanat? bizlere kazand?rd??? i�in Charles Xavier'a te?ekk�r� bir bor� biliriz. Karizmatik ki?ili?i ile di?er mutantlar?n lideridir Storm. HALLE BERRY Catwoman'da istedi?imiz gibi bir kahraman yaratamasa da Storm gibi mistik bir karaktere daha �ok yak??m??t?r. Siyah deri kost�m�n�n �zerinde do?al olarak eksik olmayan tek ?ey ' X ' logosudur. Sinemada izledi?imde kendimi bir an �nce salondan atma iste?iyle yan?p tutu?du?um filmdeki kad?n kahramana gelmek isterim. Watchmen'de ki seksi SILK SPECTRE! Sally J�piter 1940'lar?n Silk Spectre's? olsa da ya?ad??? olaylardan sonra bu maceras?na son verir ve k?z? Laurie Jupiter'e b?rak?r. Anneden k?za ge�en bu �nvan ile k�t�lerin pe?ine ekip arkada?lar?yla ile birlikte d�?er. Watchmen, kahramanlar? ile ger�ek �izgi roman fanatiklerinin g�nl�nde ayr? bir yeri olsa da benim gibi sadece filmini izleyenler i�in hayalk?r?kl??? olu?turabilir. Silk Spectre'y? canland?ran MALIN AKERMAN filmde kost�m�yle birlikte desteklenen seksili?ini, oyunculu?undan daha �ok konu?turmu?. Sar? ve siyah renklerden olu?an kost�m�n�n� giyip sa�lar?n? oraya buraya savururken d�v�?mesi g�r�lmeye de?er (!) Siyah jartiyeri ile garip d�v�? stilleri sergileyen Silk Spectre benim kad?n kahraman?m olmaktan �oook uzak!Alice'in tek hatas? Umbrella gibi bir ?irkete hizmet etmekti. Bu ?irket bu k?za hi� ac?mad??? gibi insanl?k ad?na yapmad???n? da b?rakmad?. RESIDENT EVIL'da Alice'i canland?ran MILLA JOVOVICH bu filmle dikkat �ekmeyi ba?ard?. Resident Evil serilerinde giydi?i farkl? deri k?yafetler ile hem sert hem kad?ns? olmay? bildi. Her b�l�mde Alice upgrade edilmi? haliyle kar??m?za �?kt?. G�z� kara bu kad?n korkusuzca zombilerin aras?na kendini atmaktan ve ba?kalar?n? kurtarmak ad?na kendini feda etmekten hi� ka�?nmaz. Yava? yava? yeteneklerinin artt???n? g�rd�?�m�z Alice d�v�? hareketlerini rahatl?kla yapabilmek ad?na deriden vazge�mez. Alice'in di?er bir �zelli?i ise nereye giderse gitsin zombi k�pek s�r�lerini pe?ine takabilme becerisidir. Eee olsun o kadar! UNDERWORLD vampirler aras? d�zenlenen g�zellik yar??mas? birincisini a�?kl?yorum: KATE BECKINSALE. Bir seri filminde daha kad?n kahraman?m?z?n �zerinden siyah deriler eksik olmaz. Yer alt?n?n karanl?k sular?nda gezinmekten �ekinmeyen Selene'nin kurtadamlar ile ili?kisi de bir o kadar sa?lamd?r. S�per kahraman?m?z vampirlerin kendinde bar?nd?rd??? so?uklu?u ta??d??? halde �z�nde duygusal ve a?k? arayan bir kad?nd?r. G�nl�n� kurt adama kapt?rd?ktan sonra, sen imkans?zs?n, sensizlik imkans?z dizlerini y�re?inde hissederek se�imini yapar. Devam eden serilerde karanl???n hakim oldu?u filme en �ok yak??an siyah renk, deri tasar?mlar ile birle?mi?.Aksiyon denilince akla gelen ilk ismin ANGELINA JOLIE olmas? art?k kimseyi ?a??rtm?yor de?il mi? Beyazperde de ki bu �nvan?na ra?men ak?lda kal?c? bir deri kost�me hi� sahip olamam??t?r asl?nda. Ger�ek hayat?nda siyahlar?n kad?n? �nvan?n? korudu?u gibi deriden de vazge�mez ve film galalar?nda s?kl?kla kar??m?za �?kar. Her filminde deriyi tek par�a olarak mutlaka kullan?r. Ceket, pantolon, elbise yada �izme gibi.. Lara Croft Tomb Raider'da tek tip bir deri kost�m� yoktur, Mr. & Mrs. Smith'de gizli bir ajan olarak verilen g�revi deri elbisesi sayesinde hi� zorlanamadan bitirmi?tir. Wanted'da ki kovalamaca sahnelerinde deri ceket ve deri pantolonu ile trenin �zerinde rahat�a akrobatik hareketlerini sergiler.�ocuklu?unda G.I.Joe'lar? ellerinden d�?�rmeyenlerin THE BARONESS 'ten haberi vard?r. Sar???n g�zel SIENNA MILLER, film i�in boyatt??? simsiyah sa�lar ile kar??m?za �?kt?. G�z�m film boyunca hi� al??amad? bu rengine, zaten sonunda tekrar eski halinede d�nd�. Baroness kocas?na hesap vermek ?�yle dursun, her t�rl� karanl?k i?lerini halledip d�nyan?n bir ucundan ak?am evine d�nebilecek kadar yetenekli! Sienna'dan asi bir Baroness nas?l olur diye merak edenleriniz varsa ka�?rmas?n!Iron Man2'de ki varl???na ?a??rd???m SCARLETT JOHANSSON bir anda Tony Stark'?n koruyucusu �?kt?. Hemde ne koruma BLACK WIDOW olarak yer alan Scarlett az g�r�nd� ama pir g�r�nd�. Bakal?m ileride Kara Dul'un filmde ki durumu ne olacak?Bu kadar s�per kad?n kahramandan sonra bir film koyup, ayaklar?n?z? uzatma zaman? gelmi?tir :) Zorluklarla ba? etmek zorunda kalsak da, y?lmak biz kad?nlara g�re de?il! Art?k nap?yoruz motivemizin d�?t�?� anlar dvd mizin ba??na ge�ip bir film patlat?yoruz; ben denedim i?e yar?yor :)Not: Erkek kahramanlar da hikayeleri i�in s?raya girdi bile!

