Thursday, September 30, 2010
Audi Unveils Quattro Concept to Celebrate its Original Rally Monster's 30th Birthday
Audi has finally revealed its 'quattro concept' in Paris to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the original car's 1980 debut. The new quattro, much like the original, gets driven around the rally stages of your dreams by a turbocharged 5-cylinder.
In this case, though, the 2.5-liter unit makes 408-horsepower / 300 kW and uses a 6-speed manual...
In this case, though, the 2.5-liter unit makes 408-horsepower / 300 kW and uses a 6-speed manual...
2011 Slazenger Saat Modelleri SLAZENGER SAATLER?
Slazenger 2011 Erkek saat modas?D�nyaca �nl� markalardan dlan SLAZERGER firmas?n?n resmi web sitesi dur sitede slazenger orjinal �r�nleri olan slazenger kol saati, slazenger parf�m leri hakk?nda detayl? bilgiler ula?abilirsiniz. fakat d�nyada en �ok sat?lan �r�n� Saatlaridir slazenger saat fiyatlar? ve kaliteli saatleri oldu?undan slazenger active sport seven ler slazenger bayan saatleri ve slazenger erkek parf�m� en �ok tercih ediyorlarm?? sitenin ac?klamalar?na g�re, Ben ise sizlere slazenger erkek saatleri nin en sevdi?im bir ka� �rne?ini verece?imSlazenger Saat Modelleri 20112011 slazenger saat modelleri2011 saat modelleri slazengerslazenger saat fiyatlar? 250-7500 euroSlazenger saatler hak?ndaki bilgiyi �rtte vermi?tim ?imdi sizlere slazenger saat modelleri ve fiyatlar? 7500 euroya kadar �?kmaktad?r. En Pahal? Slazenger Erkek Saat Modelleri burada bulabilirsiniz. Bayan Slazenger saatleri ise in?allah daha sonraki konularda acaca??m sizlere, Slazenger firmas? d�nyaya saat �retimi yaparak en ??k ve g�z al?c? Saat tasar?mlar? n? piyasaya sunmaktad?r, Babama �nl� bir saat markas? s�yle dedigimde ilk s�yledi?i Saat Slazenger oldu?undan burada sizlerle bu konuyu payla?mak istedim. Kal?n sa?l?cakla
Normal? You're Weird - Psychiatrists
Almost everyone is pretty screwed up. That's not my opinion, that's official - according to a new paper in the latest British Journal of Psychiatry.Make sure you're sitting down for this. No less than 48% of the population have "personality difficulties", and on top of that 21% have a full blown "personality disorder", and another 7% have it even worse with "complex" or "severe" personality disorders.That's quite a lot of people. Indeed it only leaves an elite 22.5% with no personality disturbances whatsoever. You're as likely to have a "simple PD" as you are to have a normal personality, and fully half the population fall into the "difficulties" category.I have difficulties with this.Where do these results come from? The Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, which is a government study of the British population. They phoned up a random sample of several thousand people, and gave them the SCID interview, in other words they asked them questions. 116 questions in fact.48% of people answered "yes" to enough questions such that, according to their criteria, they had "personality difficulties". They defined "personality difficulties", which is not a term in common use, as being "one criterion less than the threshold for personality disorder (PD)" according to DSM-IV criteria.So what? Well, as far as I'm concerned, that means simply that "personality difficulties" is a crap category, which labels normality as pathological. I can tell that most of people with "difficulties" are in fact normal because they are the literally the norm. It's not rocket science.So we can conclude that "personality difficulties" should either be scrapped or renamed "normal". In which case the weird minority of people without any such features should be relabelled. Maybe they are best known as "saints", or "�bermenschen", or perhaps "people who lie on questionnaires".This, however, is not what the authors say. They defend their category of Personality Difficulties on the grounds that this group are slightly more likely to have a history of "issues" than the elite 22.5 percent, e.g. homelessness (3.0% vs. 1.6%), 'financial crisis' (10.1% vs. 6.8%), or having had treatment for mental illness (11% vs 6%).They