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A Tale of Two Genes

An unusually gripping genetics paper from Biological Psychiatry: Pagnamenta et al.The authors discuss a family where two out of the three children were diagnosed with autism. In 2009, they detected a previously unknown copy number variant mutation in the two affected brothers: a 594 kb deletion knocking out two genes, called DOCK4 and IMMP2L.Yet this mutation was also carried by their non-autistic mother and sister, suggesting that it wasn't responsible for the autism. The mother's side of the family, however, have a history of dyslexia or undiagnosed "reading difficulties"; all of the 8 relatives with the mutation "performed poorly on reading assessment".Further investigation revealed that the affected boys also carried a second, entirely separate, novel deletion, affecting the gene CNTNAP5. Their mother and sister did not. This mutation came from their father, who was not diagnosed with autism but apparently had "various autistic traits".Perhaps it was the combination of the two mutations that caused autism in the two affected boys. The mother's family had a mutation that caused dyslexia; the father's side had one that caused some symptoms of autism but was not, by itself, enough to cause the disorder per se.However, things aren't so clear. There were cases of diagnosed autism spectrum disorders in the father's family, although few details are given and DNA was only available from one of the father's relatives. So it may have been that the autism was all about the CNTNAP5, and this mutation just has a variable penetrance, causing "full-blown" autism in some people and merely traits in others (like the father).In order to try to confirm whether these two mutations do indeed cause dyslexia and autism, they searched for them in several hundred unrelated autism and dyslexia patients as well as healthy controls. They detected the a DOCK4 deletion in 1 out of 600 dyslexics (and in his dyslexic father, but not his unaffected sister), but not in 2000 controls. 3 different CNTNAP5 mutations were found in the affected kids from 3 out of 143 autism families, although one of them was also found in over 1000 controls.This is how psychiatric genetics is shaping up: someone finds a rare mutation in one family, they follow it up, and it's only carried by one out of several hundred other cases. So there are almost certainly hundreds of genes "for" disorders like autism, and it only takes a mutation in one (or two) to cause autism.Here's another recent example: they found PTCHD1 variants in a full 1% of autism cases. It seems to me that autism, for example, is one of the things that happens when something goes wrong during brain development. Hundreds of genes act in synchrony to build a brain; it only takes one playing out of tune to mess things up, and autism is one common result.Mental retardation and epilepsy are the other main ones, and we know that there are dozens or hundreds of different forms of these conditions each caused by a different gene or genes. The million dollar question is what it is that makes the autistic brain autistic, as opposed to, say, epileptic.The "rare variants" model has some interesting implications. The father in the Pagnamenta et al. study had never been diagnosed with anything. He had what the authors call "autistic traits", but presumably he and everyone just thought of those as part of who he was - and they could have been anything from shyness, to preferring routine over novelty, to being good at crosswords.Had he not carried the CNTNAP5 mutation, he'd have been a completely different person. He might well have been drawn to a very different career, he'd probably never have married the woman he did, etc.Of course, that doesn't mean that it's "the gene for being him"; all of his other 23,000 genes, and his environment, came together to make him who he was. But the point is that these differences don't just pile up on top of each other; they interact. One little change can change everything.Link: BishopBlog on why behavioural genetics is more complicated than some people want you to think.Pagnamenta, A., Bacchelli, E., de Jonge, M., Mirza, G., Scerri, T., Minopoli, F., Chiocchetti, A., Ludwig, K., Hoffmann, P., & Paracchini, S. (2010). Characterization of a Family with Rare Deletions in CNTNAP5 and DOCK4 Suggests Novel Risk Loci for Autism and Dyslexia Biological Psychiatry, 68 (4), 320-328 DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2010.02.002

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Blake Lively Toronto Film Festivalinde

Blake Lively 1.80'in �zerindeki boyu, uzun mu uzun bacaklar?, k?sacas? �uval giyse yak???r fizi?iyle kat?ld??? davetlerde dikkat �ekmeyi hep ba?ar?yor. Toronto Film Festivalinde giydi?i k?rm?z? Chanel couture ile bu kez ortal??? yakmay? ba?arm??. Peki k?rm?z? y�z�kler ve ayakkab?lara ne demeli? Preen ilkbahar koleksiyonundaki dar pa�a pantolonu ve �st�, leopar desenli Christian Louboutinleri se�erek tamamlam??.

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Normal? You're Weird - Psychiatrists

Almost everyone is pretty screwed up. That's not my opinion, that's official - according to a new paper in the latest British Journal of Psychiatry.Make sure you're sitting down for this. No less than 48% of the population have "personality difficulties", and on top of that 21% have a full blown "personality disorder", and another 7% have it even worse with "complex" or "severe" personality disorders.That's quite a lot of people. Indeed it only leaves an elite 22.5% with no personality disturbances whatsoever. You're as likely to have a "simple PD" as you are to have a normal personality, and fully half the population fall into the "difficulties" category.I have difficulties with this.Where do these results come from? The Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, which is a government study of the British population. They phoned up a random sample of several thousand people, and gave them the SCID interview, in other words they asked them questions. 116 questions in fact.48% of people answered "yes" to enough questions such that, according to their criteria, they had "personality difficulties". They defined "personality difficulties", which is not a term in common use, as being "one criterion less than the threshold for personality disorder (PD)" according to DSM-IV criteria.So what? Well, as far as I'm concerned, that means simply that "personality difficulties" is a crap category, which labels normality as pathological. I can tell that most of people with "difficulties" are in fact normal because they are the literally the norm. It's not rocket science.So we can conclude that "personality difficulties" should either be scrapped or renamed "normal". In which case the weird minority of people without any such features should be relabelled. Maybe they are best known as "saints", or "�bermenschen", or perhaps "people who lie on questionnaires".This, however, is not what the authors say. They defend their category of Personality Difficulties on the grounds that this group are slightly more likely to have a history of "issues" than the elite 22.5 percent, e.g. homelessness (3.0% vs. 1.6%), 'financial crisis' (10.1% vs. 6.8%), or having had treatment for mental illness (11% vs 6%).They say:The finding that 72% of the population has at least some degree of personality disturbance is counterintuitive, but the evidence that those with ?personality difficulty? covering two out of five of the population [it's actually closer to half], differs significantly from those with no personality disturbance in the prevalence of a history of running away from home, police contacts, homelessness... shows that this separation is useful from both clinical and societal viewpoints.Well, yeah...but no. The vast majority (90+%) of people with Personality Difficulty had no history of these things. It's true that, as a group, they have higher average rates, but all this tells you is that some of them have problems. I suspect they're the ones right at the "top end" of this category, the people who are almost into the next category up.Here's what I think is going on:The "difficulties" group and the "none" group are essentially the same in terms of the levels of crap stuff happening to them - because they are the same, normal, everyday people - except that a small % of the "difficulties" group do have some moderate degree of problems, because they are close to being "PD".This does not mean that the "difficulties" category is good. Quite the reverse, it means it's rubbish, because it spans so many diverse people and lumps them all together. What you should do, if you insist on drawing lines in the sand, would be this:Now I don't know that that's how things work, but it seems plausible. Bearing in mind that the categories they used are entirely arbitrary, it would be very odd if they did correspond to reality.To be fair to the authors, this is not the only argument in their paper. Their basic point is that personality disturbance is a spectrum: rather than it being a black-and-white question of "normal" vs."PD", there are degrees, ranging from "simple PD" which is associated with a moderate degree of life crap, up to "complex PD" which has much more and "severe PD" which is worst of all.They suggest that in the upcoming DSM-V revision of psychiatric diagnosis, it would be useful to formally incorporate the severity spectrum in some way - unlike the current DSM-IV, there everything is either/or. They also argue that with more severe cases of PD, it is not very useful to assign individual PD diagnoses (DSM-IV has no less than 10 different PDs) - severe PD is just severe PD.That's all fine, as long as it doesn't lead to pathologizing 78% of the population - but this is exactly what it might do. The authors do admit that "the SCID screen for personality disorder, like almost all screening instruments, overdiagnoses personality pathology", but provide little assurance that a "spectrum" approach won't do the same thing.Yang M, Coid J, & Tyrer P (2010). Personality pathology recorded by severity: national survey. The British Journal of Psychiatry 197, 193-9 PMID: 20807963

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Gossip Girl K?zlar? New York Fashion's Night Out'ta

New York'ta ki Fashion's Night Out etkili?inde Leighton Meester Versus'un bu g�z al?c? renkteki kesik, par�al? seksi elbisesiyle hem iddial? hem de harika g�r�n�yor. Ba?ka bir �nl�n�n giymeye cesaret edemeyece?i bu elbiseyi ta??mak Blair i�in zor olmam??. Christian Louboutin Ven�s Orlato ankle bootlar? albenisiyle beni m?knat?s gibi �ekmeyi ba?ard?!Blake Lively fosforlu sar? elbisesi Marchesa 2011 koleksiyonundan. Sa�lar? ve makyaj?yla naturel g�r�nmeyi tercih etmi? iyi de yapm??. Ke?ke bizdeki davetlerde de bu tarz g�r�nt�lere daha s?k rastlayabilsek; ??k g�r�nmenin yolunun abart?dan ge�medi?ini anlayabildi?imiz zaman bunu ba?arm?? olaca??z.

Etek Modası Marka Modası

Comparing Conversion Costs with Paul

Honda Civic Car Honda Cars

just in case i haven't been clear

wikipedia is PSYCHO, PSYCHO, PSYCHOplease don't ever use this site, unless you are looking for pure mythology and biasi hope it burns in hell

Depressed Symptoms Depressed People

Healing from Liposuction and Getting the Feel of the New You

Plastic Surgery Eye Under Eye Surgery

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Adidas Bot Modelleri

Adidas bot modelleri ve fiyatlar? 225 tladidas bot modelleri 2011adidas bot modeli 2011Adidas Bot �e?itleriAdidas Bot �rnekleri ve fiyat? 175 tlAdidas Spor Bot ModelleriAdidas Bayan Spor Bot ModelleriAdidas Erkek Bot blog olarak bugun sizlere Adidas Bot �e?itleri satan yerleri arayan arkada?lar yorumlar b�l�m�ne eklerlerse onlara Adidas Botlar? n?n su gecirmez t�rlerini ve Adidas Spor ayakkab? �e?itlerinin bol ca oldu?u b�y�k yerleri ve ucuz sat?? yapan 100% orjinal sat?? yap?lan adidas ma?zalar?n? verece?im �rne?in ankara ankamoll da adidas ma?zas?n?n telefonu ve adresi ile ba?layal?m Ankamall Al??veri? Mrk. 125 K:1 Yenimahalle Ankara adresinde sat?lan AD?DAS ma?zas? Tel:312 541 11 71 Fax:312 541 11 70 den ula?abilirsiniz.

Marka Modası Marka Giyim

Toyota MR2 Turned into Ferrari F430 Replica Showcased at Meeting Alongside the Real Thing

This isn't the first time we've seen a Toyota MR2 dressed up as something else, in this case a Ferrari F430 Spider, but the story here is that the owner of the replica took it to a classic / sports car meeting of some sorts in The Netherlands parking it close to the real Italian deal. Talk about having faith in your creation... See all the...

Honda Cars Used Honda Civic


Depression Symptoms Depressed Symptoms

Cheap Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery Eyes Plastic Surgery Eye

Monday, October 18, 2010

Matthew Williamson G�z�yle Kaleidoscope

?ngiliz tasar?mc? Matthew Williamson Bulgari i�in m�cevherleri an?msatan alt?gen ?eklindeki �antalarla benim kalbimi �ald?. Milano Moda Haftas?nda g�r�c�ye �?kan �antalarda kaleidoscope yaratmak istedi?ini belirten Williamson bunu ba?ar?yla ger�ekle?tirmi? g�r�n�yor. Z�mr�t ye?ili, pembe, safir mavisi ile tuvalindeki renkleri �antalara aktarm??; renk kontrastlar?n?n g�zelli?ine hipnotize olmamak elde de?il!

Etek Modası Marka Modası

Continental ContiSportContact3 best in Auto Express tyre test

Honda Cars Used Honda Civic

the simple things

i generally say that there are only 4 things i truly enjoy in life.only 4 real reasons i can come up with for facing each day.they are, not necessarily in order:1. food2. sex3. sleep4. buffy, the vampire slayerwell now i'd like to formally add "stroopwafels" to that listit may seem that they fit under category #1, but no...they are a Reason for Living all on their own(for the record, the honey ones are better than the hazelnut ones)thank you, india.well, technically, the netherlands.

Depression Symptoms Depressed People

Asian Rhinoplasty

Plastic Surgery Eye Under Eye Surgery

Sunday, October 17, 2010

2010 MTV Video M�zik �d�lleri

MTV M�zik �d�llerinde ?imdiye kadar ki en ferah, en modern ve en g�zel tasar?m? g�rmek i�in 12 Eyl�l gecesini beklemek gerekliymi?.Ciara'n?n se�imini be?enmemek ne m�mk�n Givenchy'nin bol t�ll� elbisesi enfes! U�uk pembe dolgu topuklar? da yak??m??.Selena Gomez Reem Acra g�m�? renkli, i?lemeli b�stiyer elbisesiyle s?k?c? olmaktan hayli uzak oldu?u gibi ya??n? oldu?undan b�y�k g�stermeye de her zaman ki kadar yak?n! S�rekli ayn? tarz ile g�rmeye al??t???m?z Selena bizi ?a??rt?p d�z elbise yerine biraz daha s�sl�s�n� giymi? o kadar. G�m�? renkli platform ayakkab?lar? ise Sergio Rossi. Katy Perry'i e?lenceli bir kad?n olarak bilsek de bunu davetlerde g�rmek insan? daha bir mutlu ediyor.�zeri transparan ve i?lemeli seksi k?yafeti Marchesa'dan. Resime yak?ndan bak?ld???nda t?rnaklarda ki desenlerin g�zelli?ini g�rebilirsiniz. Ashley Greene ya gerilim filminin �ekimlerinden ko?a ko?a �d�l t�renine yeti?ti ya da az �nce biriyle fena kap??t?! Bu y�z ifadesiyle f?rt?nalar estirirken ne giyse yak??mayacak bir durumda. Ben yine de k?rm?z? hal?da ki ge�mi? g�zel g�nlerin hatr?na insafl? davran?p Giambattista Valli Resort koleksiyonundan se�ti?i elbiseye s�z s�ylemeden ayakkab?lara ge�ip olmam?? diyorum.�d�l Kazananlar:Video of the Year : Lady GagaBest New Artist : Justin BieberBest Hip-Hop Video : Eminem ( Not Afraid )Best Pop Video : Lady Gaga ( Bad Romance )Best Male Video : Eminem ( Not Afraid )Best Female Video : Lady Gaga ( Bad Romance )Best Collaboration : Lady Gaga - Beyonce ( Telephone )Best Dance Music Video : Lady Gaga ( Bad Romance )Best Choreography : Lady Gaga ( Bad Romance )Best Cinematography : Jay-Z Alicia Keys ( Empire State of Mind )Best Direction : Lady Gaga ( Bad Romance )Best Editing : Lady Gaga ( Bad Romance )