say:The finding that 72% of the population has at least some degree of personality disturbance is counterintuitive, but the evidence that those with ?personality difficulty? covering two out of five of the population [it's actually closer to half], differs significantly from those with no personality disturbance in the prevalence of a history of running away from home, police contacts, homelessness... shows that this separation is useful from both clinical and societal viewpoints.Well, yeah...but no. The vast majority (90+%) of people with Personality Difficulty had no history of these things. It's true that, as a group, they have higher average rates, but all this tells you is that some of them have problems. I suspect they're the ones right at the "top end" of this category, the people who are almost into the next category up.Here's what I think is going on:The "difficulties" group and the "none" group are essentially the same in terms of the levels of crap stuff happening to them - because they are the same, normal, everyday people - except that a small % of the "difficulties" group do have some moderate degree of problems, because they are close to being "PD".This does not mean that the "difficulties" category is good. Quite the reverse, it means it's rubbish, because it spans so many diverse people and lumps them all together. What you should do, if you insist on drawing lines in the sand, would be this:Now I don't know that that's how things work, but it seems plausible. Bearing in mind that the categories they used are entirely arbitrary, it would be very odd if they did correspond to reality.To be fair to the authors, this is not the only argument in their paper. Their basic point is that personality disturbance is a spectrum: rather than it being a black-and-white question of "normal" vs."PD", there are degrees, ranging from "simple PD" which is associated with a moderate degree of life crap, up to "complex PD" which has much more and "severe PD" which is worst of all.They suggest that in the upcoming DSM-V revision of psychiatric diagnosis, it would be useful to formally incorporate the severity spectrum in some way - unlike the current DSM-IV, there everything is either/or. They also argue that with more severe cases of PD, it is not very useful to assign individual PD diagnoses (DSM-IV has no less than 10 different PDs) - severe PD is just severe PD.That's all fine, as long as it doesn't lead to pathologizing 78% of the population - but this is exactly what it might do. The authors do admit that "the SCID screen for personality disorder, like almost all screening instruments, overdiagnoses personality pathology", but provide little assurance that a "spectrum" approach won't do the same thing.Yang M, Coid J, & Tyrer P (2010). Personality pathology recorded by severity: national survey. The British Journal of Psychiatry 197, 193-9 PMID: 20807963
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
2011 Mont Modelleri 2011 Bayan Mont �e?itleri
2011 Mont Modelleri ve Bayan Mont �e?itleri nin MONT F?YATLARI ni gittigidiyor sitesinden takip edebilirsiniz.bayan k?sa mont modelleri 2011 mont modas?bayan mont modellerik??l?k mont modellerik??l?k mont resimlerimont modas? spor montlar2011 Mont Modas? Bayan K?sa Mont Modelleri2011 K???nda giyilebilecek en ??k k??l?k mont resimleri ni bu konu ile payla?t?m k??l?k mont modelleri en fazla spor montlar ?n sat??? yap?ld???ndan mont modas? olan bayan mont modelleri genelde buradaki resimler deki 2011 Mont Modas? olan t�rleri ilgi g�r�yor. Bayan K?sa Mont Modelleri ise genelde hafta sonune giysem diyen gen� k?zlara s?k?nt?lar?n? gideren bir k?yafet tarz? oluyor. K??l?k mont resimleri ne bakarsan?z genelde gen�ler canl? renkli Pard�s� T�r� montlar? ter�ih ediyor orta ya?l? bayanlar ise k??l?k mont modelleri daha �ok sade rekli ve fiyatlar? uygun olanlar? tercih ediyorlar. Spor montlar yeni sezonun mont modas? olan bayan mont modelleri ni temsil edecek gibi g�r�k�yor, ailesi olarak Bu k???n �?�memeniz dile?i ile ho?cakal?n.
How Hyperinflation Will Happen In America..The Government Can't Stop It...
Right now, I?m guessing that sensible people who?ve read this far are dismissing me as being full of shit?or at least victim of my own imagination. These sensible people, if they deign to engage in the scenario I?ve outlined above, will argue that the government?be it the Fed or the Treasury or a combination thereof?will find a way to stem the panic in Treasuries (if there ever is one), and put a stop to hyperinflation (if such a foolish and outlandish notion ever came to pass in America). Uh-huh: So the Government will save us, is that it? Okay, so then my question is, How? Let?s take the Fed: How could they stop a run on Treasuries? Answer: They can?t. See, the Fed has already been shoring up Treasuries?that was their strategy in 2008??09: Buy up toxic assets from the TBTF banks, and have them turn around and buy Treasuries instead, all the while carefully monitoring Treasuries for signs of weakness. If Treasuries now turn toxic, what?s the Fed supposed to do? Bernanke long ago ran out of ammo: He?s just waving an empty gun around. If there?s a run on Treasuries, and he starts buying them to prop them up, it?ll only give incentive to other Treasury holders to get out now while the getting?s still good. If everyone decides to get out of Treasuries, then Bernanke and the Fed can do absolutely nothing effective. They?re at the mercy of events?in fact, they have been for quite a while already. They just haven?t realized it. Well if the Fed can?t stop this, how about the Federal government?surely they can stop this, right? In a word, no. They certainly lack the means to prevent a run on Treasuries. And as to hyperinflation, what exactly would the Federal government do to stop it? Implement price controls? That will only give rise to a rampant black market. Put soldiers out on the street? America is too big. Squirt out more ?stimulus?? Sure, pump even more currency into a rapidly hyperinflating everyday economy?right . Read more: Here..
Monday, September 27, 2010
Marc Jacobs Bot Modelleri ve marc jacobs �anta Modelleri
Ben �ok iddial? olmak istiyorum diyen bayanlara Marc jacobs �izme modelleri ve marc jacobs Bot Modelleri ni �neririm ��nk� en ??k ve en g�zel Marc Jacobs �rnek ayakkab?s? n? verdi?im bu marka n?n marc jacobs ayakkab? modelleri Bay Bayan ve �ocuk �e?itleri ile K?? sezonunu a�t? ingilizce marc jacobs bags diye bilinen marc jacobs handbags Yani Marc Jocobs �anta modellerini ve ayakkab?lar? n?n online sistesi ise dur. Fiyat model ve �r�n �e?itlerini bu sitede bulabilirsiniz arkada?lar.Marc jacobs shoes �antalar? ve fiyatlar? 475 tlMarc jacobs T�yl� Topuklu Bot Modeli olan marc jacobs �izme Modeli fiyat? 275 tlMarc jacobs sunglasses Bayan �antalar? fiyat 275 Euro dur.
a thank you note, cuz that's how we do it in Texas
i don't know if this will come out right. i'm quite exhausted from all the travel in the past three weeks and can't quite think straight.i just finished playing the last show of the North American part of my I Suck at Life Tour for 2009these were the cities:new yorkannapolisphiladelphiahobokenminneapolischicagocolumbushoustonaustindallaslos angelessan franciscoportlandseattlenyc (again)bostonwhat an amazing experience. i had soooo much fun and met so many amazing people, and i can't even believe i'm getting to do stuff like this.i never thought i'd get to write songs and play them around the world. i'm not very good at accepting love and support, and i just can't believe that this many people out there actually care about what i'm doing, and believe that i have something to's so strange and i feel quite