Marka Giyim 2011 Modası

PRESENTING: The top 30 best Vehicles resale value? (UPDATED 7 September 2010)

Used Honda Civic Honda Civic Car

Summary Care Records

Depression Help Depression Symptoms

Time to Get the Fat Out? A Description of Liposuction

Plastic Surgery Eye Under Eye Surgery

Saturday, October 16, 2010

How to write and speak fluent Bahasa Malaysia

Honda Cars Used Honda Civic

Durmak Yok:)


�ok �al??kan bir �?renciyim de?il mi? Zaman bulduk�a "Bugun Ne Giydim?" k?sm?n? yer veriyorum:)
Daha �nceki yaz?mdada bahsetti?im gibi benim sezonum a�?ld?.Sonbahar? yava? yava? getiriyorum.Dolab?mdaki en �n s?ralarda maxi uzun etekler yer al?yor...

Ti?�rt ve Etek : ZaraAyakkab?lar: Steve MaddenKemer : KotonBileklikler : Mango ve Accessorize

Marka Giyim 2011 Modası

Food Stamp Nation With Massive Inflation

The number of people in the United States needing food stamps to survive is trending toward 45 million. Those living on fixed incomes or government assistance are being ravaged by exploding inflation. Year over year pork is up 68%, coffee 45%, sugar 24%, salmon 30%, oranges 35%, barley 32%, beef 23%, and the list goes on. U6 (unemployment) just soared to 17.1%, and as what Art Cashin calls "the tale of two economies" persists, it is leaving behind a trail of tears.A global food crisis is brewing and with it massive inflation is arriving at a time when we have the most people on government assistance since the Great Depression.When people recall the suffering 80 years ago in the last depression in the United States, we conjure up images of bread lines.In the modern world, people push carts at Wal-marts across the country looking to purchase staples like baby formula and milk. This shopping often occurs near midnight at the end of each month, and for the first few hours after midnight Wal-mart's sales soar because the government assistance cards have been activated.By "the tale of two economies," Cashin referred to the suffering that was happening on Main Street even as the stock market rallied. I don't care that the Dow has crossed 11,000 when so many families are living in motel rooms, cars, and tent cities. Now these families will be struggling to feed themselves and their children because of the irresponsibility of the central planners and bankers.The question now becomes: In a civilized society, when will these central planners and bankers be held accountable for the destruction they have brought on the United States? It is time to end the culture of corruption if only because, as inflation explodes, the people simply cannot afford it anymore.Link Here..420 Banks Demand 1-World CurrencyInvestors Plow Into Junk Bonds; Junk Bond Sales at Record Highs

Depressed People Depression Help

More Choices in Breast Augmentation

Plastic Surgery Eye Under Eye Surgery

Friday, October 15, 2010

Sleuthing the Soneils

Honda Civic Car Honda Cars

?emsiye Modelleri �ocuk ?emsiyeleri

�ocuk ?emsiye Modelleri ve Fiyatlar? 15-75 tl aras? fiyat de?i?iyor.�ocuk ?emsiye Modelleri 20112011 �ocuk ?emsiye modelleri�ocuk ?emsiyeleri�ocuk ?emsiye modeli?emsiye modelleri�ocuk ?emsiyesi Almak isteyenlere birbirinden g�zel �ocuk ?emsiye modeli sunuyorum en g�zel �ocuk ?emsiyeleri bunlar diye d�?�n�yorum hem k?z cocuklar?na hemde erkek �ocuklara uygun olan bu �ocuk ?emsiyesi �e?itleri �ocuklar?n?z? ya?mur ve kardan koruyacakt?r, Y?rt?lmayan brandalardan imal edilmi? olan bu ?emsiye modelleri bay ve bayanlar i�in semsiye �rnekleri sunmadan �nce �ocuklara �ncelik olsun diye �ocuk ?emsiye modelleri �nceden verdim. Bayan ?emsiye �e?itleri ve bayan ?emsiye modeli ni Buradaki konuda vermi?tim fakat ge�en senenin �r�nleri oldu?u i�in sizlere yeni �?kan moda ?emsiye �rneklerini de verece?im in?allah. ?emsiye modas? her y?l yenilendi?inden yeni ?emsiye modelleri ile kar??n?zda �ok ??k ve zarif katland??? blog ailesi olarak g�zel ?emsiye sizlere yak???r diyoruz ve Ho?cakal?n diyoruz.

Marka Giyim 2011 Modası

Your Recovery from Breast Augmentation

Under Eye Surgery Eye Lift surgery

Too Big To Fail: Bank Of America Goes Bankrupt? So Does The FDIC

The FDIC has a herculean challenge in confronting the too big to fail banks.  There is little doubt that having institutions that are too big is part of the reason for the current systemic crisis.  Yet through the last few years the solution has been to make these banks even bigger allowing their web to spread even further and deeper into the economy.  The FDIC has an insolvent Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) backing up $13 trillion in banking assets.  And what the banks call assets is simply stunning.  Bank of America for example has $2.3 trillion in assets (or a larger amount than the annual GDP of California).  Yet 41 percent of the assets are backed by loans, predominately real estate loans.Let us take a look at the breakdown of the $2.3 trillion:More Here..

Depression Test Depression Symptoms

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happy 10.10.10. Hope you...

Used Honda Civic Honda Civic Car

C'nin dolab?ndaki de?i?im....

Herkese Selamlar....

Ge�ti?imiz yaz?mda size bahsetmi?tim.Bir s�prizim vard?.O g�n bugund�r:)
Bu aralar �evremden �ok fazla tarzlar?n? de?i?tirme , dolab?n? yenileme gibi istekler geliyordu.
�ocukluk arkada??m C'de dolab?n? de?i?tirmek, yeni kombinler yapmak istedi?ini s�yledi.Art?k onunla �ok yak?n olmam?z?nda etkisiyle bulu?up tarz?nda de?i?iklikler yap?p, giymemesi gerekenleri ay?klay?p dolab?nda en �n s?ralar?nda yer almas? gereken k?yafetleri se�tik.
C'nin ilk olarak vucudunu anlatt?m.Nelerin �n planda nelerin arka planda olmas? gerekti?ini ve hangi renklerin onun i�in daha uygun olabilece?ini s�yledim.
Ama ?unu s�ylemeliyim �ok zor bir i?.Hele o koca dolab? bo?alt?p yenilemek inan?lmaz zormu?:)
Ben olmayacaklar? hi� yay?nlam?yorum bile.��nk� zaten olmas? gerekenleri se�mek bile �ok vakit ald?.Bu y�zden se�ti?im k?yafetlere yer vermek istiyorum.Ama ?unu da belirtmek istiyorum.Ben bu alanda profesyonel de?ilim.Sadece zevk i�in yap?lm?? bir proje diyebilirim:)
C, 1.75 boylar?nda uzun bacakl? bir hatun.Onun tek kusuru biraz bel k?sm?ndaki fazlal?klar.Onuda normal kar??lamak laz?m.Benim gibi bir anne.Ama bu �al??madan sonra s?k? bir spor'a ba?l?yaca??n? s�yledi:)         Bacaklar?n?n �ok d�zg�n olmas? nedeyle ?ortu �nerdim..Kesinlikle dolab?nda yaz-k?? tutmas? gereken bir par�a.Ayr?ca �zerindeki tunik bel k?sm?ndaki kusurlar? kapamak i�in bana �ok cazip geldi.B�yle bir kombin �?kt?:)

Gene bir ?ort.Dedim ya bence ona yak???yor:)Bu sefer pastel tonlar?n? denedim.Ben �ok sevdim bu renkleri.
Siyah her kad?n?n dolab?nda bulunmas? gereken bir renk.Bu sefer siyah ince bir g�mlek ve mini bir etek..Tabi bu par�aya �ok yak???cak olan bu senenin favorilerinden leopar.Ayakkab? ve kemerle tamamlad?m.C'nin dolab?nda en �ok sevdi?i par�a y?rt?k pantalonu.Onunla kombinlemek i�in �st bulmakta �ok zorland?m.Ancak son anda bu g�mle?i buldum.Asl?nda �izgili bir?ey d�?�nm�yordum.Biliyorsunuz normaldende kilolu g�sterebiliyor.Ama C'yi mutlu etmekte laz?md?:)
Bir de b�yle deneyelim dedim:)C'nin dolab?nda kesinlikle bol bol elbise bulundurmas? gerekiyor..Ona �ok yak??t???n? d�?�n�yorum.Bu elbiseyi iki ayakkab? ile de olabilece?ini d�?�nd�k.Ama hangisini kullansak diye d�?�n�rken, ikisininde kullanmakta karar k?ld?m:)C'ye elbiseyi �ok yak??t?rd???m i�in son kareleri hep elbiselere ay?rd?m:)Ben bu elbiseyi �ok sevdim.Renkler ve modeli �ok ho?uma gitti:)

Bu elbiseyide �ok sevdim.K???n �oraplarla da �ok ho? olucak:)C b�y�k bir firmada Finans sorumlusu olarak �al???yor.Do?al olarak b�y�k k?sm?n? i?te kullanabilece?i k?yafetlerden se�tim.Ancak yak?nda pantalonlu kombinlerde yap?caz...
Son olarak bir pantalonlu kombinle kapat?yorum.Ama bunu yaparken bir?eylerin yanl?? oldu?u kan?s?nday?m.Ger�ek C'yi �?karamad?m.Sizce buradaki yanl??l?k nerde?Kulland???m papu�lar:) C'nin makyaj ve sa�?na hi� bir?ey yapmad?m.��nk� zaman?m?z buna yetmedi.Ama bir dahaki �ekimlerde ona da dikkat edicem:)

Sizce nas?l?Sizinde fikirlerinizi bekliyorum.Olumlu yada olumsuz bana d�nerseniz �ok sevinirim.

Sevgilerle, Yasemin...

Marka Modası Marka Giyim

Kate Gosselin's Breasts: "These Breasts Are All Mine"

Plastic Surgery Eye Under Eye Surgery

please don't be jealous of my ability

Depressed People Depression Help

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

BMW 5 Series Recall, BMW 5-Series Gran Turismo Recall

Vehicle Make / Model: Model Year(s): BMW 5-SERIES 2010-2011 BMW 5-SERIES GRAN TURISMO 2010-2011 Manufacturer: BMW OF NORTH AMERICA, LLC Mfr's Report Date: JUL 21, 2010 NHTSA CAMPAIGN ID Number: 10V331000 N/ANHTSA Action Number: N/A Component: FUEL SYSTEM, OTHER:STORAGE:FUEL GAUGE SYSTEM Potential Number of Units Affected: 6080 Summary: BMW IS RECALLING CERTAIN 2010 AND 2011 5-SERIES AND 5-SERIES GRAN TURISMO PASSENGER VEHICLES MANUFACTURED FROM JANUARY 12 THROUGH JULY 1, 2010. THE VEHICLE'S FUEL LEVEL SENSOR WITHIN THE FUEL TANK CAN BECOME WEDGED AGAINST THE TANK. Consequence: IF THIS OCCURS, THE FUEL GAUGE IN THE INSTRUMENT CLUSTER WOULD DISPLAY A LARGER AMOUNT OF FUEL THAN WAS ACTUALLY IN THE TANK. AS A RESULT, IF THE TANK BECAME EMPTY, THE VEHICLE COULD STALL INCREASING THE RISK OF A CRASH. Remedy: BMW HAS NOT YET PROVIDED THE AGENCY WITH A REMEDY PLAN.Oh, that's just great. We got a problem but we just don't quite know what to do about it yet. Meanwhile, you can be driving down the highway, doing 65 or so, thinking you've got lots of gas in the tank, and suddenly your BMW goes dead. If you've got a lemon BMW, we can get your money back or a new car, at no cost to you. It's what we've been doing since 1978. Thousands of happy clients with new cars and millions of dollars paid out by car manufacturers and dealers. Maybe it's time you got rid of your lemon? Call us toll free Ph: 888.331.6422 and we'll get started right away. Burdge Law Officewww.NewCarLemonLaw.comBecause life's too short to drive a lemon.

Honda Civic Car Honda Cars


Etek Modası Marka Modası

Robo-Signers: Mortgage Experience Not Necessary

Banks hired hair stylists, teens to process foreclosure documents, workers' testimony shows.In an effort to rush through thousands of home foreclosures since 2007, financial institutions and their mortgage servicing departments hired hair stylists, Walmart floor workers and people who had worked on assembly lines and installed them in "foreclosure expert" jobs with no formal training, a Florida lawyer says.In depositions released Tuesday, many of those workers testified that they barely knew what a mortgage was. Some couldn't define the word "affidavit." Others didn't know what a complaint was, or even what was meant by personal property. Most troubling, several said they knew they were lying when they signed the foreclosure affidavits and that they agreed with the defense lawyers' accusations about document fraud."The mortgage servicers hired people who would never question authority," said Peter Ticktin, a Deerfield Beach, Fla., lawyer who is defending 3,000 homeowners in foreclosure cases. As part of his work, Ticktin gathered 150 depositions from bank employees who say they signed foreclosure affidavits without reviewing the documents or ever laying eyes on them -- earning them the name "robo-signers."More Here.. 

Depressed People Depression Test

Stretch Marks Surgery

Plastic Surgery Eye Under Eye Surgery

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Installing the PakTrakr, Dead Aux Battery

Honda Cars Used Honda Civic

Ba?l?ks?z bir post...