emotional looking back over these last 16 shows.i don't think i can adequately explain how difficult and terrifying it is to pursue a career in entertainment, and the fact that i've been able to support myself on music and without a day job for the past year is so unbelievable to mei feel like such a misfit in this world. most of the time i am angry, sad, lonely, frustrated, tired...getting out of bed is a challenge in and of itself. all the things i have experienced in the past 2 or 3 years has simply been beyond my wildest expectations.thank you soooooooooooo much to everyone for being so supportive and so nice and so incredible. i'm not really sure how to do what i'm doing, how long it will last, or if i'll ever get to do it again, but this has been an experience i will never forget and i am very grateful to every single person who was a part of itthank u thank thank ui blow u a kiss
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Yeni imaj?m i�in yazd?klar?n?z beni �ok mutlu etti:)Ama bu sabah kalkt???m da o sa�tan eser yoktu.Devaml? bu sa�a bak?m yapmak laz?m.?ekil vermek vs. zor i?mi?.Eskiden toplar �?kard?m.?imdi bu durum bunun i�in ge�erli olm?cak gibi.Bir de ?�yle k�t� bir durum var sevgili yurtd???nda.O sa�lar?m? kestirdi?imi bilmiyor.Be?enmeme oran? %90 diyebilirim.Kendileri genelde d�z sa�lar? sever.Bu sa� i�in d�z olmas? m�mk�n de?il:)
Neyse d�n ne giydim k?sm? kar??n?zda:)
G�mlek: ?pekyolAtlet : MangoPantalon : D&GAyakkab? : Burberry
Yeni imaj?m i�in yazd?klar?n?z beni �ok mutlu etti:)Ama bu sabah kalkt???m da o sa�tan eser yoktu.Devaml? bu sa�a bak?m yapmak laz?m.?ekil vermek vs. zor i?mi?.Eskiden toplar �?kard?m.?imdi bu durum bunun i�in ge�erli olm?cak gibi.Bir de ?�yle k�t� bir durum var sevgili yurtd???nda.O sa�lar?m? kestirdi?imi bilmiyor.Be?enmeme oran? %90 diyebilirim.Kendileri genelde d�z sa�lar? sever.Bu sa� i�in d�z olmas? m�mk�n de?il:)
Neyse d�n ne giydim k?sm? kar??n?zda:)
G�mlek: ?pekyolAtlet : MangoPantalon : D&GAyakkab? : Burberry
Saturday, September 25, 2010
All Saints Pard�s� Mont Modelleri ve All Saints Kazak Modelleri
All Saints �r�nlerine isimli siteden ula?abilirsiniz. Hem erkek hemde bayan All Saints giyimin lider modellerini sunan All Saints sitesi moda d�nyas?na y�n verin k?yafetler elbiseler etekler kazaklar pantolonlar ayakkab?lar? ve montlar? bulabilirsiniz.All Saints Y�n Kazak ModelleriAll Saints Sonbahar K?? KoleksiyonuAll Saints koleksiyonuAll Saints sonbahar k?yafetleriBayan sonbahar k?yafetleriAll Saints Kazak ve pantolon modelleri ve fiyatlar? 125 tlAll Saints siyah pard�s� modelleriAll Saints Bot modelleri ve All Saints kazaklar?All Saints Kazak sezonunu a�t? bunun yan?nda Pard�s� ve k??l?k �izme modellerinide kazaklar?n yan?n s?ra piyasaya �?kard?. All Saints �r�nlerini online sat?? yapan k?yafet sitelerinden ve gittigidiyor codan bulman?z m�mk�n. All Saints yeni sezon k?yafetlerinden bir ka� �rnek resimi blogumda sizlerle payla?t?m umar?m be?enirsiniz be?enirseniz yorumlar?n?z? iyi veya k�t� fark etmez l�tfen bizle payla??n?z.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Yorucu bir g�nden sonra evdeyim.O?lumla bugun nerdeyse t�m �ocuk aktivitelerine kat?ld?k.Do?al olarak ben bitik haldeyim.Onun enerjisine yeti?mem m�mk�n de?il.Bazen ya?land???m? hissediyorum:)Onun bitmeyen enerjisi ve benim bu enerji kar??s?ndaki yetersizli?im bunlar? d�?�nd�r�yor:))
Neyse benden bu kadar.Hemen uyumay? d�?�n�yorum.Bugun yorucu bir g�nd�.
Size Referandum vs.'den bahsetmicem.Ger�ekten art?k �ok bunald?m.Herkes bir?eyler s�yl�yor zaten:)Bir ben eksik kalay?m bari:)
Sevgilerle, Yasemin....