Bu aralar gene tembelli?im �st�mde.Ama bu sadece blogum i�in ge�erli..Evde yo?un bir ?ekilde �al???yorum.
Yazl?klar? kald?r?p, k??l?klar? yerle?tirme d�nemim.Hi� sevmiyorum.
Zaten bir g�n boyunca ayakkab?lar? d�zenleyip kald?rmakla u?ra?t?m..Bugunde s�zde k?yafetlerimi kald?r?cakt?m.Ancak �ok k�t� bir tembellik ��kt�.Nedense hi� bir?ey yapmak istemiyorum..
Bu post'ta zoraki haz?rlanm?? bir post.Giydiklerimi sevmedim.Sa�lar?m? sevmedim.Resimleri hi� hi� sevmedim.Sanki bu kareler de farkl? biri gibi �?km???m.
Neyse i?te bu aralar beni idare edin.Ne giysem ne yapsam mutlu olam?yorum.Acilen bir al??veri?'e �?kmam laz?m san?r?m.Yoksa kendime gelece?im yok:)

Bu arada sa�lar?m? g�rd�k�e �z�l�yorum.?ekil vermeye bile �?eniyorum.Sald?m �yle kendimi i?te:) 
Bluz ve Pants. : ZaraKolye : KotonSaat : SwatchY�z�k : Mango

Etek Modası Marka Modası

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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He's a Plastic Surgeon You Can Trust

Under Eye Surgery Eye Lift surgery

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Volkswagen Golf Vw Golf


Car Painting Shops Paint Job

Range Anxiety

Honda Cars Used Honda Civic

Ve 1950'ler En ?hti?aml? Pin Up K?zlar?na Kap?lar?n? A�ar!!

Sonunda 1950'leri yazabildim. :)) Sonunda diyorum ��nk� 50'lerde ki ikonlar?n �oklu?u ve her birinin d�nemde ki g�z ard? edilmeyecek yerlerini, �nemini d�?�n�rsek epey bir u?ra? gerektirdi?ini takdir edersiniz. :) Umar?m sizde okumaktan s?k?lmaz, keyifli vakit ge�irebilirsiniz.1950'lerde ki pin up k?zlar?ndaki �zelliklerini k?saca s?ralarsak cazibesi ile bizi alt �st edenlerden, masumiyet �a??n? yazanlara, ger�ek prenseslerden, seks sembollerine, menek?e g�zleriyle yakanlardan, sar???nl???n tarihini yazan kad?nlara kadar uzanan bu geni? 50'ler yelpazesinde sizde aralar?ndan kendi pin up k?z?n?z? bulun! Biliyorum aralar?ndan birini se�mek zor olacak ama okuduktan sonra karar vermek belki daha kolay olur :)) G�r�?leriniz benim i�in �nemli, yorumlar?n?z? bekliyorum...BRIDGET BARDOT hem erkeklerin ama �zellikle de kad?nlar?n inkar edemeyece?i g�zellikte olup, ate?li sar???nlarda ba?? �eken isimlerden gelir. Fransa'n?n gelmi? ge�mi? en ate?li hatunlar?ndan olma �nvan?n? elinde tutabilen ender g�zelliklerden biridir. Heykeli dikilesi kad?n s�z�n� hakk?n? vererek heykeli bile dikilen bu tanr?�a �l�ms�zlerin aras?nda yerini alm??t?r. Bir di?er heykeli dikilen Frans?z g�zeli Laetitia Casta Louis Vuitton'un 2010 K?? Koleksiyonu ile Bardot'un stili ile Fransa'n?n simgesi bu kad?n?n kimli?ine b�r�nm�?t�. ?ri dalgal? bukleleri, hafif aralad??? dudaklar?n?n aras?na yerle?tirdi?i seksi cazibesi ve kampanya foto?raflar?nda taklit edilesi stiliyle idol olmaya devam ediyor. ?�yle d�?�n�n ki James Bond filmindeki k?zlar?n ?imdiye dek en haval?s? denizden �?k?p kumlara do?ru a??r �ekimde Dolce & Gabbana bikinisi ile sahilin tozunu att?r?rken etraft?nda ki herkesin tek odak noktas? haline geliyor. ??te bu �ekimi ancak erkeklerin r�yalar?n? s�sleyip, vah?i ve romantik olmas?n? bilen Bridget Bardot gibi bir kad?n ba?arabilir. 50'lerden kopyalanas? bir stil miydi? KES?NL?KLE! Pin up k?zlar?n?n has �zelliklerini kendinde bar?nd?rmas?n? ba?aran bu kad?n?n siyah uzun �izmeleri ve sa� bantlar? ka� modac?ya ilham kayna?? oldu?unu kim bilir? Muhte?em irilikte g�zlerini ortaya �?kard??? rimeli onun imzas? gibi olmu?tur. Claudia Schiffer'?n tarz?n?n uzaktan yak?ndan ilgisi olmasa da fiziki a�?dan bir�ok noktada birbirine benzedikleri i�in g�n�m�z�n Bridget Bardot'su olarak ba?ka bir isime de sahip olmu?tur. Bardot stilinden bir par�a bana da bula?s?n diyorsan?z skinny jeanleri, k?sa etekleri, uzun �izmelerinizi giyip, hacimli sa�lar?n?z? savurmaya haz?r olun! Bridget Bardot'yu ?u s�zle �zetlemek kula?a gelen en anlaml? ?ey: Ve Tanr? Kad?n? Yaratt?!1950'lerin barbie bebek gibi g�r�nen ve ula??lmas? neredeyse imkans?z pin up k?z hallerinin yan?nda yan?nda AUDREY HEPBURN t�m s?cakkanl?l??? ve i�ten g�l�msemesi ile bizim 'the girl next door'umuz olmu?tur. Audrey Hepburn masumiyetin, zerafet ile nas?l birle?ti?inin en iyi ifade eden y�z hatlar?na sahip oldu?u 'My Fair Lady' imizdir! Hepimizin g�n�llerinde taht kurmay? ba?ard??? 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' ile de d??a d�n�k bir k?z?n ger�ekte i�e d�n�k halini en g�zel ?ekilde yans?tm??; siyah mini elbisesiyle ise her markan?n tekrar tekrar tasarlad??? ve modern kad?n?n gard?robunun da vazge�ilmez par�as? olmu?tur. Ak?ll?, mutlu olmas?n? her zaman bilen ( ama Pollyannac?l?k oynamadan bunu ba?arabilen ) kendine g�ven ve stil ikonu kelimeleri art?k Audrey ile e?de?er olmu?tur. Siyah mini elbisesi, uzun inci kolyesi, kapri ve slim pantolanlar?, bal?k�? yaka kazaklar?, sade ama �arp?c? gece elbiseleri, siyah g�ne? g�zl�kleriyle Audrey Hepburn'�n stilini genel olarak �zetleyebiliriz. Onun bu ilham veren stili kopyalanas? g�zellikte olup masumiyetini ortaya koydu?u gibi i�indeki di?ili?ini de her y�nden hissettirmesini bilen Audrey, di?er pin up k?zlar? gibi yenili?e �ok a�?k olmay?p o kad?ns? �zelliklerini farkl? bir ?ekilde g�stermeyi se�enlerden. Aktrist olmadan �nce balerin olan y?ld?z?n duru?unda bunu hissetmek m�mk�n. Sevimli ve ???lt? sa�an y�z�yle Audrey'nin bizlere kan?tlad??? ?ey ?u ki her?ey s?cak bir g�l�mseyi?le ba?lar...Efsanevi moda ikonu oldu?u gibi oyunculuk yetene?iyle de oscar heykelci?ini de kapan ve beyaz atl? prensinin sizi kulenizden kurtarmaya �al??t??? hayallere dala dururken o bu masal? ger�e?e d�n�?t�renlerden biri: GRACE KELLY. Monaco prensi ile hayat?n? birle?tirdikten sonra bu efsane moda ikonu, �nvanlar?na bir yenisini daha ekledi; Prenses Grace Kelly. ?imdi �ar??ya, pazara giderken kollardan d�?meyen Hermes �antalar? o zaman?n stil ikonu Grace Kelly'nin onuruna 'Kelly' isimli bir �anta bile �retmi?ti.; ka� ki?i Hermes taraf?ndan unutulmazl?k sembollerinin aras?nda yerini alabilir ki? Onun y�r�ngesine girdi?iniz anda zerafeti ile sizi i�ine al?r ve eski t�rk filmlerindeki han?m efendilerin masumiyetinin alt?nda yatan g�zellik gibi ak?llardan asla �?kmaz. Onun g�rkemli gardrobunda kimler yoktu ki... Yves Saint Laurent, Balenciaga, Chanel, Dior, Lanvin gibi d�nyada moda devlerinin emrine amade oldu?unu d�?�n�rsek sayd?klar?m ufak bir b�l�m� olabilir ancak. Vintage elbiselerin de?erinin Grace Kelly gibi ikonlar?n esintisinden geldi?ini bilirsek ne kadar de?erli olduklar?n? ve asla niye eskimediklerini anlamam?z zor olmaz. Grace Kelly kimileri i�in mesafeli gibi g�r�nse de a??rba?l? tarz?yla do?ru duru?unu kan?tlam?? isimlerden biri. Kesinlikle �ok cesur ve kendini do?ru ifade eden kad?nlardan biri SOPHIA LOREN. Y?ld?z ve aktrist kavramlar?n?n birbirinden �ok farkl? oldu?unu d�?�nen ve kendisini aktrist kategorisinde tan?mlayacak kadar al�akg�n�ll�. Di?er 1950'lerdek ki pin up k?zlar?n? d�?�n�rsek kendisi y?rt?c?, g��l� ve kendinden emin g�r�n�?�yle d�nemin seks sembollerinden biri olmu?tur. ?ri g�zleri, kum saati v�cudu ve derin g�g�s dekolteleriyle 50'lerin seks sembollerinin simgesi ve odak noktas?d?r. Sophia Loren kendisindeki bu g�zelli?in fark?nda olup �zerine ne giyse k?vr?ml? v�cut hatlar? sayesinde muhte?em g�r�nd�?�n�n bilincinde pozlar? cesurca verir. ?talyanlar?n gururu y?ld?z kad?ns? elbiseler, etekler ile vintage tarz?n simgelerinden biri olmu?tur. K?vr?ml? v�cut hatlar? sayesinde giydi?i her elbise i�inde muhte?em g�r�nmesini �arp?c? v�cut hatlar?na bor�lu olan Sophia Loren de g�zellik yar??mas?nda ?ans?n? deneyenlerden biri olmu?. Onda ki bu ???lt?y? ke?fedenlerse vakit kaybetmeden filmlerde oynamas? i�in teklifte bulunup d�nya sinemas?na anlaml? bakan bir �ift g�z�n �tesindeki bu kad?n? kazand?rm??lar. 2005 y?l?nda Film Festivali i�in �lkemize gelen Sophia Loren kendi ya??tlar? i�inde zirvede nas?l kald???n? kan?tlar g�zellikteydi. ?imdiyse y?llar?n ondan bir ?ey al?p g�t�rmedi?i k?sm?na ge�i? yapm??, ta? bebek k?vam?ndan bir?ey kaybetmeden bizleri kendine hayran b?rakmaya devam ediyor...'Y�zy?l?n en �ekici kad?nlar' listesinde bir numarada olabilmeyi ve o listede her zaman kalabilmeyi platin sar?s? sa�lar?na de?il; kendine �zg� kad?n? �zg�rce ortaya koyabilmesine bor�lu MARILYN MONROE. Playboy dergisine kapak oldu?u 1950'lerde erkeklerin dikkatini �ekmeyi ba?arsa da o hep ne istedi?ini bilmesi sayesinde seksi sar???n �nvan?n? korudu. Beyaz bir elbise, k?rm?z? bir ruj, a?a??dan gelen hafif esintinin de katk?s?yla 'Yaz Bekar?' filmindeki bu ikonik g�r�nt� ile haf?zalar?m?zdan y�z y?llar boyu �?kmayacak tek kad?n olma �zelli?ine sahip Marilyn Monroe . Bu sebeple g�n�m�zde pin up k?z sembollerinde en �ok rastlad???m?z y�z�n Marilyn'nin ki olmas? tesad�f de?il. G�r�nt�s�n�n aksine Hollywood'da para onu ilgilendiren konular aras?nda hi� olmad?; o i?in kendini harika hissetmek k?sm?ndayd?. Kad?ns? duygular?n? ifade etmek ve d??a vurmak onun do?as?nda oldu?u i�in bug�n bile a?k hayat? g�ndeme gelip, giyim stili ile de onun taklit eden �nl�ler �?k?yor. Taklitler asl?n? ya?at?r s�z� onun sayesinde tasdiklenip, onaylat?labilir. Marilyn aptal sar???n rollerinde oynasa bile bir kad?nda olmas? gereken her?eye sahipti ama g�zlerindeki h�z�n ve �ocuksu g�l�mseyi?i ile ger�e?in ta kendisiydi.Menek?e g�zl� y?ld?z ELIZABETH TAYLOR' �zellikle bu g�zlerinin farkl?l??? ile sinemada iz b?rakm??t?r. M�cevherlere olan d�?k�nl�?� ile nam salan bu kad?na Kleopatra gibi g�steri?li bir film ancak yak??abilirdi. M�cevherlere o kadar tutkuyla ba?l? ki bunun �zerine bir kitap yaz?p, m�cevherci d�kkan? bile a�m??! Kendine d�?k�nl�?� narsistlik seviyesinde olup, l�ks� hayat?n?n merkezine bile koysa o sempatikli?i ile kendini sevdirmesini biliyor. Hayat dolu bu g�zel ?imdi bir k�?esine �ekilip oturmak yerine zaman?n?n b�y�k b�l�m�n� AIDS i�in yap?lan yard?mlara katk?da bulunarak ge�iriyor.

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

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Spor Ayakkab? Modelleri Spor Ayakkab?lar?