Bluz : MngPantalon : D&GAyakkab? : D&GSaat : Swatch
Yorucu bir g�nden sonra evdeyim.O?lumla bugun nerdeyse t�m �ocuk aktivitelerine kat?ld?k.Do?al olarak ben bitik haldeyim.Onun enerjisine yeti?mem m�mk�n de?il.Bazen ya?land???m? hissediyorum:)Onun bitmeyen enerjisi ve benim bu enerji kar??s?ndaki yetersizli?im bunlar? d�?�nd�r�yor:))
Neyse benden bu kadar.Hemen uyumay? d�?�n�yorum.Bugun yorucu bir g�nd�.
Size Referandum vs.'den bahsetmicem.Ger�ekten art?k �ok bunald?m.Herkes bir?eyler s�yl�yor zaten:)Bir ben eksik kalay?m bari:)
Sevgilerle, Yasemin....
Bluz : MngPantalon : D&GAyakkab? : D&GSaat : Swatch
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Diz Alt? �orap Modelleri Diz Alt? Coraplar
Diz ALt? �orap Modelleri olarak verdi?im bu �orap Resimleri ni hepiniz be?eneceksiniz Yeni Moda Ziyaretcilerim.2010 Bayan Diz alt? �oraplar?Desenli bayan ince diz alt? �oraplarDiz alt? Soket �orap modeliboyuna �izgili Diz Alt? �orap modelleriseksi ve �ekici diz alt? ve diz �st� �oraplarDeseni ve incecik ten rengi �orap ModeliEn g�zel En Harika Bayan �orap modelleriK?sa ve dolgun bacakl? kad?nlar?n tercih ettikleri Krem rengi diz alt? �rg� �orap modeli ile iz alt? b�lgesinde kabal?klar? kapatan ve ince g�steren bu �oraplar sayesinde �orap giyim Modas? n? renklendiren �nl� mankenler ve �nl�lerin diz alt? �rg� �orap modeli daha �zg�r g�r�n�ml� ve daha modern kad?n olma yolunda ilk ad?m? atm?? bulunuyorlar d?r. YeniModa blog ziyaretcilerime sundu?um yeni �orap modelleri ile de?i?ik bir post a�t???m? d�?�n�yorum o bak?ndan Corap Sat??? yapan �nl� Moda markalar?n? da yak?nda sizlerle payla?may? �nemsiyorum. Nedeni ise ? Hepinizi �ok seviyorum sevgili ziyaretcilerim.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
?stanbul Fashion Week'te en i� a�? defilelerden biri de Tuvanam oldu."Zamana Kar?? Ke?if" adl? 2011 ilkbahar-Yaz koleksiyonu bence harikayd?.Podyum da y�r�yen ?ekerleri an?msatt?lar:)
Renkleri ve kuma? se�imleri �ok iyiydi.
Koleksiyonun da t�ller, ipekler ve organik kotonlar g�ze �arpanlar aras?ndayd?.
Bedeni saran korseler, kat kat t�l etekler, volanl? etek ve elbiseler �ok g�zeldi.
Pudra tonlar? ile canl? renklerin kar??t?rmas? da benim �ok ho?uma gitti.
IFW'te yer almas?n? sevindim.Tasar?mc?lar aras?nda olmas? gereken farkl? bir renk:)
Renkleri ve kuma? se�imleri �ok iyiydi.
Koleksiyonun da t�ller, ipekler ve organik kotonlar g�ze �arpanlar aras?ndayd?.
Bedeni saran korseler, kat kat t�l etekler, volanl? etek ve elbiseler �ok g�zeldi.
Pudra tonlar? ile canl? renklerin kar??t?rmas? da benim �ok ho?uma gitti.
IFW'te yer almas?n? sevindim.Tasar?mc?lar aras?nda olmas? gereken farkl? bir renk:)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Fabrika Sonbahar K?? Koleksiyonu FABRIKA GIYIM
Fabrika 2011 Sonbahar K?? Koleksiyonu �e?itlerini adresinden bulabilir Fabrika giyim modellerini hem erkek hemde bayan elbise mont pard�s� kazak yelek ve Spor sokak giyim tarz?n? inceleyebilirsiniz.Fabrika sonbahar k?? modas? 2011Yeni sezon fabrika k?yafetlerFabrika �r�n modelleriFabrika 2010 Yaz K?yafetleriFabrika ?lkbahar Yaz Elbiselerifabrika giyim �r�nleriFabrika Giyim Fiyatlar? Elbise 175 tl �anta 125 tl ayakkab? 130 tlFabrika Giyim Modelleri ve �e?itlerini fabrika ma?azas? olan istanbul ve ankaradaki (factory shop) larda bulabilirsiniz fabrika giyim Sanayi nin �retimini yapt??? g�zel ve ?irin benim �ok be?endi?im K??l?k giyilebilecek Pard�s�leri ve Fabrika montlar?n? Sezon ba?lamadan hemen sizlerinde alman?z? tavsiye ediyorum. ��nk� Fabrika Fiyatlar? oldukca ?uan ucuz yar?n ne olur bilemem tabiki havalar so?unca fiyat? biraz art?r?rlar diye d�?�n�yorum. site edit�r� olarak FABR?KA G?Y?M i tebrik ediyor kaliteli ve ucuz �r�n �retimine devam etmelerini firma y�netiminden istiyoruz. Kal?n sa?l?cakla arkada?lar.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
New York sokaklar?ndan Tommy Ton Kareleri.....
?imdi New York sokaklar?n da olmak i�in neler vermezdim.Bir yandan moda haftas?n? takip edip bir yandan da bol bol al??veri? yapard?m:) Sevgilerle, Moda Tutkusu....
Christian Dior Bayan Ayakkab? Modelleri
Christian Dior Bayan Ayakkab?lar? Yeni sezon olan Sonbahar/k?? kreasyonunun En son Moda Ayakkab?lar?n? umar?m be?eneceksiniz.Christian Dior Bayan Spor Ayakkab? ModelleriChristian Dior Bayan Klasik Ayakkab? ModeliChristian Dior Bayan Ayakkab?lar?Christian Dior Bayan Klasik Ayakkab?Dior Ayakkab?lar? terlik modeliChristian Dior Y�ksek topuklu ayakkab?Christian Dior Siyah renklid�z taban topuksuz ayakkab?lar?Christian Dior Bayan Ayakkab? modas?n?n en se�kin modellerini ve en ??ktasar?mlar?n? bu konuda terledim. Christian Dior Bayan Spor Ayakkab? �e?itleri nin resimlerini %100 orjinal Christian Dior Marka satan �nl� al??veri? sitesinin birinden ald?m ismini vermek istemiyorum reklam olmas?n. Christian Dior Giyim �r�nleride satt???ndan ?imdilik sizlere ayakkab? modellerini veriyorum. Daha �nceden Christian Dior �anta modelleri ve Christian Dior g�zl�k �e?itlerini sizlere vermi?tim. Hadi kal?n sa?l?cakla arkada?lar.
LCW Bayraml?k �r�nleri LC WA?K?K? yeni sezon Bayraml?klar lcw ma?azalar? LCW �r�nleri hakk?nda detayl? bilgileri resmi web sitesinden �renebilirsiniz.lcwaikiki Maskot Logosulcwaikiki LCW Lc Waikiki 2011 �ocuk KoleksiyonuLc Waikiki 2011 �ocuk Koleksiyonu Bayraml?klar?Lc Waikiki 10 11 Gen� Koleksiyonu Bayram Modas?Lc Waikiki 2011 ?lkbahar/Yaz �ocuk KoleksiyonuLc Waikiki 2011 ilkbahar Yaz �ocuk KoleksiyonuLc Waikiki 2010-2011 �ocuk KoleksiyonuBayrama �zel lc waikiki ilkbahar yaz 2010 koleksiyonulc waikiki 2010-2011 sonbahar k?? k?z �ocuk modelleriBayraml?k lc waikiki 2010 k?? modas?lc waikiki k?z �ocuk modas? Kampanya