2011 Spor Ayakkab? Modelleri ve Fiyatlar?adidas spor ayakkab? modelleripuma spor ayakkab? modellerispor ayakkab? markalar?converse modellerinayk modelleri spor ayakkab? modellerinayk ayakkab? modellerinayk ayakkab?nayk ayakkab?larnayk spor ayakkab?Nayk spor Ayakkab?lar? olarak t�rk�ede telef�z edilen Nike Firmas?n?n �nl� Ayakkab?lar? halkaras?nda nayk ayakkab?lar? diyede bilinir, kaliteli Markalar aras?nda bulunan adidas, Puma, nike ve converse gibi �nl� Markalar?n sat???n? yap?n Ayakkab? D�nyas? Ma?azas? en �ok nike Ayakkab?lar? n? satt?klar?n? ge�enlerde ac?klam??lard?. blogu olarak benim yapt???m ara?t?rmalarda ise yaz sezonunda en �ok bayan ve �ocuk Converse ayakkab?lar?n?n sat?ld???n? erkek Spor ayakkab?lar? n?n ise daha az sat?ld???n? bir �ok forum ve blog sitelerinde raslad?m. Ama benim g�r�?�me g�re en �ok sat?? yap?lmas? gereken Ayakkab? Nike Spor ayakkab?s? olmas? gerekir diye d�?�n�yorum, ��nk� Nike Ayakkab?lar? oldukca kaliteli ve sa?lam bir spor ayakkab?s?d?r diyorum nerdenmi biliyorim, Tabiki giydim ve denedim o y�zden biliyorum. Neyse bu?unl�kte bu kadar olsun arkada?lar Sa?l?kl? bir ayakkab? giymeniz dile?iyle.

2011 Modası Etek Modası

it really blows my mind that someone is performing a song that i wrote in a cafe in Taiwan

i really never dreamed

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Friday, October 8, 2010

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Chloe �izme Modelleri

Chloe �izme Modelleri ve fiyatlar? 145-275 tl aras? fiyat de?i?iyor.2010 2011 Chloe Bot ve �izme ModelleriBayan Klasik Ayakkab? Chloe Bayan Ayakkab?2011 Sonbahar K?? Chloe Bot ve �izme KoleksiyonuChloe Bayan Ayakkab? �rnekleri ile ilgili sizlere bu ak?am baz? bilgiler vermek istiyorum. En ??k Moda Chloe Bayan Spor Ayakkab? �e?itleri sat??? yap?lan yerde yapt???m ara?t?rmada 2011 Bot ve �izme Kombinleri yeni sezonda en ??k �izme ve en �ok sat??? yap?lan yabanc? marka �izme modelleri oldu?unu ve erkeklerin k?z arkada?lar?na ve e?lerine hediye ald?klar? ayakkab?n?nda Chloe Bot ve Chloe �izme Modelleri oldu?unu �?rendim. 2010 2011 �izme modelleri nden derledi?im �izme bot �rneklerinin en g�zel olanlar?n? sizlerin be?enisine sunuyorum, blog olarak sundu?um bu konuda chloe 2011 cizme modelleri ni umar?m sizlerde be?enirsiniz. Hepinizi sa?l?kl? g�nler dilerim.

2011 Modası Etek Modası

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Israel and Palestine are Both Fighting Back...?

There are three basic schools of thought on the Israel / Palestine thing.Those evil Israelis are out to destroy Palestine, and the Palestinians are just fighting back.Those evil Palestinians are out to destroy Israel, and the Israelis are just fighting back.It's a cycle of violence, where both sides are fighting back against the other.Which one you subscribe to depends mostly on where you were born. I'm not aware of many people who've changed their minds on this issue, perhaps because doing so would require a study of the last 2,500 years of history, religion and politics.Wouldn't it be handy if science could provide an answer? According to the authors of a new paper in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, the "cycle" school is right: both sides are fighting back against the other: Both sides retaliate in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.The authors (from Switzerland, Israel and the USA) took data on daily fatalities on both sides, and also of daily launches of Palestinian "Qassam" rockets at Israel. The data run from 2001, the start of the current round of unpleasantness, to late 2008, the Gaza War.They looked to see whether the number of events that happened on a certain day predicted the number of events caused by the other side on the following days, i.e. whether a Palestinian death caused the Palestinians to retaliate by firing more rockets and killing more Israelis, and vice versa.What happened? They found that both sides were more likely to launch attacks on the days following a death on their own side. The exception to this rule was that Israel did not noticeably retaliate against Qassam launches. This is perhaps because Qassams are so ineffective: out of 3,645 recorded launches, they killed 15 people.These graphs show the number of "extra" actions on the days following a event, averaged over the whole 8 years, according to a statistical method called the Impulse Response Function. Note that the absolute size of the effects is larger for the Israeli retaliations (the Y axis is bigger); there were a total of 4,874 Palestinian fatalities and 1,062 Israeli fatalitiesThe authors then used another method called Vector Autoregression to discover more about the relationship. In theory, this method controls for the past history of actions by a given side, so that it reveals the number of actions independently caused by the opposing side.the number of Qassams fired increases by 6% on the first day after a single killing of a Palestinian by Israel; the probability of any Qassams being fired increases by 11%; and the probability of any Israelis being killed by Palestinians increases by 10%. Conversely, 1 day after the killing of a single Israeli by Palestinians, the number of Palestinians killed by Israel increases by 9%, and the probability of any Palestinians being killed increases by 20%....retaliation accounts for a larger fraction of Palestinian compared with Israeli aggression: in the levels specification, 10% of all Qassam rockets can be attributed to prior Israeli attacks on Palestinians, but only 4% of killings of Palestinians by Israel can be attributed to prior Palestinian attacks on Israel.... 6% of all days on which Palestinians attack Israel with rockets, and 5% of all days on which they attack by killing Israelis, can be attributed to retaliation; in contrast, this is true for only 2% of all days on which Israel kills Palestinians.What are we to make of this? This is a good paper as far as it goes, and it casts doubt on earlier analyses finding that Israel is retaliating against Palestinians but not vice versa. However, the inherent problem with all of this research (beyond the fact that it's all based on correlations and can only indirectly imply causation), is that it focuses on individual acts of violence. The authors say, citing surveys, thatOver one half of Israelis and three quarters of Palestinians think the other side seeks to take over their land. When accounting for their own acts of aggression, Israelis often claim to be merely responding to Palestinian violence, and Palestinians often see themselves as simply reacting to Israeli violence.But I don't think many Israelis would argue that the IDF only kills individual Palestinians as a reflex reaction to a particular attack. They're claiming that the whole conflict is a defensive one, that the Palestinians are the aggressors, but that doesn't rule out their taking the initiative on a tactical level e.g. in destroying Palestinian military capabilities before they have a chance to attack. And vice versa on the other side.WW2 was a war of aggression by the Axis powers, but that doesn't mean that the Allies only killed Axis soldiers after they'd attacked a certain place. The Allies were on the offensive for the second half of the war, and eventually invaded the Axis's own homelands, but it was still a defensive war, because the Axis were responsible for it.For Israel and for Palestine, the other guys are to blame for the whole thing. Who's right, if anyone, is fundamentally a historical, political and ethical question, that can't be answered by looking at day-to-day variations in who's shooting when.Comment Policy: Please only comment if you've got something to say about this paper, or related research. Comments that are just making the case for or against Israel will get deleted.Haushofer J, Biletzki A, & Kanwisher N (2010). Both sides retaliate in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America PMID: 20921415

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