Katalo?uBayraml?k lc waikiki 2010 13-16 ya? sonbahar k?? k?z �ocuk modas?lc waikiki giyimlc waikiki 13-16 ya? k?z-Erkek �ocuk sonbahar Modas?Lc waikiki k?z �ocuklar? i�in Bayraml?k Modellerlc waikiki gen� k?z yeni modellerLC Waikiki'den Bayram Kampanyas? kapsam?nda devam eden 3 Alana +1 Bedava Kampanyas? devam ediyor, Size en yak?n LCW ma?zas?na giderek bu kampanyadan sizlede faydalanabilirsiniz. Lc waikiki 2010 gen� bayraml?klar? ankarada Ankamall ve AVM ma?zalar?ndaki adresleri mutlaka gezmenizi ve LC Waikiki bayram al??veri?inin �?l??nl???n?n ne boyutta oldu?unu g�rmelisiniz sevgili ziyaretcilerim. Lc waikiki 2010 gen� bayraml?klar? almak isteyen anne ve babalar �ocuklar?na Al??veri? sepetlerini doldurarak kasalarda s?raya ge�iyorlar inan?n ben bu g�r�nt�y� g�r�nce �ok ?a??rd?n. ��nk� lc waikiki 2010 gen� bayraml?klar? katalogu na bakt???mda hi�te ucuz olmayan �r�nleri g�rd�m ama lc waikiki firmas?n?n hakk?n? yemiyelim kaliteli ve yeni sezon moda k?yafetleri sat??a sunmu?lar. LCW Bayramlik i�in en �ok 2010 gen� bayraml?klar? Reyonu �r�nleri benim be?enimi kazand?. lc waikiki ma?azalar? lc waikiki sonbahar k?? indirimine hen�z ba?lamad? san?r?m bayramdan sonra lc waikiki k?? serinli?i olan �r�nlerini sergiliyeceklerdir. Evet arkada?lar www internet sitesinde Lc waikiki katalog b�l�m�ne bakarsan?z yeni sezon �ocuk K?yafetleri ne ula?abilirsiniz. Ha unutmada Bayraml?k �ocuk Elbise Modelleri hakk?ndaki yaz?m?z?da okuman?z? �neriyor hepinize Hay?rl? Bayramlar diler sevgilerimi sunar?m.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Keten Pard�s� Modelleri Keten Pard�s� Modas?
En �nl� Tesett�r giyim Markalar? olan Aydan Tesett�re, Dicle Giyime, Hak Giyime, Selam Giyime, Setrms Giyime, Tekbir Giyime den ve Tuba, armine, aydan giyimin internet sitelerine girerek Keten yazl?k pardes� modeli ve Keten k??l?k pardes� modelleri ne bakabilirsiniz.keten pardes� modelleri 2010keten pardes� modelispor pardes� modellerikapal? pardes� modelleriyeni sezon pardes�yeni sezon pardes� Sonbahar K?? Pardes� ModelleriMevsimlik Pardes� Modelleri G�zel Pardes� Modellerikot keten t�r� pardes� modeli?lkbahar yaz sezonunda oldu?u gibi k??l?k sezonda da en �ok pardes� �e?itleri kapal? bayanlar?n arad??? ?eyler oluyor. 2011 pardes� modas? olaca??n? d�?�nd�?�m buradaki pardes� modelleri daha �nceden verdi?im 2010 pardes� modelleri dicle pardes� modelleri ne benzesede daha �ok pastel renkler a??rl?kl? tonlar? ile hafif ince kuma?tan dokunmu? pardes� modelleri ilgi �ekiyor. Keten pardes� modelleri benim ve Annemin en fazla giyim i�in arad???m?z �r�nlerden oldu?u i�in sizlerede keten pardes�ler hakk?nda �n bilgi vermek istedim. Ben Keten spor pardes� modelleri ar?yorum annemde d�z �st� tunik misali pardes� modelleri arar hep enfazlada yazl?k pardes� modeli arad???m?z olmu?tur ankara da ankamala bi gittikmi 4 saatten fazla keten pardes� modeli aram???zd?r. Neyse �nl� Tesett�r markalar?n?n internet adreslerini yukarda verdimki sizler fazla zaman kaybetmeyesiniz diye. Hadi kal?n sa?l?cakla.
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